
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Edward Bess Baby Pink Lip Palette

This is going to be a hard feature to write. I adore Edward Bess and everything about him: his story, his makeup, his style. I consider myself an Edward Bess groupie and am totally bummed that our local Neiman Marcus stores don't have a single Edward Bess counter between them. I rejoiced when Sephora started carrying his line.

It's disappointing that I have to admit to myself (and be perfectly honest with you) that I am not wowed by the Baby Pink Lip Palette ($75).

A wardrobe of eight perfectly pink shades in Edward’s signature Ultra Slick Lipstick formula - plus a full-size lip brush. This sleek, mirrored palette is every girly girl’s dream. Baby soft shades drench your pout with Edward’s signature ultra-creamy formula. Pucker up - your lips are in for a treat.

Perhaps I should have been blinded by the bright pinks in the online photo. I imagined that they would adapt to my lips and belie their overwhelming pinkness in the palette. The best I can say is that women who wear bright pink lipstick - lots of it - are going to be over the moon. I imagine teens will love these shades. The Baby Pink Lip Palette would be the perfect holiday gift for a budding makeup addict.

The palette itself is large and luxurious. So well-made (and tight) that it was hard for be to pry it open. I nicked a nail or two trying to pry it open. The lip brush is a fabulous addition, and Edward's signature in the mirror adds a touch of class. The presentation is gorgeous.

Unfortunately, I think I may have grown out of bright pinks. Not that there isn't a place for them in my life and looks. I find the brightest baby pink shades a reminder of an era gone by. Take a look at the swatches and see what you think. I took them in full sun after applying them with a sponge-tipped applicator (not particularly heavily).

The top row in the palette, left to right, is shown on my arm top to bottom. The shades are Cloud, Tulle, Bouquet, and Paramour. Cloud is pretty, but a bit too light for my tastes. Tulle looks pasty on my lips. Bouquet is lovely - and bright. The blue pink Paramour is a just a little too blue. Perhaps I'll feel differently in the spring when the tulips bloom.

The bottom row, presented in the same order, includes Satin, Sunset, Dream, and Embrace. Most of these shades work better for me than those in the top row, with the exception of the blue pink Dream. Embrace is my favorite shade in the palette. I fear the rest of it will remain relatively unused.

Imagine how beautiful these shades would have been in Edward's Deep Shine Lip Gloss. Sheer, rather than richly pigmented, they would have dazzled me.

I don't know if these shades were developed for the palette or if they were resurrected from old collections. They are not available separately at this time.

I'm really curious to know what you think. Do these shades make your heart flutter? Did you purchase the Baby Pink Lip Palette? Do you like it? Am I the "odd man out"? I know that Edward Bess had an inspiration for this palette - even if I can't figure out what it might have been. I'm going off to sulk that I had to write a not-so-glowing review. I'm on bright pink overload.

You can purchase the Baby Pink Lip Palette at Sephora (and get 20% off if you are a V.I.B. and order before tomorrow's deadline) or at Bergdorf Goodman, the Edward Bess Web site, and very select Neiman Marcus stores.

Photo at top courtesy of Sephora; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. I'm with you, Charlestongirl. The pinks would probably be lovely on someone with very cool undertones. Myself, I'm a bit on the warm side, approx. NC15. I actually like #3 and #8, but they might be too bright on me. It would have been nice if he could have put in a few warmer pinks. Maybe he'll come out with "Baby Peaches"!

  2. I am astonished that something like this would come from Edward Bess. It seems so out of character with his other offerings!

  3. I can't but agree with you, Charlestongirl! Can't imagine who is going to love them except very young girls ... these colors are better suited for Spring/Summer than Winter too..It's my 1rst didappointment with EB products (my banker will get some satisfaction!)

  4. The colors look like bubble gum. Horrid, utterly without sophistication.

  5. Well, I'm a woman who loves bold lips, but I can't help but think that those are the type of pink shades that are very difficult for almost everybody. I'm on the cool side and shades like this are tricky for me. And they tend to look very 80s tacky on olive toned or darker skin. They lack any kind of dimension that would make them more interesting and less "in your face".

  6. When I saw this, my first thought was, "Ah! Something for the kids at Sephora." That's not necessarily bad, it just means that it isn't for those of us who have come to love his understated elegance. In the words of a young niece who got it and loves it, "It's bubblelicious!" With her cool and fair complexion, blue eyes, and black hair, these youthful pinks were meant for young ladies like her. As for us more mature (ahem!) types, well, it does look a bit like a bubble gum collection ;-)

    I'm still eagerly awaiting the arrival of the quads. They look much more in keeping with EB's usual esthetic. And, by the way, my young niece thinks the quads look, "Bor-ring!" I guess a 53 year age gap makes all the difference. LOL

    Perhaps dear Edward will come out with a palette of shades more in keeping with his regular line. I'd love a travel friendly palette of his lipsticks.

  7. This palette reminds me of the saying that Eskimos have 30 words for snow. Why put so many similar shades together in a palette? Those shades are much of a muchness--all candy cool and unlike the fleshy pinks that flatter me.

  8. I love pink lipstick but I don't care for this at all. It would attract me (as it did online) but I think that too many shades would look bad on me. Plus truthfully I hate the fragrance of EB lip products. He's got some beautiful new eyeshadow palettes on Sephora but they aren't available yet so no VIB discount.

  9. Hi grlnxdor,

    So true. With some warm pinks mixed in, it could have stolen my heart.

  10. Lucy, as the kids say at work, "True dat."

  11. Nemo,

    Unfortunately, so true. What was he thinking?

  12. Well, Eileen, you know those quads will become available just as soon as the sale ends. So calculating!

    This palette with different shades wouldn't really be travel-friendly. It's very large - much larger than I expected.

  13. Poppy, you got me laughing with that one.

  14. Hey there, Marcia,

    As we have discussed here, those quads will be in stock the minute the sale ends. Maybe the next morning. Sephora withholds stuff. It's calculated - whether by the brands or Sephora, it happens every year.

  15. This palette is really not for me. I could see myself in the darkest shade, if any, but the rest are too pale and would make my teeth look yellow [no they aren't yellow]. And as others have already mentioned, the palette is out of season. A disappointment for many, I 'm sure!

  16. hi! someone commented, "what was he thinking?" hmmm....there is something that bothers me about edward bess and his products. unless it's changed, does his products say made in taiwan?? i know there's many people that do not care about this but, i don't know....his prices are very high...and, it just doesn't seem right to me??? well, i will not go on about this. but, am i the only one having this thought?? hmm....

  17. Really immature collection of a color, not colors. I have just about everything Mr. Bess has presented. The lipstick fiasco turned me off. Also, a bit of disappointment that he really does not have collections,but releases a product one or a couple at a time. So many incredible choices out there, I am a bit turned off.

  18. mmm Well, they are rather pink and don't quite work with my coloring. I think if it were a palette of mauve/plum/reds I would be at Sephora's door. :) Fortunately I have other things on my Sephora list to buy.

  19. I don't want to be so harsh but this palette would be awful on most people I would say. How disappointing. I've been happy with Edward Bess products in the past, maybe this was just a glitch.

  20. I love pink lipsticks, but wasn't even curious about this palette. Surprised...but I have quite a few EB lipsticks, and I have to say I've NEVER been impressed. I like a lot of his other products much more.

  21. those colors remind me of Nicki Manaj lol

  22. CG, I'm in agreement with you and everyone else here: these colors are too "loud." Also, why did he include shades so similar in one palette? It would have been more workable if he had included much paler pinks, and perhaps a deep mauve so that the user could create flattering colors for their complexions.

  23. WOW. There's a lot of "white" in those pinks, which makes them hard to wear by anyone but a teen buying her first makeup or Twiggy in 1969. I don't understand the thinking behind this palette, esp. at this time of year when fall colors are prevalent. This will NOT work with oxblood or forest green!!! In fact, I have a hard time seeing WHAT these will work with.

  24. Hi everyone,

    I am out of words on this one. I'm glad I'm not alone. I felt really horrible about the negative review. I love Edward Bess. I hope this isn't a harbinger of his future on Sephora.

  25. I appreciate your honesty, as always, CG.


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