
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Claudio Riaz Eye Shade 15

When I went shopping with Gaia, The Non-Blonde, in May, she purchased Claudio Riaz Eye Shade 15 ($28). It haunted me for months. This fall, I broke down and ordered it. Does it look as good on me as it does on Gaia? I don't think so, but it's a nice shimmering hunter blueish green shade to have for this time of year.

As always, the color representations at the Claudio Riaz Web site are off. I never would have ordered #15 if presented with the Riaz photo at the top of this feature. I would order it (and did) after seeing it at Barneys in person (and drooling), and I refreshed my memories of its beauty when I snapped the photo directly above.

This green has some blue in it, making it complex and unique. I wanted to show it to you applied heavily and moderately because it's actually many different shadows, depending on how you use it. Applied heavily, it offers high-wattage color. Applied lightly, it's another color altogether.

I took my photos in full sun, using a sponge-tipped applicator for the heavy application at the top of my arm and the lighter one below. You can see the exquisite color "full bore" at the top of my arm. The color reminds me of photos of the Agean Sea.

Call me crazy - but this mixture of blue and green brings the sea to my mind. Apply it with a lighter hand, and you'll get a shade that starts to smoke, one I'd use for a smoky eye any night. Apply it very lightly, and you'll see more grey and less blue-green. It's a stunning eye shadow - extremely blendable and long-lasting too.

I've told you before how thoroughly unimpressed I am with Claudio Riaz packaging. It is cardboard, which wouldn't be terrible if it were easy to open. I feel like I have to push the tray out of its case with a little too much effort, so I am always worrying about dropping it. I did break down and purchase one of Riaz's empty palettes, but I haven't filled it yet. I'll do that someday when I have nothing to do.

You can purchase Claudio Riaz Eye Shade #15 at Barneys New York or at the Claudio Riaz Web site.

Photo at top courtesy of Claidio Riaz, middle courtesy of, and the rest by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Gorgeous! Claudio Riaz is also available on Dermstore dot com, if you need another resource. Happy New Year!

  2. very pretty even though it is not my color. never heard of this brand before.

  3. Love the picture of a sea turtle peacefully floating... Imagined myself for a moment on a place of this creature. Floating far away from the noise of our world:)

  4. Hi Louisa,

    Thanks. I had no idea Dermstore had the line. I am off to browse.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Hi Bettina,

    It's definitely niche makeup. :)

  6. That's a nice thought, isn't it, Anonymous. We just came from the mall, where the teaming masses of people were anything but quiet. :)

    1. Ok...:) that was just a random thought of a tired mom:) I will be back to my makeup mode tomorrow:). I look forward to read your blog everyday !!!

  7. LOL - I thought it was perfectly appropriate. Solitude and harmony with nature are rare treats.

  8. Definitely a beautiful color. I just may have to try this one. Thanks for the post! :-)
    I doubt that I would have tried it otherwise...

  9. Kind of the same for me, Jem. If Gaia hadn't drawn my attention to it, I might have stood at the counter with my jaw open, thinking, "How will I ever buy all these gorgeous colors?"

  10. special beauty of a color, very sophisticated.

  11. Lucy, it is very pretty. Of course, Gaia's eyes went right to it while I was drooling over the cream highlighters and blushes.

  12. What a great color! sells most Claudio Riaz brushes and cosmetics (though not this eyeshadow) for almost half price. I bought my Instant Brow Brush on Cyber Monday for $39 instead of $95. It's $49.99 now, but keep your eyes open for other sales.

  13. I agree with you about the packaging, but that color is a WOW!

  14. What a find! It's a beautiful color.

  15. I STILL haven't checked out this brand, but whenever you post about it, I am always left lusting after it :P Must definitely remember to do that!

    Hope you have a happy new year, CG!!

  16. I see my list of things to look at, list of possible purchases is getting longer. of course I did look at the Claudio Riaz website and found a few interesting things. so I have to add them to the Cle de Peau.
    currently contemplating over any of the Meteorites. well as a "for right now purchase". I just dont want to glow like one of those 70's disco balls.
    Have you tried any other of the Claudio Riaz prodcuts?

  17. Hi Bettina, just use the "Search This Blog" box over on the right sidebar and search on Claudio Riaz. You'll be able to read about all the things I've tried.

  18. Happy New Year to you too, Becca. I need to check out some of the other sources mentioned in the comments to see what they have.


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