
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Introducing Aerin Effortless Beauty by Aerin Lauder

I know Aerin Lauder's new line for Estee Lauder was coming, and today the announcement landed in my mailbox. Aerin Lauder has created a collection of easy, everyday beauty products - from color to rose-scented cream to treat your hands.

All of Aerin's products look wearable - grounded - to make women look and feel pretty. Her goal is minimum effort, maximum impact. What you'll find when you explore the inaugural collection are essentials and a fall collection filled with easy-to-wear colors.

Check out her new products at this link. It's a peek inside her beauty bag.

Update: To learn more about Aerin Lauder's new collection, check out The Book for fall from Neiman Marcus. 

Photos courtesy of Aerin Beauty


  1. I can't decide what to make of the collection. I love the pink and gold but I wonder how pigmented the colors are. Have you bought any of the pieces of the collection? What are your thoughts? I do love the brush set.

  2. I've seen this brand in Saks recently, but it looks very simple and doesn't get o lot of attention. Wasn't persuaded to buy anything.

  3. I bought one of the lipsticks (Pout) and I'm underwhelmed. The foundation in Intensity 1.0 was too yellow and will be far too dark by October, and I thought the lipstick/creme blush was beautiful, but the color disappeared from my face, as all creme blushes do on me, in a matter of minutes. I wish it came in a powder blush!

  4. Hmmm...Jane, thanks for your comments. I've been waiting for this to appear, but now I'm even more determined NOT to order...just wait to see it in store or see more reviews and swatches.

    To tell the truth...Aerin Lauder looks great in the pictures on the site, but normally, she likes a little too much of a natural look for me - I'm always wondering why she doesn't put on some makeup!

    The day lipstick was intriguing...but it's probably too blah for me - I need a little color. That's probably the only thing that I'm thinking about!

  5. I agree with most of the comments: this collection is--well, blah. Except for the price, which is almost right up there with Aerin's Estee Lauder stablemate, Tom Ford. If I wanted the natural look, I would eschew makeup entirely. I like color; I look good in color. Not this stuff. Yawn.

  6. Yikes! I have to disagree with most of the comments! I just played with the testers at my local Neiman's and thought it was a very nice start for the Aerin brand. The Pout lipstick and the Perfect Nude lipgloss were outstanding. The lip gloss is a beautiful color that could be worn by anyone and was tenacious without being sticky. The palettes were gorgeous - however I am not a palette person. The lip/cheek creme was lovely, as were the bronzers. Just so you all know, most of the products are limited edition as this (thus far) will be a seasonal line. I urge everyone who likes luxe lines to check this one out!

  7. Hum...difficult to know without seeing the products: they seem very classical to me...a little boring? I'll see when it reaches our coasts:-)

  8. I actually really want to try this, but at this price I am not sure I need to buy colors I already own. I don't know. I might bite anyway.

  9. I was just browsing through the collection last night! I do love the packaging and the colors seem very wearable and quintessentially pretty. Haven't decided what the first item I will try will be yet. What about you, CG?

  10. Hi Anahita,

    I haven't seen them yet. I've bought nothing. I want to see them in person.

  11. Hi Time4Beauty,

    That's what I fear. The reason why I didn't order online.

  12. Hi Jane, oh no! that doesn't encourage me.

  13. Hmmm, Nina. Now I'm back on the path of interest. Thanks!

  14. Hi Clarisse,

    There's certainly nothing groundbreaking about them. :)

  15. Hi Leticia,

    You can call it research. :)

  16. Hi Bisbee,

    Hi Becca, I'm good with "natural," great in fact. But I REALLY need to see these.

  17. Hey there, Becca,

    I guess I'm going to the counter this weekend.

  18. Hi CG! I've been out of commission for the past week with a serious back injury (I broke a vertebrae on a boat ride when we hit a wake...yes. No computer for me since no wifi...but the computer police are gone right now, aka:husband and daughter.) I LOVE the look of this line and although I'm totally impressed with Aerin Lauder's personal look, i.e. natural, we're just not all rich and naturally gorgeous without much makeup, so I want to see it swatched and worn before I dole out the bucks for it. But I'm intrigued. Very intrigued!

  19. Oh no, Mamaval, that is absolutely horrible. Sending healing hugs!


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