
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Pro's Picks Lip Tars Set

I wanted to order a limited-edition Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Pro's Picks Lip Tars Set ($49) when Sephora had its V.I.B. sale. It was in my cart at 10:00 pm, and by early morning on the first day of the sale, it had sold out. I think it was this set, but I'm not dead-sure. Once it became available, I tried again - at full price. These Lip Tars are a makeup artist's dream, and I had never tried them. It was about time.

A trade secret heralded by makeup artists in the know, OCC Lip Tar has eclipsed cult status and has become an instant favorite of the beauty-obsessed worldwide. OCC Lip Tar is a liquid lipstick that contains an unprecedented amount of pigment and a blend of essential oils, including hemp and peppermint oils and vitamin D. This formula is also 100% vegan and cruelty free, which makes me smile.

The Pro's Picks selection of shades from the artists at Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics are designed not only to be ready-to-wear, but made to be mixed. A stunning new innovation in lip color, OCC Lip Tar "combines the longevity of a lipstick with the easy application of a gloss, delivering an opaque and comfortably long-wearing finish." Truth be told, these Lip Tars have the longevity of a lip stain. They are amazing.

The Lip Tars in this set are Pretty Boy (super-rich fuchsia), Melange (terracotta neutral), Vintage (deep burgundy), Stalker (true blue based red), and Grandma (classic coral). Making the set complete, OCC has provided a long-handled lip brush for application.

I used a sponge-tipped applicator to apply them to my arm in alphabetical order, top to bottom: Grandma, Melange, Pretty Boy, Stalker, and Vintage. I took my photos in full sun.

These colors are bright and vibrant - on my arm and on my lips. Unlike many lip stains, they feel moist. I can see why they are so popular; they offer a little gleam and are seriously long-lasting. They have only one little peculiarity. The color transfers to my teeth on application. If I cover my lips entirely, some color ends up on my teeth. It's easy to lick away. It's just odd. You'll always want to remember to look in a mirror and wipe the front of your teeth after applying Lip Tar. Otherwise, you'll look strange with vibrantly colored teeth.

My favorites are Melange (a gorgeous nude) and Vintage. Although Vintage is a rose red, it's drop-dead gorgeous. I can see myself wearing it to a party, looking festive and glamorous.

I find the formula interesting. Despite many scrubbings after I took these swatch photos, the shades stayed on my arm until the next morning when I showered. I was interested in that durability, so I ran my finger across my lips after a half-hour of wear and saw that the color transferred to my finger, just as it would with a regular lipstick. The conclusion? These Lip Tars don't "set," as we think of stains setting as they dry. I suspect that's why they feel moist. Remember, though, do not get this product on your clothing. It will set on fabric, and it will be difficult to remove.

The company recommends that you apply these Lip Tars to moisturized lips with a lip brush, starting at the center of the lips and blending toward the lip line. Apply the tiniest bead of Lip Tar with their Precision Lip Brush for complete, opaque coverage, either mixed with other shades or on its own. Applying too much product can result in feathering outside the lipline, so remember: a little goes a very long way. The tubes are small, but they should last forever.

One more thing...don't worry about the peppermint oil giving Lip Tars a minty taste. It's fresh, but barely noticeable.

If you take a look at OCC's Web page, you'll see that the Lip Tars come in a full range of colors - even yellow. They cost $16 when purchased individually.

Have you tried them? What do you think?

Photo at top courtesy of Sephora; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. these are very colourful and lively, I'm thniking about buying them especially the peach kind of my favourite.

  2. I loved OCC's Lip Tars for a while! That set looks pretty nice and one of the great things about Lip Tars is how easy it is to mix shades together to customize a shade.

    Also, I just checked swatches I did two years ago and Vintage looks different...a lot deeper and more berry. I'll have to re-swatch and compare against your swatches.

    Stalker is a great red if you're looking for a retro red and Anime is not for the shy (it's HOT pink!!).

  3. Hi Vivean,

    The are lively. I had that peach on today. Very nice!

  4. Hi Gauri.

    They fit right in with this season's vibrant lip.

  5. Hi makeupanddentrophy,

    Do you find that these Lip Tars stay on forever? They were still on my arm after this morning's shower!

  6. Oh wow--Melange really is gorgeous! They ALL are! I can see why these are so immensely popular. I am not a big lipstick-wearer myself, so I will probably pass for the time being. But they definitely look gorgeous!

  7. Beautiful colors, nice to know they have staying power. :D

  8. I have one, which is a beautiful color, but it doesn't stay on worth a darn. The feathering, the bleeding, and then it's gone.Tar it is not, unfortunately. Maybe I should try it on my arm?

  9. Hi Charleston Girl! It's funny you asked that b/c I just wore Stalker to a party where I came home late and only had enough energy to do a quick rinse w/ a capfull of mouthwash. I woke up the next morning (after having applied it at 7PM the night before!) w/ the color barely smudged (I'm apparently a careful sleeper, haha!) and my husband looking dubiously at the mouthwash cap and wondering out load what lipstick I'd used the night before. So yes, they do tend to have quite good staying power!

  10. I've tried the OCC Grandma lip tar. I love the color a very vibrant coral. But it doesn't last on my lips :(

    My lips get dry easily so a lip primer doesn't work for me. Do you have any suggestions on how to make the color last on the lips?

  11. Becca, I think they are best geared to the woman who wants a strong lip.

  12. Icaria,

    That's their rep, although I see a few readers who didn't find them long-lasting. I can't even imagine. It took two days to get them off my arm.

  13. Stephanie,

    I have also discovered that they leave quite a lipstick ring on drinking glasses!

  14. Jessamine,

    See what happens if you apply a lip balm underneath one.

  15. Hi, I just stumbled across your blog and have become your newest follower :) .
    I've heard and read so much about OCC lip tars, I'm desperate to get my hands on them but they aren't available in India yet :(

  16. Hi Dollie!

    I know that there are drop services in the U.S. for international customers. Basically, you have things shipped there, and then they bundle them, following your wishes, and ship to you. I have NO IDEA what they cost, but it may be an option for you.

    Not sure what to search, but someone here may be able to recommend one. Google international mail concierge.

  17. Okay, had to pull the trigger on this one for the most obvious reason ( besides all the wonderful reasons you gave in your detailed review. . . .the endless colors I can create! Fantastic!! Can not wait for them to arrive!


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