
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Power Back at My House, but No Internet

I've been silent because I've had no power for three brutally hot days. The power just came on, but I have no Internet connection. I haven't had much of a cell signal either.

My Mom is still without power. She won't go to a hotel. We take her food and check on her multiple times per day.

The announcement of the contest winner and new contest will be delayed until my home land line connection returns, hopefully tomorrow.

I've missed you!


  1. We all knew something was wrong. Speaking for the rest of the world, we've missed you, too.

  2. Heard that things are difficult in Northern VA - thinking of you and your mom and hoping the power will be restored soon!

  3. Thank you. We had the equivalent of a hurricane. It was really scary!

  4. Good luck! We got our power back this morning, and I was so grateful to have running water again since we are on a well. No major damage though!

  5. We missed you too! Hope all returns to normal soon!

  6. Oh, no!
    So sorry that you have had such a rough weekend. I hope that your mother's place is cooled down soon.
    Take care.

  7. Oh no! I've been thinking about you! Glad you are safe though and taking care of your mom.

  8. I'm glad you and your Mom are ok (I sent you a mail as soon as I heard what happened in your place!)I do hope everything will be back to normal very soon:-)

  9. LoveSugarBabyDollJuly 2, 2012 at 3:57 AM

    miss you too- as a Langley graduate- i have been keeping an eye on your area- yikes! sending good energy

  10. Sorry to hear - I'm right outside of Baltimore, and our power is still out. We are at my son and DIL's house, but we just want to go home! Actually, we are going twice a day to see if the lights came on and to take care of the cats - we normally keep them out of the basement, but we opened the door for them, since it's much cooler down there...

    By the way...we did try to get a hotel - absolutely nothing was available Saturday night, and we tried from Owings Mills down to Annapolis!

  11. Good luck, that is not easy!!! I went through it 2 years ago in a terrible heat wave!!! Best of luck!

  12. Best of luck!!!!! To your stubborn mama too;-))

  13. Thanks, everyone! I think Mom is afraid of unfamiliar surroundings, so she won't go.

    Bisbee, I tried to sleep in my cool basement Saturday night. Charlie was having none of that, and he started howling! I gave up ans slept in the living room for a few hours. Hope you see power soon!

    I just took McD's breakfast and drinks to Mom and her caregiver. Last night, I took fave restaurant salads at her request. I wanted to get her a full meal, but she said she was too hot to eat a lot. She sure devoured that salad, though. This morning, she's having pancakes.

    I'm pulling for everyone in our area, and there are still millions, without power, and in many cases, water.

    I have very spotty cell service. Friends have, so I'm going to try to post Chanel later today.

    Hope you are all OK!

  14. Sorry for the typo above! I'm a terrible iPad typist!

  15. I am glad you are ok. We missed you, too.

  16. Hope you get everything restored soon! I have family & friends that live in the VA/DC area. Some finally got power back today but some still don't have power w/no guesstimate of when it will be restored. Absolutely unreal that this had to happen during some of the hottest days we've seen yet this year. Glad to hear that your Mom is doing ok. Take care - we'll all be here when you are able to be back fully. Sending 'cool' thoughts & best wishes!


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