
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chantecaille Les Fêtes Trio for Holiday 2012

Here's another new Chantecaille beauty. I'm having a fight with myself. One arm tries to order Les Fêtes Trio ($74), while the other slaps it down before I can click on "Add to Bag." Why the dilemma? Because it reminds me of another holiday palette, the Evening Duo introduced last October and shown directly below.

The new limited-edition Les Fêtes Trio will illuminate your eyes with festive, shimmering shades. Moonstone is a soft pearl with hints on pink and gold (I can't stand this...I may order it before I finish writing this feature). Diamond is a silvery slate with diamond dust sparkle. Pink Sapphire is a radiant, effervescent rose that can be used on your eyelids or cheekbones.

Last year's Charmeuse in the evening Duo (still available) is a chameleon. It's a blend of pink, rose gold, and rosé Champagne. It looks very different from Moonstone in the photos, so I'm not sure why my first impression was "similar." Carbon, the matte charcoal black shade in the Evening Duo, appears to be quite a bit darker than the new Diamond shade in the Trio.

Can you believe I just talked myself into buying Les Fêtes Trio? Seriously, I caved while comparing the two (and looking at my swatches from last year) as I wrote this feature in two sittings. While my first reaction was "repeat," I see now that there are stark differences.

I wish I had ordered Les Fêtes Trio with my Les Pétales de Rose. Since this one is priced $1 shy of the free shipping threshold. I'm not going to order online. I'll buy it locally when it arrives - even though I'd love to have it now. I have literally everything from Chantecaille (there's a little boutique in my house), and I've already stocked up on extras.

By the way, I received my shipping notice for Les Pétales de Rose today, a week after I ordered it. Given the magnitude of the storm's effects in New Jersey and New York, I suspect my box couldn't make it out of there before the storm. Since it's a Thursday, I won't receive it until next Monday. Bummer!

You can order Les Fêtes Trio at Chantecaille's Web site. Because of the storm, I haven't had the time or opportunity to swing by Neiman Marcus to see if it's in-store yet, but you can pre-order. Give Jeannine Barnes a call at (202) 966-9700, extension 2289. She's my favorite local Chantecaille product specialist.

Photo courtesy of Chantecaille


  1. I think Nordstrom already has it in stock, and you can practically order it online without shipping charges~

  2. Hi CG

    My arm said "add to bag" along with the Le Petales des roses (sorry if I got name mixed up) Nordies and Saks have with free shipping. I was afraid to buy because you had not reviewed these products. I took a chance ordered and should receive tomorrow.
    So glad to have your blessing, I think they are gorgeous. I need another shimmer powder like octomom needs another kid. But it's so pretty. The holiday collections have been exceptional this year.

  3. Hi Caroline,

    I could order from Nordies, but I think I'll find out when Jeannine will get it at Neiman Marcus before I do. I'm a loyal shopper.

  4. Ah, Mary Ann, one of my arms must be stronger than yours. :)

    Octomom is crazy. We aren't. Did you hear she checked into a hospital for exhaustion or some such self-imposed malady? Anyhow, it's perfectly normal to have dozens of shimmering powders.

  5. Looks lovely...I just may have to order this one.

  6. I was very surprised to receive a UPS box in Montauk today! I read that over 70% of gas stations are closed on Long Island. So, needless to say, I didn't get to go to Stony Brook and get my back brace off today (never mind the fact that I also have pneumonia! I wanted that brace OFF!). I know they're trying hard, but it's a MESS out there. Prayers for all of the workers that have to be out there.

  7. JEM, I think it's irresistible - now.

  8. Oh MamaVal, I hope you are on antibiotics! Are you OK?

  9. yikes Mama! I hope you are doing ok out there! Hope you feel better quickly.

    On a cheery note - I saw the trio at Bloomingdales. It of course caught my eye because it was so sparkly, particularly the Diamond color. I was sorely tempted but I was already carrying some stuff from Williams Sonoma and my hands hurt and the long commute home was waiting for me. I didn't have the energy to try it out. Ah well, it's only makeup, even if it is really pretty. :)


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