
Friday, July 13, 2012

The Friday Forum - June 13

Hard to believe...I took this photo of one of my crepe myrtles last September, and it looks exactly like the blooms I'm facing now - in July. Amazing! It has been so hot, summer accelerated. Fortunately, we got a break from the heat wave and returned to normal July weather this week. It was lovely.

Are you superstitious? It's Friday the 13th. It's a good thing I'm not superstitious. Otherwise, I'd have to stay home. I do remember that old "thing" about stepping on a sidewalk crack and dire consequences for your mother. As kids, we'd avoided the cracks. Now we avoid cracks to keep from damaging our shoes!

I'd toast to a return to simpler times - the days when the news was about news and not celebrities and sex. Today, the headlines were about Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and the criminal case that will never go away, giving us graphic reminders of how evil perverts can be.

This week, it was announced that Sony Electronics, in conjunction with media research company Nielsen Research, unveiled the results of a survey that identified the top 20 television moments in collective American TV consciousness. The most impactful television moment was the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (as it should have been), followed by the devastating Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the OJ Simpson verdict in 1995, the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986, and the death of Osama Bin Laden last year. Seriously, OJ Simpson's verdict was in the same range of importance to the American psyche as the other events at the top of the list? Had someone asked me, OJ Simpson would never have occurred to me! Perhaps I'm living in the wrong era. The fact that Kate Middleton beat out John F. Kennedy tells me plainly that the sample was heavily weighted toward the young (no offense to Kate, who fascinates me).

This was a fragrance week for me. I've got several new bottles to feature, as well as one upcoming introduction. Despite my inability to write an inspiring post on perfume, I'll persist in bringing you the news. Next up will probably be CREED's new version of Aqua Fiorentina, The Encore.

I'm eagerly awaiting several Fall 2012 makeup collections, including Chantecaille's. I know Le Métier de Beauté and Giorgio Armani Beauty have some blockbusters to launch. Fall makeup is always fun!

It's time for the Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

If you'd like to enter to win Bobbi Brown's Party Shimmer Brick, this week's giveaway contest, make sure to enter my the Saturday deadline. It's hard for me to believe that there are only 75 entries so far (I haven't counted the extra entries yet). Each week, I try to find something that you will like. I hope that eventually I'll be able to send something to everyone who reads Best Things in Beauty. As you know, selects our winners. Just keep plugging. Eventually your number will come up.

Photo at top by Best Things in Beauty; CREED photo courtesy of CREED


  1. Good afternoon!

    It's been a fast paced week. Drove up to my friend's house outside of State College. Went bicycling in the morning. The countryside is so beautiful! Then took my niece's 3 year old daughter and my girls, the three youngest, to the Arts Festival on children's day. My sons, the three oldest, used to sell their art at a booth there when they were young. Lots of fond memories.

    Thanks for not getting into the whole PSU cover-up. It's been really difficult for the entire community and those who love Happy Valley.

    Wanted to purchase a lipstick but couldn't bring myself to buy Guerlain's #71 (forget which one). Wasn't loving enough to drop $50. Shishedo's Shimmering Rouge RD320 wasn't in stock. So, I'll order it online this weekend.

    I did pick up Koh Gen Do's cleansing spa water and another tube of Laura Mercier's tinted moisturizer in caramel. Lately, I'd been combining LM's tinted moisturizer in a lighter and darker shade because I accidentally purchased the wrong shade last summer and didn't want to throw out a perfectly fine tube.

    Going for a bike ride this afternoon. Got to run to the liquor store to pick up wine for dinner. I'm meeting my girlfriend tonight for Thai food at a byob. Got any recommendations for a decent malbec?

    Switching gears... I wish I never commented about fragrance reviews being Greek to me. I'm just not cerebral enough to understand. I'm positive to those who are, your fragrance posts are very inspiring!!!

    Have a great weekend. All the best to your mom!

  2. Good morning everyone! Of course it got cooler where you are, Charlestongirl. You sent the heat to us here in So Cal! LOL I went to lunch with friends the other day and it was 109!

    I was fascinated by the Sony/Neilsen report and was flabbergasted by the events that were ahead of the Kennedy assasination. For so long it was the classic, "Where we're you when . . . ?" question. I guess time marches on and those of us old enough to have been impacted by the event are slowly dieing out :-P

    Speaking of getting older, what do you think of the new Illamasqua Generation Q advertising campaign that features a 70+ model? I think it's great. From my vantage point (I turned 68 this week), looking like a teenager or twenty something is very much overrated. Not that there is anything wrong with young women reveling in their gorgeousness, it's just that beauty is more than an unlined complexion. I don't feel ready to consign myself to the old lady heap just because I'm a sexagenarian (gotta love that moniker ;-) ) I, for one, am definitely not planning on taking up residence in Frumpville anytime soon! If anyone needs some inspiration, check out pictures of Carmen Dell'Orefice at 81.

    On Wednesday I went to the Nordstrom Preview sale to see the Fleur de Lotus collection and surprised myself by picking up only one item: the gloss in Roslin. After seeing the promos and a lot of swatches and reviews on Asian blogs, I was sure there would be several items I'd want, but that was not the case. The quality is superb and the coordination of colors makes it clear that this is a well-edited collection, but for some reason, the colors just didn't work with my skin and eye color :-( Oh well, after purchasing so much from Chanel's Les Essentiels, I'm far from feeling deprived.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Chantecaille's upcoming collection; especailly the elephant palette. The pictures of that look like they'd suit me. I also saw the picture of the zebra inspired kabuki brush that is available for pre-order. It's darling. I need another brush like I need a hole in my head, but . . . :-)

    Here's wishing everyone a short Friday and a long Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy the weekend and keep cool.

  3. Hi Wendy!

    You weren't the only one who explained why fragrance posts don't help as much as makeup ones. No worries! I am happy most everyone said they read them. :)

    Your visit to state College sounds fun! I love Arts Festivals. We have one here in McLean every fall, and there's a children's walk that's fabulous. The kids are so talented.

    I have a bunch of Koh Gen Do samples I got in New York. Thanks for reminding me to go test them! I put them out of the way - apparently too far out of the way. I tend to remember stuff I trip over.

    I love Thai food - it's serious love. I am into spicy, and they do it so well. I wish I could help with the Malbec. Maybe someone else can. With Thai, I'd be drinking cold beer.

    Thanks! Hope you have a great weekend too. I'll tell Mom.

  4. Hi Charlestongirl and everyone!

    Perspective is everything - I have never been so happy to see 92 degrees in my whole life. Anything that didn't start with "10" as far as temps were concerned were a welcome sight to me. Unfortunately, I have lost that perspective and now am grumpy once again at the hot weather.

    I shopped the Nordstrom Anniversaty Sale online this week (I am loving the early access!) I picked up the giant-sized Kiehl's Creme de Corps, my favorite body moisturizer. My darling hubby ordered me a pair of B Brian Atwood shoes that are 6 inches with a 2 inch platform. Bless that man for thinking that I could walk in those without plummeting to my death down a flight of stairs. Or just walking on a level surface! I can handle 4 inch heels, but 6 was a little rough. And whoever says that a 2 inch platform makes 6 inch heels feel like 4 inch heels is crazy. 6 inches feels exactly like 6!

    I just ordered the Haute House Hues Spring Lip Creme duo in Tickled Pinks by LMdB. I am so excited. I was going to pass this by entirely, but then saw more and more reviews about mixing the glosses, and decided to taje the plunge while it is still available online. It arrives Monday and I am so excited.

    I am loving the new Eyes to Kill colors that I have seen on several blogs, and I may pick one up. I was very happy with my first Eyes to Kill in #15, so there will be more in my future.

    My new Laura Mercier Lip Creme Color in Rose Quartz arrived. So far, I have seen it on and Laura Mercier's website, but I think those are the only two places it is available. It certainly was not at my local counter. It is a lovely light pink/peach/coral hybrid. It reminds me of Tom Ford's Nude Vanille, with a little more coral. I like the color. The lipstick itself has a lot of slip, similar to YSL's Rouge Volupte's. It is a little too much slip, but I will still wear it since I love the color.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  5. It is important to avoid cracks when wearing heels. I was leaving the courthouse where I'd been trying a case all day and was walking to the bus stop when my heel cuaght in the crack in the sidewalk and broke. I took a cab home. I have also gotten heels stuck in grates and cobbles as well.
    I don't have any new make up this week, but I wish I had early access to the Nordstrom sale. I would like the Bobbi Brown special palette.

  6. It's been so busy around here I've barely had time to catch my breath....BUT, I have had time to try to keep my feet in top shape. I find this the most challenging time of year to do that. I'm in sandals or flip flops all the time, in sand or dirt or water with the children. I keep a pumice in the shower and use it every day. The skin still isn't great. I know what I need: slather the feet in lactic acid base cream and wear socks. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's too hot! I'm just wondering what everyone does to have nice heels in the summer?

    Thanks for any advice!

  7. Charleston Girl,
    Please send some of that Southern Humidity to Nevada! We are having heat wave and the humidity was below 10%. One simply cannot drink enogh and my skin is so parched.I have lived here 12 years and my skin and hair has aged tremendously.
    I am always amazed at these polls of the American Public. I am also dismayed that the our American Athletes are wearing clothing not made in the USA. Even L L Bean, the iconic "American Brand" now write "imported" next to every product. I would pay more for quality products made in the USA.

    Thank you for your daily articles. I am always as relaxed and tranquil when I read about beauty as I would be if I was actually using the product or inhaling the scents.
    Enjoy the summer days and nights.

  8. Hi everyone! I purchased the Trish McAvoy skin care kit from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I had it shipped to me and did not want to go in to the sale. Couldn't take it! I have a nice young SA who calls me and lets me know what is going on. She included a sample of the new Precious Pink Jasmin. I'll let you know what I think...

    CG, I love your fragrance reviews. You do a great job and I love your taste. You seem to pick the really good fragrances that most of us can't get out and find nearby. Have a great weekend and may cooler air blow your way!79

  9. I was going to suggest to lovethescents to use up any samples of face peels you might have on hand (or on feet hehe). I have also used salicylic acid wipes (such as Stridex pads)then Vaseline (can't stand socks either). Yogurt works good too, if you have some outdated in your fridge, put it on for a few minutes before you shower.

  10. Hi Eileen,

    109? Argh...but I'll bet it's dry there.

    I think Carmen Dell'Orefice is absolutely gorgeous. I wonder if she will EVER age.

    I wish I could see the Nordies collection. They won't even let me in behind the curtains w/o a card. I guess I could stomp my feet and claim press privileges, but it's not worth the effort.

  11. Hey there, Kate!

    Four-inch heels? Wow... I had to stop wearing heels of any height when I got neuromas. I'm just glad they make so many nice flats these days. It used to be Ferragamo or nothing.

    You got some nice makeup!

  12. Hi fgirl,

    It's a wonder you didn't also turn your heel and sprain your ankle! I would have hopped in a cab too.

    Cobblestones? They are the worst, even in flats.

  13. Hi Lovethescents,

    Do you go barefoot? That will kill your heels. I had to stop (except in the house). My heels were so callused, they looked awful. Natch, you'll want to use exfoliating scrubs made for feet. They are heavy duty. Or lactic acid every night at bedtime, without fail.

  14. Thank you, Vanessa!

    I don't really understand why the Made in China label drew such attention this time, since last time it was the same. Ralph and China. Maybe because it's an election year? That said, I do think the Committee sent a horrible message to American industry.

  15. Thank you, Anne. I may have to violate all my rules and get one of their "freakin" cards. This is killing me.

    Please tell us about Trish's skin care when you get a chance.

  16. I have been feeling a little drained/blue the past week and my skin has REALLY started to suffer (super oily skin, scaly patches, breakouts, irritation/redness, etc.) so I have a massive skincare haul that I need to get through somehow without overloading my skin...products to try from Dermalogica, La Roche-Posay, Vichy, Bobbi Brown, Boots, etc. Feeling a little overwhelmed and unhappy about my skin...:/

    In other news, I finally decided on which sheer, shiny lipstick formula to try after falling in love with Burberry's Lip Mists--got a Rouge Coco Shine in Boy. So excited for that! I also got the new-for-Fall Rose Initiale blush and Troublant gloss. LOVE them both! Now I'm really wanting the new, exclusive-release Fleur de Lotus blush!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, CG!

  17. Eileen, I haven't seen the Illamasqua Generation Q advertising campaign yet. Approaching my 43rd birthday, I'm having some mid-life awareness lately. I wouldn't call it a crisis. Just contemplating how I will accept aging (hopefully gracefully) and how much more work it is to nurture inner beauty. Most of my clients are elderly and I find them beautiful, both inner and outer.

    Kate, Your husband cracks me up! He sounds like mine... the higher the heel the better!

    Charleston Girl, I get Morton's Neuroma. I've only had 4 episodes. The first time I thought I was going to DIE!!! It took a week before it went away. Now, when I get them, I do a little joint play in the affected toe the moment I notice the pain. Lightly pushing/pulling/twisting toe in a pumping action for 5 seconds before I traction the toe by the nail and base really hard and fast. I'm not going to lie. It hurts like hell. I actually scream the moment I forcefully straighten the toe and give the joint space. But, it stops the pain immediately!

    Picked up a bottle of Vina Alicia Malbec for my girlfriend. The description sounded perfect for asian foods. Got a bottle of pinot noir for myself since I malbecs and merlots gives me headaches. Thought about beer, but the bloat factor stopped me. :-)

    Had a wonderful bicycle ride today consisting of trails, roads, some hills, and cutting across an overgrown brush filled field. The brush was soft and cushioned my fall when my tire got caught in a rut. I just had to laugh because it was such a painless fall from grace.

  18. Dear C-girl, I never go outside without flip flops, at least! yes, barefoot in the house in the summer, though. Okay, I'm going to get a heavy-duty exfoliator for feet. Thanks for your wonderful advice, as usual!

  19. Hello Again Everyone,
    I danced classical ballet for years and my large toe and the joint would ache and swell from balancing as well as turning. Our feet were not meant to do that nor were they meant to be squeezed into a the toe box of a pointe shoe, AKA high heels! Try the toe seperators available at Dance Those offer amazing relief as they keep the joint open. Also, the black character shoes are extremely comfortable if you are on your feet and they come in classic black pump design that looks good with pants or dark tights and a skirt. Ballroom dance shoes are easy on the feet too.

    I use the St Ives scrub on my heels and soles followed by Eucerin cream. This can be a little sticky if I use to much cream.


  20. I did my Nordstrom Anniversary Sale shopping and picked up the Burberry lip gloss set, Dior nail polish in Shadow and the YSL Collectors Edition Touche Eclat. I also got a DVF bag and a Vince sweater. Not sure I'll like them or the sweater will fit so they may get returned, but they were good deals. Everything has already shipped so I should get them next week! CG, if you go to the Nordstrom website and look under the New Arrivals in the Beauty section you may be able to see the Anniversary Sale beauty offerings there. I think they put them in the new arrivals for all to see.

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

  21. I agree with you Charlestongirl. Tired of hearing about Tom & Kate. Next week it will be a new Hollywood scandal and they will be old news.
    I love fall/winter makeup the best. I have been looking forward to the Nordies sale, Dior and Chanel have some nice eyeshadows I may get.

    I hope things calm down at Happy Valley. Love it up there!

  22. Here is an interesting blog about Kate Middleton:, if you are interested in her. The part about hair extensions and her lightweight public involvement were especially eye-opening.

  23. I love the Illamasqua Generation Q advertising campaign! I hope we see more. I love Harpers Bazaar's Beauty Diaries for each decade of life. They stop at the 60s; Bazaar should consider adding another decade.

    I've been generally unmoved by the spring and summer makeup collections, but I was so excited to see a Sephora open in El Paso, my former hometown and where my mother still lives. I did go a bit overboard buying travel sizes of the products I love like Koh Gen Do cleansing water, and products I've wanted to try like Josie Maran's cleansing oil.

    Chanel's Holiday collection looks promising. Fingers crossed that the shadows in the quad have the same texture as those in Topkapi. I'm also glad to see they're producing another of the velvet lippies.

  24. Hi Ava,

    I also love the HB decade looks and would love to see them go well beyond the 60's. Nowadays we have such incredible role models. Every time I see Jane Fonda on a red carpet I'm in awe :-)


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