
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day

Sending all of you wishes for a happy July 4th! I wish I could add a photo and write more, but with no Internet connection and no MiFi, I am severely limited in what I can do. Currently, I'm limited to my iPad, and even that is slow and has spotty connections. The joys of storm damage!

There are still many without electricity, so I do feel fortunate to have power. The utilities have failed entirely at communications, but the linemen from Virginia and other states, as far away as Florida, have helped immeasurably. They are to be commended. They are working long hours in brutal heat to help us. There's an out-of-state truck parked at the end of my road now. I have no idea why, but so be it.

I just spent the last two hours at stores restocking Mom's refrigerator and freezer. Her power returned last night...yea!

I appreciate all your kind messages. I hope I'll be back soon.


  1. Happy Fourth of July to you and yours, Charlestongirl. I was thrilled to read that your mom's power is finally back on. Being able to restock the kitchen and keep her house more comfortable will take some of the pressure off of you--sort of a mini independence celebration, if you will :-)

    Here in So Cal we've been keeping up with the news about the record heat you have been experiencing. Our hot season won't really start until later on in the month, but already the energy folk are issuing public service messages about the need for energy conservation and flex alerts to avoid power outages. Although your outage was storm related and ours is usually consumer related, the result is the same--a major disruption in how we live our lives.

    Bless all those men and women who have been working tirelessly to restore power and a very Happy Fourth of July to everyone!

  2. Yes, those repairmen do an incredible job. I live on the central coast of California, so we seldom have to deal with brutal heat. But, in the winter, when the wind and rain are creating destruction, they are out there, trying to make things right.

    So glad to hear that both you and your mom have power--that makes all the difference.

    Hope that everything soon returns to *normal* for everyone.
    Take care.

  3. Hi Eileen! Happy 4th to you too! I am relieved. As I spent hours going to multiple stores to restock her frig and freezer, she wound down and slept. For hours! She is so fatigued.

    Primitive life is just too hard. We are spoiled, I guess.

    I can't even get an answer from Verizon on the potential date of the return of my Internet and wireless. That's more frustrating than the outage!

  4. Thanks, Sunnlitt! No matter where we are, the linemen are a dedicated bunch. They deserve hugs and cheers.

  5. Happy Independence Day to all of you in the USA:-)
    Thinking of you Charlestongirl, hoping things will be be back to normal in the next few days (your mom's case being solved, that's something off your shoulders..)Take care

  6. LoveSugarBabyDollJuly 4, 2012 at 4:50 PM

    another california girl chiming in.

    i lived in No.VA. for several years- i remember that heat. bless their hearts it is brutal to be out there- especially in work boots, a uniform and carrying a big HEAVY utility belt and/or equipment.

    happy to hear your mom's house is back in working order. hopefully you will be back to normal in your place soon.

    would they consider it an emergency if we all wrote them and told them we were worrying about your vast and fabulous make up collection being affected by the heat? :)

  7. LSBD, I just laughed so hard I scared Charlie! You could try it, but I fear it would go to the corporate apologists, who, I suspect, are basking at the beach.

    I do feel for the utility workers. I just learned that one from Florida was killed when her bucket truck breaks failed. Now that's tragic! I'd love to contribute to the family. Must find out how.

  8. Thank you, Clarisse! Love you! Will write when it gets easier.

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