
Friday, October 19, 2012

The Friday Forum - October 19 - Plus Le Métier de Beauté Bauhaus Kaleidoscope Lip Kit

This is how I feel about my home phone. Between the political robocalls and pollsters (all allowed by law) and the marketing and sales calls that violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which authorized the Do Not Call Registry, I have had to stop answering my phone.

On any given day, I receive marketing calls from local businesses with whom I have no relationship - meaning, under the law, that I've never dealt with them. When I answer the phone (most calls go to voice mail), and they start their speil, I stop them and ask, "Excuse me, but I'm on the Do Not Call List. Are you aware that you are violating federal law?" They hang up in a hurry - like I don't know the phone number they used to call me, or even their company name.

Now, add to those unlawful calls the robocalls that are now the majority of the phone calls coming into my home. Congress made sure that political calls were exempt from the law that prohibits sales and marketing calls. They wanted to make sure they could intrude on us any time they wanted. I think most Americans think that's intrusive.

Some of these calls are coming in with the organization listed on my caller ID. I know not to answer them. Others are coming from polling companies. I know not to answer them. Most marketing calls come in as "Unavailable." I answer very few of them, but occasionally I get curious.

I'm currently getting about 15-20 unwanted calls/day. It's out of control. Add to the phone calls the relentless political ads that run when I'm tying to watch the news, and I've had it. Do they really think I'm stupid - that I believe the falsehoods being spouted in those television spots? That I don't know better? Could this election season please end? I want my quiet life back. Am I the only one getting grumpy about this?

Moving on to something pleasant, have you seen this? Le Métier de Beauté will introduce Kaleidoscope Lip Kit ($95) called Bauhaus. It will be exclusive to Neiman Marcus online. That may be a first.

A deviously divine mix of function, flame, and form, Le Métier de Beauté [I fixed their online name error] introduces the newest Holiday Kaleidoscope Lip Kit, "Bauhaus," exclusively for Neiman Marcus online. Each distinctive hue blends together effortlessly for a dimensional pout, mirroring the bold Bauhaus notion of combining unique parts for a collective whole. Lips will be left with a total package, mixing statement and sophistication.

The shades, from top to bottom, are:
  • Linaire - a lustrous gold-infused rose petal,
  • Criterion - a gilded amber-peach,
  • Esthetique - a shimmering vintage rose,
  • "Shilhouette" - a Cimmerian cloak of sheer amethyst, with a name that is probably spelled incorrectly.
"Cimmerian" means very dark or gloomy - not an attractive name for a lip color. I pre-ordered Bauahus - couldn't resist. I wish, though, it weren't an online exclusive, and I wish it were shipping before November 22.

 Let's talk about your week of beauty. It's time for the Friday Forum, our open chat. I love this part of our week. Have you selected your favorite holiday collection - and purchased a few new treasures? What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencils are some of the best eyeliners on the market. This week, I've got the latest boxed set to give away. To enter, just comment at this giveaway contest link by midnight tomorrow, October 20.

Update: I saw this heartwarming rescue of a baby elephant on the news this morning. Watch this video if you love elephants and want to see a happy ending.

Photos courtesy of and Neiman Marcus


  1. Hi!
    I'm looking for some recommendations on skin care. Specifically a retinol product or something for large pores. I found that Leaf & Rand was highly recommended, but that they are no longer producing it.

  2. Lizzy, beyond the large pores, what is your skin condition? Dry, sensitive, oily, combo?

  3. I just called Michael Reinhardt about Bauhaus a few days ago. I asked if it was a exclusive since that is what is stated on the website, but he said he will have Bauhaus available in November. I don't live in D.C. but have been ordered everything through Michael (after reading your blog) and he has been fabulous - above and beyond! Thanks to you both. The shipping from D.C. to NYC takes only 1 day, it is faster than if I order online from their warehouse in TX.

  4. Hi nycfeline!

    I love Michael too. You are dead right about shipping times. NM wants to send everything from Texas!

    That rascal. I am calling him right now to pre-order from him!

  5. Ugh! Those political calls! I don't get near so many, but I must be on Romney's list (how?). I googled the name of the polling firm that contacts me three times a week and it's a Romney internal polling firm.

    New beauty? I am bananas about my newly swatched Estée Lauder Le Smoking nail polish from Bloomingdales. It is so glossy and red, red, RED! Wear time isn't the best for me, but I usually remove polish after three days.

    And in real life, trying to think how one actually, really starts an illustration and calligraphy business. I hope this comment doesn't break the no advertising guideline of your blog, Charleston Girl, as this is really an issue I am struggling with. Please delete my comment if it violates the spirit of your blog!

  6. Not only are we getting the robo calls, we're also getting the door to door visits which are very annoying. Now I ignore them but it's gotten to the point that if my mother answers the door or her phone she tries to screw with their heads. lol One actually had the nerve to ask for the man of the house, who does that these days? She told him that she wasn't voting for his candidate and he pitched a fit on her. At least it was daytime and the neighbors were around watching b/c I think these people can get out of hand.

    Makeup of the week - I am happy with my new Meteorites and I'm wearing Altoum today on my fingers. Very nice to wear at work! I saw that Armani was having a 15% off discount so I narrowed it down and ordered Tierra Siena, the black waterproof liner (I love these) and Rouge d'Armani #408 which I've been eying for a long while. I really love the liners of this type that I've bought because they don't move around on my waterline. I know people swear by Urban Decay but while I have a few and they are nice they do move on me. I'm happier with my MAC liners than UD truth be told but these Armanis trump both.

    I love the idea of the lip kaleidoscopes from LMdB but something's holding me back. Maybe I'm just a lipstick/gloss in a tube kind of girl. I'm also still fussing over the Liu palette. Buy it or invest in the meteorites compact? silly dilemma lol

    Lastly I wish these anti robot things would be legible! I'm straining my eyes just to make them out and I do not need new glasses!

  7. Charleston Girl, I wanted to thank you for your tip about lining through eyelashes to give eye some definition without an obvious sick line! It works beautifully!

  8. This may be an impossible-to-answer question for beauty aficionados, but if you could only choose one lipstick, which would it be? I'm looking for a lipstick that's moisturizing, long-lasting, and color-rich, in that order (especially moisturizing - I have very dry lips). Bombard me with your holy grail lipsticks! :)

  9. Oh, how I hate robo calls, surveys, polls, and requests for charitable donations for everything imaginable both worthy and worthless. Each and every call is an unwanted and unwarranted intrusion. As much as I love the Do Not Call Registry, it really doesn't go far enough. Not only do we have people and machines intruding upon our privacy via phone calls, but we also get harassed by the automated texting. Ugh! I'm not a recluse and love being socially connected--with people I actually care about!

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
    On to beauty. I haven't gotten anything new this past week but I'll be picking up my Chanel goodies later today--woo-hoo! My wonderful Chanel SA put the quad and JC on hold for me so I'll have those two new beauties to add to all my recent Armani and Guerlain gorgeousness. I don't know about you other ladies, but I'm ready to set aside the bronzer and vibrant blush in favor of a soft matte complexion with a delicate cheek. I'm also ready for the weather to start cooling off. It's been a long, hot summer here in LaLa Land.

    Hi Gigi,

    In case you didn't see my response after your original comment earlier this week, I'll repeat the info. Bristish Beauty Blogger has swatched two of Burberry's new quads: Pale Nude and Dark Spice. She posted them on 10/13. Pretty Addicted also posted a promo pick of all the new quads that will be released. That was on 7/20. One of the Russian blogs (and I can't for the life of me remember the name!) showed swatches of six of them. I'm not particularly excited about them even though I think Burberry eyeshadows are outstanding. They seem to be pretty ho-hum, but you never know. They might be quite lovely in person.

  10. Hi May,

    That's a tough one to answer because people react differently to different formulations. My HG lipstick is Guerlain's Rouge G--a beautiful range of rich colors with very good to excellent wear time (depending on the shade) in a deeply moisturizing base. The Rouge G Brilliants are basically the same, but because the colors are more translucent, the wear time is less.

    OK ladies. That was my HG lipstick, now it's your turn. You heard May. Bombard her! LOL

  11. What a frustrating nuisance having the phone ringing like that. In Canada, there's a list you can put your name on and calls decrease to probably 1%. It's been effective for us! I wish you would have the same.

    Stunning looking LMdB, yet again.

    Nothing new here but my hair style. COMPLETELY different, especially for me, but the DH loves it, so it's growing on me. The stylist used Moroccan Oil curl enhancing cream which worked well, but the smell was too strong for me. It would really interfere with my fumie!

    Do you wear scented hair products?

  12. Charleston Girl, you are spot on about the phone bombing. However, the Do Not Call worked for me. I listed both my home and cell phones and my solicitation calls dropped to zero. Maybe it's the DC area? But the law applies everywhere so wonder why it's not working for you. You could have some fun with the political pollsters though if you ever have the energy. If it's the DNC, tell them you will only provide your voting intention if they will provide you with a certified copy of Obama's birth certificate and if it's the RNC tell them the same thing only with Romney's tax returns. That should make for some entertaining conversation!! Seriously though, a tip: list your registered voter status to independent. It's the best of all worlds. You can still vote for who you want to, contribute to whatever campaign you desire, and for some strange reason it just stops the calls. That's what I did and I haven't gotten a single call since I did it. And I used to get bombarded.

  13. Hi Jane,

    I am on Romney's list because I used to be a Republican. That was back in the days when they weren't all radical right wingers, and some of them cared about the environment (Romney's comment about 25 dead birds sent me over the edge). I am also on Obama's list because I donated. I now consider myself an independent.

    I am on every polling list and robocall list because I live in Virginia, a critical swing state this year. Today, my interventional radiologist told me his relative in Pennsylvania gets no calls. Surely it's because she doesn't live in a swing state.

    What a coincidence that I had EL's new Haute Reds on my auto-publish list for today! I really like two of them. Le Smoking is a bit too orange for me, but they are gorgeous.

    As for starting any business, get yourself out there. Volunteer to do pro bono work and make sure you get prominent credit. Also advertise in local papers or even Craig's List.

  14. It does, Lena. Glad I could be helpful! :)

  15. Hi Evelyn,

    I had no idea Armani had this promotion. Maybe I skipped over an e-mail. THANK YOU for letting all of us know.

    Looks like you made great choices at Armani! I ordered a second #3.

  16. May, that is too hard. I can't choose one. I think if I had to, it would be YSL Rouge Volupte Pearl or Rouge d'Armani.

  17. Hi Lovethescents,

    No! I hate scented hair products, and that Moroccan Oil is among the worst. Look for one that offers the same properties, but in a less smelly way. They are out there.

  18. Hey there Deb,

    The DNC list originally worked. Now, as I am experiencing, it is widely ignored, and the FTC is aware, but they don't know what to do.

    I have insulted a few of those callers for their brainless adherence to nonsense, but it doesn't seem to do anything to get the calls to stop. Maybe I should tell them not to call me again because I am certifiably crazy.

  19. Hi Lovethescents; Hi Deb,

    The Do Not Call registry worked for me to a certain extent, but not nearly as well as it should have because of the legal loopholes. Political organizations,, government entities, charitable organizations, and telephone surveyors are exempt from DNC. Companies that have an existing relationship with you may call for 18 mos. unless you request to be removed from the company list. You also have to be careful that in doing business with a company, you don't inadvertently give them permission to share your information because that will put you on even more call lists. Robo calls get around things by including an opt out instruction in their spiel, but you usually have to listen to the entire call first before you get to the option. Then there are the out-sourced calls from India and heaven knows where else. As for the automated texting, that is supposedly prohibited by the DNC registry and Telephone Consumer Protection Act but there hasn't been much success getting businesses to comply. Too many of them are willing to take the chance that you'll simply delete their text and not bother reporting them to your cell phone carrier.

    What a rant, huh? I have the feeling Charlestongirl and I are kindred spirits when it comes to this topic! LOL

  20. Love the tiny baby elephant! Momma was so happy.

  21. Hi CG!
    My skin is combo (oily in the t-zone).
    Thanks! I'm on my way to check out that new Dior polish!

  22. Well, I have to admit I agree with you about wanting this election season to be over. My husband politely answers the phone and asks everyone to make sure they take us off their call list. I on the other hand, look at the caller ID and if I don't recognize it, I don't answer it. All this complicated by my husband traveling to Asia for business, so that when he calls it's just listed as "Out of Area".
    Love the top color in the Metier lip palette. If it was a single lipstick I'd be all over it in a nanosecond. Unfortunately, I hate bulky palettes and lip color that needs a separate brush to put on.
    The only beauty product I bought this week is Tatcha skincare. The Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder seems to just the right thing for my skin.

  23. Hi Nemo,

    That video made my cry with happiness.

  24. Lizzy, have you tried the LMdB day and night creams? They are really good. They contain retinol, but with a novel delivery system.

  25. Hi Tatiana!

    Isn't TATCHA wonderful?

    As for those callers, I am in your camp. I don't answer.

  26. I took advantage of the 15% off from Armani and bought the Boudior and Pallenteria eyeshadows. My caller ID pops up on my TV so most of the time I don't even have to look at the phone. What is really annoying is now they are calling cell phones, I really let them have it when they call my cell.

  27. So glad I read your comments as I learned about the Armani discount so needless to say, I'm headed to their website next. It helps since Saks doesn't offer friends and family discount on cosmetics anymore. Earlier this week I ordered LMdB Bauhaus. I'm anxious to receive it. The colors are interesting, I'm wondering how opaque or sheer the coverage will be. I'm hoping the amethyst won't be sheer.

  28. Hi Anonymous,

    I expect medium pigmentation.

    I am also totally bummed about Saks' cessation of the discount. They did it about two years ago, and I started to lose interest in Saks then.

  29. Great, Lizzy!

    BTW, everyone, I talked to LMdB via e-mail, and they are having the copy at NM online modified to have correct punctuation and spelling.

  30. Delurking here to also chime in an answer to May's question - I have ridiculously dry lips with medium pigmentation and deep lip lines and the absolute best I've found are the Burberry Lip Mists, they're just incredible. I used to love the Shu Uemura Rouge Unlimiteds and they just look chalky compared to the Burberry ones! The Burberry Lip Covers are actually quite nice too, though not as moisturizing and since I discovered Burberry lip stuff, I've basically completely replaced my lip collection! I just even bought two of their matte Lip Velvets and I've worn Military Red for 8 hours (in which it stayed practically perfectly without touching up as I just walked out the store with it on) and they leave my lips no worse for the wear whereas the NARS Matte Velvet Lip pencils have my lips peeling off in chunks in about an hour! I never thought I'd be able to wear any matte but Burberry really knows their lip formulations! I do still have a soft spot for the Laura Mercier stickglosses though I really wish she had more creme/gel finishes rather than all the shimmery/frosty ones.

  31. When did the 15% offer from GA come, and in what form? I placed an order on the 14th - no discount, and the dates are all wrong on their site anyway - year is showing as 1912, and the date of my order shows as September, not October!

  32. Hi Bisbee,

    The offer is on the Armani website. It's free ship and 15% off orders of $50 or more.

  33. Hi Bisbee, ditto to what Eileen said.

  34. Thanks - but I don't see it. It's not under special offers - very strange!

  35. Bisbee, it must have ended. I don't see it now either.


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