
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Break Today

I'm taking a short break - and nowhere near relaxing. It was only a matter of time before Charlie had to have his teeth cleaned. That involves general anesthesia that scares me to death. I had an older cat who died as soon as he went under, and I've never recovered from the sadness, guilt, and all the emotions that go with sudden loss.

Today, the dreaded event came. Charlie's doctor knew I would be sitting in the lobby until Charlie was out of danger. After a sleepless night (and all the physical symptoms that accompany dread), I took him in at 9:00. His doctor came out to tell me that the procedure was starting at 10:45, and he came out to tell me Charlie was fine around 50 minutes later. Still, I sat there for another half hour, just waiting to ensure that his recovery was going smoothly. I get to pick him up at 3:30.

I am still a nervous wreck. I have no energy from a sleepless night, and I can't bring myself to review beauty products until I bring my boy back home. I hope to be back tonight. I wanted you to know why I have been missing since last night.

Charlie is not a cat. He's my best friend (no offense intended to my human friends).

Update the day after: My sweet boy sends his love to all of you. He says he's thirstier than usual (they intubated him, so his throat is a little scratchy or sore). He ate well when he came home and says he feels pretty normal. Rather than writing two features for tomorrow tonight, I'm going to go sit with him and tell him he's a perfect cat. I wrote one feature and hope I won't disappoint you if I don't have time to write another tomorrow morning before work. I still haven't recovered from the stress (imagine basket case, taking Valium, but still feeling kind of sick, and you have me!). I saw the before and after tartar and gum photos, and I know I did the right thing for his long-term health - even though it almost killed me.

Photo source lost, but it's darn cute


  1. Aw CG, a huge hug from me to you, hope your tabby is fine !

    I understand how you feel eventhough my experience with acts as pets has been pretty short compared to yours, though I did have dogs before. I digress, sorry.

    It is scary to know that someone you love and care about is not well/needs care. No matter pet or friend. It scares me a lot of times I see Cleo bound out of the house into my backyard, since I know there are dogs in the house next door. I fear a lot.

    My wishes are with you, cuddle the lil guy for me too ! XOXO !

  2. Don't need to explain, Charlestongirl, we understand how you feel, Charlie is a darling boy, your best friend, we know that...
    I only hope you have collected him at the vet now and you are both enjoying a good relaxed rest at home (he surely is a bit blurred after the anaesthesia!)
    Post us a nice photo with his ears ...and white teeth at the same time:-)Big, big hugs to you and him:-)))

  3. I had a similar experience with a pet rabbit so I understand some of the anxiety you're feeling. Will be keeping you and him in my thoughts!

  4. Totally understand where you're coming from. One of ours had to have spinal surgery and we were wrecks before, during and after. :-(

    (hugs) and good thoughts that his recovery is just as uneventful as the cleaning went! :-)

  5. This post made me tear up a little! I have an absolute phobia of the vet after a similar experience a few years ago. My Beau and Rudy send their best to Charlie!

  6. I got teary-eyed about your other cat. I grew up in a family that adores animals. I've had pet cats die or get stolen and there are days that I still bawl my eyes out even though its been 3 years since I've lost our last cat. I feel the guilt and that's what makes me so sad.

    Friends say you shouldn't feel guilty over a pet who died. You did your best to take care of him. You may think that you could have done more but you actually already did your best.

    Look at Charlie, he looks like a very pampered cat. You are the best owner he can ever have, and he will be home soon. :)

  7. Awww our Spirit gets her dental tomorrow. We have a homeopathic Vet who does it here in our house with only a 10 minute twilight given. I get to help. We have done dentals both ways and much prefer this. I know how nervewracking it is C-girl let me know how it goes, and how he is a couple of hours after the anesthesia. I work lots of cat groups and I am a manager of one well known cat group too.

    He's a beauty your Charlie!!!! He'll be up bounching around in no time. Better healthy teeth & gums.

    Warm Regards,

  8. Thank heavens Charlie is well. I am so glad all went smoothly and you got him home the same day. I know how you feel, it is one of the most nerve wracking situations, and depending on what was done the recovery time is not easy either. I hope you both get a good rest when you get home and reward yourselves with something comforting and nice.

  9. CG--I always read your blog and today's post made me smile so much. Let me explain. You have been such a generous spirit in sharing your thoughts about the world of beauty and other hot button topics. But your tender musings about Charlie, best friend indeed, touched me beyond words. Bless you and bless Charlie. Lots of healing wishes coming his way as well as yours. You are an Amazing lady :-)

  10. Thank you, EVERYONE!

    I am so glad that my boy is home and didn't skip a beat. The doc told me he was still a little loopy when we left, but he was fine. Wanted to eat - and make sure nothing around the house had changed. He spent a few hours on the porch (the temps are spring-like). Now I'm totally exhausted - probably way more than he is.

    I love all of you. Pet owners understand. Hearts!

  11. I hope everything goes well with Charlie. Your worry is understandable. Another word for it is "love".

  12. Joanne, I find that really interesting. I asked about twilight, but was told there was no such thing for cats - and that it's safer to have them intubated in case they have to bring him out fast.

    He is fine, thanks. Eating and doing all his regular things. Going to sleep early (after last night's totally sleepless night) with a big sign of relief and thanks to God (and Charlie's doctor).

    I came home with photos (before and after). He definitely needed the cleaning. Just glad it's over.

  13. Happy to hear Charlie is doing well.
    He is adorable. I would be worried sick as well. I brush my dog's teeth, but would not attempt to brush my cat's. Rest up and snuggle with your little boy.

  14. Dear Charlie,

    I'm sure with those sparkling white teeth, you're the cat's meow :-) Get plenty of rest tonight so you'll be ready to take charge tomorrow. Also, be sure you give our beloved Charlestongirl a cuddle. Your purr is the best medicine for her jangled nerves. You're one in a million, Charlie!

  15. Glad Charlie made it through his dental cleaning without any trouble. I entirely empathize with your sentiments, as I think any animal lover would. Take a breather and have a cuddle with your boy. Best wishes!

  16. I hope Charlie is at home and happy tonight! Our furry friends are family and we worry more about them than ourselves. :) Rest easy Charlie and Charlestongirl!

  17. Oh I am so glad you cat is ok. my own now deceased cat came out of a similar sugery Blind. I understand your guilt and continuing grief over the death of your little cat. Best wishes to you !

  18. I hope Charlie is well and now has shiny white teeth!
    I understand you so well... My cat is a member of the family, and I would be terrified if he had to do that.
    I give him oral care food and treats as a prevention but I guess he'll need it too one day.

  19. CG, so glad to hear that Charlie is doing well!!!!

    My kitties are my babies, too, so I know how you feel. All of my humans know I prefer my fur babies to them, but they still love me anyway! Ha! Can't live without them! And thanks for that picture of Charlie! What a handsome boy!

    xo to you both from Kidders, Oscar and me/lori ;-D

  20. I'm so glad Charlie is doing so well! Hugs to your lovely boy.

  21. Give your purrrrrrfect cat a hug for me! I understand the dread symptoms....Ralph and Eva, my very special friends, have both had their bad moments and put me through hell.
    Enjoy the company


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