
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Giorgio Armani Cosmetics Eyes to Kill Eyeshadow Palette in #6, Boudoir

Giorgio Armani's new Eyes to Kill Palette in #06, Boudoir, offers "a gradation from dewy coral essence to intense Amazonian mahogany. From a soft coral infused by light, color turns into a bright rosewood that enhances the skin and reminds of eighteenth century luxury. A strong matte inspired by 100-year-old trees is strengthened by an intense mahogany liner that gives strength to the eyes."

That sounds nice, right? It is, but it's way better than that. I can't stop marveling at these new Eyes to Kill Palettes. The word "superb" doesn't convey my feelings about them adequately. Must I coin a new term? How about Armani ecstasy?

As usual, I used sponge-tipped applicator to apply the shades heavily for my swatch photos, and I took them in full sun. This palette is exquisite.

The top two shades are shimmering rose gold (not soft coral to my eye) and shimmering taupe - two of my all-time favorite shades. I want a vat of each. I wonder if I could make that request through PR.

The matte copper shade may not look flattering in this photo. I applied it very heavily. When mixed or layered with one of the top two shades, it assumes a life of its own. I do need to mix it. It's just a tad too red for my tastes. The medium brown? Perfect. I can wear it as a liner, but I can also wear it applied lightly for an accent shade in the outer quarter of the lid.

I'm pretty sure I'll end up buying another #06. This palette is delicious - as are several others (#03 is worthy of a third helping). Fortunately, they are not limited editions, so I can wait until I've finished paying for holiday for my second helping.

The eight new Eyes to Kill Palettes - replacements for the originals, which are being phased out - are available at Giorgio Armani Beauty's Web site. I have purchased my collection at both Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

Just in case you're wondering, you will not see the names of these palettes on the box or compact - only online or here.

Photo at top courtesy of Giorgio Armani Beauty; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Thank goodness they are not limited edition because I think I want them all! :) Except blue, it just does not work for me.

  2. Wow this palette looks AMAZING! It's towards the top of my list now!

  3. What a nice selection of earthy and redwood tones. I bet Budoir would look beautiful paired with blue eyes!

  4. Uff da. Those colors are not for my coloring, but they look spectacular anyway.

  5. I wasn't really moved to give in to buying these new ETK palettes but not anymore. This is just my kind of color. Those swatches are amazing CG. This is it. Unfortunately for me I won't be able to see Tim Quinn today in Beverly Hills. Kids need me today. I'm sure I will meet him someday. Had the nicest twitter condo with him over the weekend. Thank goodness they are not LE. I will have more time to pick them up. Amazing post as usual CG. Have a good one.

  6. Feel the same way, Evelyn! I'll even bet the blue one is better than we think.

  7. Hi Emilie,

    I agree. Glad they are permanent, or as permanent as it gets. Love Tim too!

  8. I am drooling over this palette!! I must get myself to the mall. Stacie xo

  9. "Armani ecstasy" describes it perfectly. I rushed out to buy #3 as soon as saw your covet-worthy swatches, but ended uo buying #6 because it was sooooo irresistably beautiful. Didn't regret it one bit!

  10. When I thought I had my mind made up on the Paleteria palette, you tempt me with this one. This one is gorgeous too! Thanks CG, you have the best beauty blog!

  11. Hi Stacie,

    Yes you do! What's the hold-up? :)

  12. Hey Mel,

    Glad you got one that you love.

    1. Actually, I got two that I love - #1 and #6 - and I'll soon be going back for #3 ;)

  13. Thank you, Mary Ann.

    Think you can swing two?

  14. This one will be MINE! It's perfect!

  15. Hi,Charleston girl! Can you advise two palletes for somebody with green eyes and light skin,dark brown hair!Love you,girl!Thanks!

  16. Yelena, it's terribly hard to select makeup for people I haven't seen. That said, I'd go with one of the brown selections.

  17. Dark brown hair, blue grey eyes with very dark circles and skin transparent like an eggshell. : ) I've found that warmer browns and browns with any rose or pink or rust to them give me bunny eyes.

    That's okay - I'll probably go investigate Panetellaria. I wish they'd put the name on packages. I find that it's easier for me to remember names rather than numbers. Don't even get me started on Shiseido's problem with that!

  18. Dear CG,

    Love your blog! I purchased the ETK palette in #3 on your suggestion and I absolutely love it. It really makes my hazel eyes pop.

    On a semi-related note, I was wondering if you had heard anything about the upcoming release of the Burberry eye palettes. I have heard rumors that they are going to be coming out either this month or next. I am very excited as I love Burberry shadows but have had trouble getting any definitive news. Wonder if you had heard anything? I hope you can swatch some of those palettes as well if you have a chance.


  19. Thanks, Gigi!

    I don't have a Burberry counter here - nor do I have a PR contact. Be on the lookout. Lots of blogs will feature the items.

  20. Hi Gigi,

    I don't know if you'll see this here so I'll also post the info in the FF today. Bristish Beauty Blogger has already swatched two of the new quads: Pale Nude and Dark Spice. They were posted on 10/13.


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