
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Friday Forum - September 21

Our crisp, warm days this week have been divine. I'd love to be outside. Instead, I'm stuck in an austere government building in a location for consultants (read that no windows, poor air circulation - the location valued employees would refuse). I'd love to get out of there early today.

Thank you to everyone who noticed on Facebook (or here in comments) that I had a birthday this week. Yes, I got officially older on Tuesday, September 18. I can finally say that while I don't feel my age (who are those old people on TV who claim to be my age?), I do feel my decade.

The one remaining God-given knee is ready to go - it was ready years ago, but I'm holding out. I can't face the long recovery or loss of work I experienced last time. Consultants don't get paid when we don't work - an incentive to keep rolling (or limping). The back is so bad my interventional radiologist (we have a relationship) walks into the room, looks at the flouroscope, and says, "I'd recognize that spine anywhere." I laughingly asked if that was good or bad. He laughed and said, "It's not good." I love that guy - seriously, one of the most humorous and practical docs I have. He's also a problem solver, so the next time I get cortisone shot into my spine, he's going to try a new approach.

Despite my age, I still love my makeup, and I don't mind being called the "mature blogger" or the "aging blogger." You won't see many close-up photos here, but I can enjoy makeup with the youngest of you, and I appreciate the concerns of my age peers.

I can't wait to get my Le Métier de Beauté Eagles Envy Kaleidoscope from Saks Philly. I think Tanya Smith still has the Eye Kit available. I chatted with her briefly yesterday. You can reach her at (610) 667-1550, extension 368. She is absolutely delightful.

This week, my Bergdorf Goodman gift card purchases came rolling in. Great fragrances! I ordered Claudio Riaz from Barneys to get the GWP. I hope they send me a complete bag this year. Last year, I got one that had been depleted, which was a total disappointment. I can't wait to show you my purchases. I bought that incredible green eye shadow my friend Gaia at The Non-Blonde purchased when we shopped together there in May. I have also pre-ordered from Saks to ensure I get that green tote. Crazy me, but I love dark green.

I got some cool Chanel news in the last week, so I want to share it with my best friends here. There will be four new eye quads introduced for Black Friday. That's not all, but my aging brain forgets the other item. You might want to call your favorite Chanel counter to pre-order. I expect them to be popular on the craziest shopping day of the year.

Let's talk about your week of beauty. It's time for the Friday Forum, our open chat. I love this part of our week. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

The deadline for this week's giveaway contest for Laura Mercier's gorgeous Signature Colour Essentials for Face, Eyes & Lips is tomorrow, Saturday, September 22. If you don't enter, you can't win. I find it kind of hard to believe I'm giving this Nordstrom Anniversary set away, but I want one of you to have it. Speaking of Laura Mercier, there is a pretty Laura Mercier Artist Palette exclusive to Saks Fifth Avenue. Check it out online. That will earn you the beauty event tote if you purchase between September 27 and October 6. I want the dark green one - and the dark blue one. May have to buy at two different Saks.

Update 10:00 am: I will get to leave early. Meetings were cancelled. Also, I remembered I have an appointment this afternoon with Sisley's national makeup artist. Fun way to start the weekend!

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy Belated birthday- love reading your blog!

  2. Happy belated Birthday to a fellow Virgo and lover of all things beautiful!

  3. Hi Charlestongirl! Sorry I missed your birthday (I'm not a Facebook reader...) A very, very happy belated birthday anyway, my best wishes to the most delightful and youngest blogger I know... and my friend too!:-)♥
    And of course, many, many happy returns!

  4. Hi grlnxdor!

    Thank you! Yea - are you a stereotypical Virgo?

  5. Thank you, Clarisse! I don't post a lot on Facebook - often post about animal welfare causes or beauty, but it's a sidelight for me. I belong to a couple of fabulous secret fragrance groups that I really enjoy. They are my enablers/tempters.

    If I'm the youngest blogger you know, do you know any others? LOL

    Love you!

  6. Hi Charlestongirl. I am the woman who requested you post a picture of your cat a few months back. Apparently, we share not only a love of cats but a birthday! Did you know that September is the most common birthday month in the US? The 18th is the 7th most common birthday. Have a great weekend.

  7. Happy Birthday! When I was young, my grandmother and my great aunt were the most glamourous people in the world to me. My own mom didnt wear makeup, but I was fascinated by the colors and textures from the time I was about nine years old. My aunt bought me my first lipstick at 13 (Clinique Sugared Grapefruit-I keep one in my stash to this day always in remembrance of her)My grandmother passed first when I was in my teens, but my great aunt and I shopped the beauty counters together until the day that she no longer could-and then I brought makeup to her. She was the one who taught me how to be a real lady-ladies wear hose and heels with thier skirts to the office, always wear lipstick, never wear more than five pieces of jewelry, always have thier hair and brows trimmed. I follow all this advice to this day ( I also work in a government office) and miss them both terribly. My love of makeup was fostered by my aunt when no one else understood and I think that is why I love your blog, I imagine you and her being similar people.

    In other news, I have rediscovered Chanel JC in Fantasia and adore it on my medium, olive toned skin. I will be at my favorite Chanel counter today to ask about those Black Friday quads, I am one of those early morning shoppers on that day every year!

  8. C-girl, let's not get into the limping thing. If you're limping around, you'll run into a whole slew of other problems....then you really won't be paid for ages. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!! We love you and want to keep you on your toes ;-)

    Speaking of which, I strained my pectoralis this week. Thank goodness it isn't a rotator cuff tear! And I'm on light duty at work. GREAT NEWS!

    It's so much cooler here now and I've started taking out the fall fragrances and colours. I'm going to try out my LMdB Bordeaux lip and polish set this weekend. I cannot wait. Nobody does a lip stain like LMdB.

    And now, I'm sure you're all exhausted to read about my concealer woes, but I must go on! So my friend in the UK has offered to send me some By Terry samples. I cannot wait to try them! I will be raccoon free!!

    I've finally decided to stop trying to wear that Guerlain Click in Shalimar. It's a shade that's too cool for my skin tone. I always feel uncomfortable in it. My friend wants it, so I'll give it to her. Meanwhile, I'm lemming that Tom Ford Wild Ginger lippy. STUNNNNNING colour, and TF does such great formulas. day, new lemming ;-)

    Have a great weekend and stay healthy!

  9. Wow, Nancy! I had no idea. Does that mean there's a lot of coziness among couples in January? :)

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Charleston Girl! Hope you did something fun and gave yourself a great present to celebrate this wonderful occasion!
    Speaking of makeup… Is the other Chanel item you are referring to, Illusion D'Ombre in Abstraction? Sounds kind of close to European release!
    Have a great weekend!!

  11. Oh, yes! I forgot to mention that I did call Bethesda's Saks and bought eyeshadows in Apparition and Destination. Thank you for a great tip! I really wanted the light blue one. Surprisingly, I like the Apparition more! It makes a beautiful liner!
    And yes! Beauty is ageless!!!

  12. Sorry I missed your b-day, so a belated b-day to you. I don't get to read everyday, but try get get here now and again. But love it when I can. Going for a Dior makeover tomorrow. Usually move of a Chanel girl, but as of late have been venturing out of that comfort zone and trying other products. Looking into their Forever and Sculpt foundations. Anyone tried them? I have samples and they both seem okay, so I think I'll venture out and get them. I've purchased the Dior blushes and really like them. Okay now I'm better go. Thanks so much for your blog. Charlotte M.

  13. <>

    You just made my day! Happy belated bday, btw. :)

  14. Hi My Makeup Paradise!

    What a lovely story! I haven't heard that five pieces of jewelry limit in a long time, but I think it's still true - unless you layer bangles or necklaces. :)

  15. Hi Lovethescents,

    It's not so much a limp, actually, it's more like a totally unnatural walk. Worse!

    I'm not sure you will find BY TERRY's concealer any better than some of the others you have tried. I love the Chantecaille in the little pot.

  16. Hi Lena! Thank you. I have no idea what the names of the Chanel items are. I got my info from our regional rep. I will pick her brain more next time I see her. When she told me, Black Friday seemed so far away.

  17. Lena,

    I adore Apparition. Blues can be hard for me to pull off, but that one is a stunner.

  18. Thank you, Charlotte!

    Have fun at your makeover! Being pampered is so much fun!

  19. Hey there, Beauty 411! Why? How? Glad you are excited. :)

  20. Happy belated Birthday Charleston Girl! So sorry to hear about your knee. I was here in thought and prayer as you suffered with the other knee surgery.
    No cosmetic purchases this week but, I did purchase a beauty "product" if you will. It would seem, according to internet sources, that we should be sleeping on "bridal satin" pillowslips for two, to keep our hair nice and two, to help prevent wrinkles. Sounded good in theory.
    I purchased two...they were lovely and I really looked forward to using them.
    The "chase" for my pillows began almost immediately and continued throughout the night. The next morning I found my bed linens wadded up under my face as a makeshift pillow. One satin pillow was on the floor, the other on my nightstand. My face was actually pleated and my hair looked like, as my Grandmother would say, "a stump full of grandaddy spiders"!!! I do not recommend them.

  21. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a fun day.
    My purchase this week was the Diorskin Nude Skin-glowing Makup in 010 Ivory. I have sensitive skin with visible rosacea and was skeptical about the product. The Dior SA provided a generous sample that I used for three weeks. I bought the product and really like it.

  22. Hi CharlestonGirl,

    Happy belated birthday! I hope you had some fun. You're proof that the internet isn't just for the young. I hope you keep doing what your doing forever!

    I am enjoying my Chantecaille purchases this week. Everything is so pretty, the Amour lip chic is to die for. I'm loving the HD powder too.

    Now I have Guerlain's holiday collection to look forward to.

    I have a product recommendation. I've been using Serge Normant's Meta Lush Volumizer. I have somewhat thick hair but it is very straight and sometimes I get a flat head of hair but I prefer volume on top. This is the first volumizer I've tried that does not make my hair sticky. It does not even feel like I have product in it and it gives me loads of volume. I just bought another one to help me reach the $200 mark at Barneys so I could get the gift bag.

    Have a great weekend!

  23. Happy Belated Birthday to you! Just left a comment for the "Giveaway" and wanted to say I love reading your blog. I am also a makeup/skincare lover and a little bit "mature"! LOL
    Thanks for all the good reviews, info and tips!

  24. In answer to you question, Charlestongirl, I am somewhat a typical Virgo in that I am analytical. But, since I'm on the "cusp" of Libra( my bday is tomorrow) I also share many Libra traits. The one that gives me the most pleasure is my love of beauty!

  25. Belated birthday wishes to you, Charlestongirl! Oooh, looking forward to a preview of the Chanel quads. Chanel is the purveyor of my some of my favourite colours. I can always rely on Chanel makeup to be sophisticated, effortlessly elegant, and timeless. Must start saving now for the holiday collections...

  26. Happy Birthday! I hope this new year is one of health, happiness and prosperity for you. I love reading your expose's of new products. It is such a relief to read someone close to my age (59) who is still into beauty.

  27. Hi Birthday Girl,

    Your FF picture of the blue skies was perfect for what my husband and I were doing in Malibu earlier today--staring up into the clear blue yonder in anticipation of Endeavor's approach. Here in So Cal, the aerospace industry is near and dear to our hearts. As many of you undoubtedly know, the shuttle was manufactured in So Cal and used to land at Edwards's AFB in the nearby Mojave Desert. In fact, when my sons were little, we took them to watch the shuttle landing. It was such a thrill to see that graceful bird gliding down to a perfect landing accompanied by the cheers of an optimistic crowd. So, it was a fitting end to a long and distinguished career in space flight that Endeavor came home to So Cal. I've never seen anything quite like it. All over the Southland, huge crowds were stopped in their tracks to cheer and admire the sight of Endeavor perched atop the 747. The pilot must have been having a great time, too, because it became obviouse very quickly that the original flight plan with its designated fly overs had been abandoned as the 747 ferried the shuttle on a low flying tour (1500") which criss-crossed the entire greater LA area. What an electrifying treat it was! It reminded me of man's never ending curiosity, adventurous nature, and indomitable spirit. It was history in the making. But now, the future of manned space travel has been passed on to private industry like SpaceX which is located here in So Cal. I think that as long as we can see the stars at night, we will always dream of reaching them.

    Charlestongirl, you certainly don't need to be a young woman to revel in the joys of makeup. I'm 68 and still get as excited as a kid at Christmas whenever I see new collections. I am very realistic about my appearance, though, and I know my features well. Admittedly, there are many items that I give a miss, but there are so many more that can be easily adapted to suit me. Just because I can't realistically wear all the beautiful things I see, it doesn't mean I can't admire them. And, it doesn't mean that I can't judge their efficacy or determine their quality. If anything, because I've had so much experience with cosmetics and their application, I think I'm in an excellent position to critique. Besides, since I have loved and worn makeup for 53 years, I think I can offer a nice historical perspective to the trends ;-)

    So, you keep on blogging, Charlestongirl, and don't worry about the jealous young things. You're one of the most beautiful and elegant women out there and they just haven't learned any better yet. Since beauty no longer recognizes borders, ethnicities, and social standing, why should it be hobbled by age? There is no reason why an older woman can't turn heads when she enters a room and I bet you do! Once again, happy birthday dear Charlestongirl. Wear each and every year with glorious pride.

  28. Hi everyone!

    I've been at Sisley having a total blast. Will catch up in a sec.

  29. Thanks, Pam. What a hoot! Actually, silk and satin pillowcases do work. Sounds like you got duds.

    Maybe you better tell us what brand you bought so we can avoid them. :)

  30. Thanks, Maureen!

    I have a great sample too. I haven't had time to use it yet. I am really looking forward to testing it!

  31. Thanks, Ellen!

    I wish I could write at work, but I can't. I am always too busy. I also feel that while the government is paying for my time, they get me 100%. So, I never do it. That make my evenings kinda busy. :)

  32. Hi Jo!

    Thanks for the recommendation!

    I plan to write up the Chantecaille HD powder this weekend. It's a total WOW!

  33. Thank you, JEM. We are, of course, better, not mature or older. :)

  34. Thanks, Walls. Me too. Many will arrive in October, and my wallet is so depleted from beauty events this month!

  35. Thank you, Eileen! As always, beautifully said.

    Regarding the Shuttle, the launch I saw was one of those "moments" in life I will never forget. What saddens me now is the removal of 400 street trees to get the Shuttle to the science center. That is wrong!

  36. Many thanks to you all for the birthday wishes. I was off having a blast with Alfredo Lizardi from Sisley. More on that this weekend. He is a doll - and so talented!

    If you are in or near DC, he will be at Saks Tysons tomorrow at the Sisley counter. Call and go!

  37. Happy, healthy birthday and thanks for your great blog. I bought Chanel Apparition - love the color but find the application a bit tricky. Have you tried any of the Byredo fragrances? I first encountered them this summer.
    Have a great weekend. Oh, and I would love more info on the Chanel eye quads.

  38. Hi Charleston Girl. I like your blog very much and check in every day since it has great info.

    Am also a perfume lover and wondered about "the secret fragrance groups" you mentioned in the Facebook related post above. Sounds fun and I would be interested in checking them out. I write about perfume myself for a website.

    BTW, your blog also provides nice reminisces for me. I live in LA now but worked in DC and lived in Arlington for 15 years, and shopped in all the places you mention. I do miss it, although not during election season!

  39. Happy Belated Birthday! My wallet doesn't like you, but your blog is one I will continue to frequent someone who shares a decade with you...and many interests as well!

    I can always count on you to let me know what's out there, and your reviews (and writing style) are spot on!

  40. Would love to be there. I am stuck in Charleston, SC! Yes, another Charleston girl... Have a splendid time.

  41. I like the attitude...we are certainly better! :-)

  42. Backs, knees, feet are all such pesky, painful, and persnickety things, aren't they? I'm glad you're able to get treatment, and I hope it's effective.

    FOUR Chanel quads on Black Friday? That's enough to make this Chanel girl have a heart attack, never mind a bad back and a painful foot.

    It's been a very, very busy week for me work-wise with several things accomplished, finally.

    I received my package from Saks that contained Chanel's Apparition eye shadow and Sky Line nail polish along with some lovely samples. Both products from the Blue Illusion collection were MUCH BETTER than I'd dared to hope. One wants to say that Apparition is blue, no, gray, no a combination of blue and gray with a bit of lilac. Indescribable and elegant.

    Sky Line also defies description. It's as if a piece of the sky was taken, a big helping of frothy clouds was mixed in, and a dash of periwinkle was added at the last moment. I have never seen a polish in the blue family that comes close to Sky Line. I am so very happy to have it. I'm wearing it now, and I suspect I will especially want to wear it again in January when it's icy cold outside. It's seasonless, in my opinion.

    I also received my sample of Coco Noir, the one I bought from ebay. Despite the fact that it was in a traditional fragrance card and wrapped in obviously new Chanel tissue paper, I'm not sure if this is a legitimate sample. It has an odd, kind of alcohol smell to it, and it doesn't last very long on me. What I am smelling, I do not like at all. I think I'll toss it.

    CG, age doesn't matter, you know. Yours is simply the best beauty blog, and with time at such a premium, I am reading other blogs less and less.

    Have a great week. It's lovely here in the mountains!

  43. I finally have some Burberry in my hands! I've been lusting after this brand for quite some time. I'm sunk - the eyeshadows are lovely & the lipstick feels like nothing on. Working on my wishlist for more of their offerings! You are in my thoughts & prayers with a bad knee & back issues to boot. Take care of yourself!

  44. Hi Rosemary,

    Isn't Skyline extraordinary? I love it! And, I agree with you that it is seasonless. I'm wearing it now as it is such a refreshing color. I'll put it away when I turn to the deeper, smokier shades of autumn, and then take it out again come winter. It will be stunning in winter's chilly, cool light.

    Hi Charlestongirl,

    Yes, it was so terribly sad about the trees. One tiny compensation is that many of the trees that were downed were slated for removal anyway as they were diseased or they were damaging the sidewalks, curbs, and streets. The final approved route to the center was not direct and was mapped out to take advantage of the orignal tree removal list. For example, 65 of the trees removed near LAX were already on the list and would have been removed shuttle or no. The science center has agreed to plant two trees for every one removed and the planting is supposed to begin as soon as the shuttle is settled in place. Now the watch-groups need to be sure that the replanting begins promptly, that the center doesn't just plant saplings, and that the trees are properly cared for until they are well established. You have no idea of how much turmoil was created by the tree issue. For many of those people in LA, the only trees they have are the ones lining the streets. Now it is up to all of us to make sure those denuded streets are once again tree lined-- now that would be a thing of beauty.

  45. Hi Tanja,

    Yes, I have two Byredo fragrances. They range from light florals to deep, dark, spicy ones. As you might imagine, I bought the light florals. :)

    Thank you!

  46. Hi Sarah!

    Arlington is a great place to live.

    Get your feet wet at Facebook Fragrance Friends. I believe they will approve anyone who applies to the group.

  47. Thank you, Bisbee!

    My wallet doesn't like me either. Our wallets could hang out. :)

  48. Thanks JEM! Charleston girls are the best. :)

  49. I know, Rosemary! I nearly died when the Chanel rep told me. Four? Yep! I guess Chanel wants to keep our Black Friday money for itself.

    You are so sweet, thank you!

    BTW, the Coco Noir story is odd. On first spray, Coco Noir is VERY nice. It remains so until dry-down, in my opinion. However, others who like woody fragrances love it through a full wear. Your sample sounds bad.

  50. Oh, and Rosemary, I now wish I hadn't used Sky Line for a giveaway! I hope Ellen loves it. :)

  51. Thank you, Lov2read, I get around fine. It just hurts. Makeup is a great pain killer. :)

    So many Burberry lovers out there. I can't wait for us to get our counter!

  52. Eileen,

    I saw those trees on the news, heard the two-for-one promise, and still think it's a debacle. Many of the trees looked just fine to me. LA is already too barren. That science center had better plant big trees, not saplings that will take 20 years to grow.

  53. Hi and happy belated birthday, CG! I read your blog every chance I get although I mostly don't leave any comments. I just wanted you know you are much admired and envied ha ha ha! I wait for your reviews and swatches before making any beauty purchase now. Love your sense of humor and your candor, best of all! And by the way, kudos for showing grace and poise when you were having to respond those not-so-happy and-nice people.

  54. Hi Eileen,
    Yes, Sky Line is extraordinary! It looks like the color of a rare pearl that Harry Winston might have discovered. :)

    CG, I think you're right. Something was wrong with that Coco Noir sample. You mean you didn't keep a Sky Line for yourself? Yikes! Maybe there's still time to call Georgia. It truly is a special color.


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