
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rouge Allure Luminous Intense Lip Color from the Spring 2013 Precieux de Printemps de Chanel Collection

The dilemma! To publish bad photos of the new Rouge Allures ($34) from the Spring 2013 Precieux de Printemps de Chanel Collection - or no photos until the sun returns (now promised to be tomorrow, but that changes every day). I decided to go with bad photos so that you could see my favorite two of the four new Rouge Allures, use your imagination, and decide whether they interest you.

The two shades I purchased at Saks were Envoûtante (#116), shown at left directly above, and Captivante (#119), shown at right. Both are gorgeous in the tube and even more gorgeous on the lips. In the tube, Envoûtante appears to be a dark grape, and Captivante appears to be a rose-peach hybrid.

One of the skin or lips, they have a medium pigmentation - darker than they appear on my arm. One of the main disadvantages of taking photos without sunlight is that colors appear lifeless. Both of these shades are much prettier than they appear in my swatch photo. I am only attaching one swatch photo because it's the most color-representative I was able to capture in my many low-light attempts.

Envoûtante, shown at the top of my arm is a blue-toned rose - or the perfect mauve rose. It glistens, and will glisten even more it you overlay it with the Rouge Allure Extrait de Gloss in Merville. The combination is utterly gorgeous.

Captivante is a luscious shade. The rosy peach is brilliant on its own, but even more special when you top it with the other new Extrait de Gloss, Attriance. Chanel has given us not only new lipsticks and new glosses, but many new options when combined. Experiment and create your own magic.

Right now, I'm wearing Envoûtante topped with the peachy gold Attriance, and the combination is captivating. I can't stop looking in the mirror. The blended colors are as pretty as it gets. I wish I could get better photos today. When the sun returns, I'll add new photos to this feature so that you can see the glorious possibilities.

I have not had time to shop to see if Chanel's spring collection has arrived at other stores. I purchased all of my initial items, including these Rouge Allures, at Saks Chevy Chase. If you absolutely cannot wait for this collection to arrive at your local Chanel counter, give Georgia, Loyd, or Maria a call at (240) 497-5363. The new items from spring have just appeared at Nordstrom online.

This feature was updated a few hours after I first published it. You can see the other shades at Nordstrom.

Photo at top courtesy of Nordstrom; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Oh now, Charlestongirl, I like both of those A LOT. They're rich, slightly unusual, and definitely beautiful. HOW will I decide? I'll have to wait and see....thanks for the swatches!

  2. Hi Lovethescents!

    They are both really pretty. I thought the best two of the four.

  3. So far everything you've shown from this collection is something I want! Sigh... did you swatch the rouge allure extrait de gloss yet?

  4. Here you go, Ellen:

  5. Thanks, CG! Should have found that myself. Now I'm really in for it! I'll be haunting Nordstrom until the collection arrives.

  6. I must have been under a rock- this is the first time I've read about the Luminous Intense Lip Colors!

    They look gorgeous, definitely going to check them out in person when they are released in Australia

  7. Hi C-girl,
    These are stunning sun or no sun. They both go on my official "OMG List" ... meaning I want and must have!

    Thanks so much for posting them. Will be looking for the pics taken in the sunshine!

    Warm Regards,

  8. Ellen, haunting Nordies is always a good idea.

  9. Jen, better known as Rouge Allure Extrait de Gloss. The "luminous..." is like a subtitle.

  10. Joanne, they will be so pretty in good photos. Maybe tomorrow will be my day. I need to get photos of the quad and eyeliner too.

  11. I just tried to order the gloss (Merville) from Maria tonight. They are sold out! I did find it on the Nordstrom website. Great swatches! Thanks!

  12. Lizzy, I am so glad another source is now available because everyone needs something from spring!

  13. Me too! I was able to order that amazing illuminizer from Maria. I also ordered a new rouge allure in the mauve color. Cant wait to get it.

    BTW: Maria is great! Thanks for sharing her details!

  14. You're welcome, Lizzy. That whole team at Saks is fabulous.

  15. Dear Santa I want both of these colors for Xmas.

    Hopefully they'll be released here in Canada soon.

  16. Both these colours are so beautiful! Envoutante is gorgeous! Doubt if this collection has reached India yet though...we always get stuff so late :(

  17. The Saks in NYC has the collection as well. I picked up the quad on Monday by chance :) Today was the first day I tried it and I am definitely in love. I may even say I love it more than prelude and kaska beige. Can't wait for your post on it!
    I'm still deciding on the blush.. Saks has terrible lighting. when I asked the associate if any of the items was limited edition he didn't know.

  18. Can I just make a comment about something that's been annoying me though? I'm bothered by the fact that Chanel keeps raising the price point for their products. I'm pretty sure the lipsticks used to be $30 two years ago.. maybe even less than two years. It just seems like every year or so they up the price and the other brands seem to be more consistent. YSL lipsticks are still 30. The new Burberry lipstick line is amazing and still 30. Yet when the new rouge allures came out the price jumped from 32 to 34. It just makes me hesitant when purchasing... I do love the packaging though.

  19. They look gorgeous even without the light. Love their sheerness.

  20. I love both! I'll wait for Spring chance to have them here before March or rather April!!!!
    We are buying now the Christmas make-up :-)


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