
Friday, September 28, 2012

NEST Fine Fragrances - My New Addiction

Recently, I featured Laura Slatkin's new NEST Fine Fragrances ($115 or $30 for the rolleball). At the time, they were a coming attraction. Today, they are available at Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman, and select Neiman Marcus stores. If I were you, I'd check them out.

I was sure when I featured them that my favorite would be Passiflora or Amazon Lily. They carry notes I love. Midnight Fleur reportedly has patchouli among the notes, and I can't tolerate patch in most fragrances - basically whenever my nose detects it. I assumed it wouldn't be in contention for my favorite. Was I wrong! Surprisingly, I think Midnight Fleur is the most compelling of the three! I love them all, but Midnight Fleur is so sultry, so sexy, so addictive I want to live in it.

The NEST Fine Fragrances collection was inspired by the 18th century British artist, Mary Delany, who, at the age of 72, created a new art form, mixed-media collage. By cutting shapes of paper, painted to capture nature's colors, Mrs. Delany cut and designed them to mirror the exact likeness of various plants, including flowers. She became famous for having created over 1,000 cut-paper, botanically correct works of art. Her art inspired the amazing packaging for the three fragrances (and the body creams). The floral designs on black backgrounds will be at home on the most elegant vanities around the world. You can read more at my original feature.

Amazon Lily is infused with refreshing hints of Brazilian lime, tangerine, and bergamot with a base of Galapagos driftwood and white musk. Passiflora carries notes of passion flower, water hyacinth, and lily of the valley, infused with an overdose or lush signature green notes as watery nuances. NEST sent me pre-release samples, and I have been wearing Amazon Lily and Passiflora to work. They are gorgeous scents - and fortunately fragrances I can wear to work without worrying about offending anyone.

Midnight Fleur is sex in a bottle. It's composed with exotic woods, patchouli, and black amber, blended with the sensual notes of night-blooming jasmine and vanilla orchid. I don't smell the patch. I would describe it as a blend of all the night-blooming flowers that inhabit tropical gardens and attract the creatures that thrive and mate or pollinate at night. Whenever I go out in the evening now, I wear Midnight Fleur. I just ordered a full bottle from Bergdorfs. I don't ever want to be without it.

The body creams ($50) are just as heavenly as the fragrances. Filled with lush scents and rich hydrators, they are beautiful complements to the eau de parfums.

If you'd like to order from Bergdorfs, give Maddi a call at (212) 872-2733. She will take good care of you.  The list of Neiman Marcus stores where you can sample follows.
  • Scottsdale
  • Bal Harbor
  • Boca Raton
  • Coral Gables
  • Orlando
  • Tampa Bay
  • Atlanta
  • Michigan Avenue
  • Las Vegas
  • San Francisco
  • Beverly Hills
  • Fashion Island
  • Northpark
  • Houston
  • Willow Bend 
I was mystified that, once again, DC was considered a backwater. Why didn't one of our stores make the grade? I was lucky NEST helped me sample.

You will love at least one of these new fragrances. If you love florals, you may find you need them all (as I did). Once you have a chance to test, please let me know what you think.


  1. Oh, I will buy Midnight Fleur just on your recommendation alone. I want to be wearing it when I meet up with one of those creatures who mate in the garden. Haha! Love it!

  2. Cg, what do you know about another fragrance featured on & Bob? Attributed to an extent to JFK! Its story is utterly romantic. That's the kinda thing you don't care what it smells like, gotta have it!

  3. LOL, Nemo. I'm sure your husband will appreciate it.

    I have all the scoop on Eight and Bob. Want me to publish it?

  4. Midnight Fleur is my new favorite cozy sleep scent! And the bottle sure does class the place up. :) I still need to try the other two, but I think I'll like Passiflora.

  5. Amazonian Lily and Passiflora sound beautiful and I can imagine how well put together these fragrances are, as they are NEST. The artwork makes it all the better, though the pictoral theme does remind me ever-so-loosely of Jo Malone's London Blooms bottles.

  6. Yes! Publish Eight & Bob! It is pricey-er than the others, so I want to make sure I'd like it. I love florals, like you, and my favorites are Chanel #5 (yup!) and Fracas, but can't wear the latter anymore bc it is too powerful for me.

  7. Hi Dovey, they are actually quite different after you get past the flowers because of the black background. It's stunning.

    Please try them all and let us know what you think!

  8. Carrie,

    I can't imagine you not liking the other two. I just ordered a FB of Midnight Fleur. NEST had sent the rollerball, which will promptly go in my purse when my FB comes. Yea!

  9. Te midnight fleur is magical and sultry... I love it. It reminds me slightly of Thierry Mugler's angel. Florals have a nice presence in the Midnight fleur.


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