
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

YSL Beauté Rouge Volupté Shine Pure Color Lipstick SPF 15 for Spring 2013 - Part 1

I had been waiting for YSL Beauté's Rouge Volupté Shine ($34), so when the collection arrived at YSL's Web site, I ordered almost all of them. Yep, sounds crazy, but I knew I would love Rouge Volupté Shine, so I considered it my Christmas present to myself.

I'll admit to being a devoted Rouge Volupté fan. I wear YSL's gorgeous, hydrating, flattering lipsticks more often than any other line. The original Rouge Volupté, Perle, and Sheer Candy are all a mainstays in my bathroom and makeup bag. Now I can add Shine. YSL's Rouge Volupté lipsticks all look great and feel great. I recommend them to anyone who wants lipstick advice because there's a formula and look for every need. I'm thrilled to add the Shines to my "best of" lipstick list.

In this feature, I'll show you three of the new Rouge Volupté Shines. Kind of a teaser, I know, but I will have to write about Rouge Volupté Shine in multiple posts. I would overwhelm you with all of the shades in one endless feature. This is a lipstick to savor. Let's do a few at a time.

Introducing Rouge Volupté Shine. Give in to the temptation of dazzling color. Succumb to a unique sensorial experience with extreme comfort and luminous shine. Hyaluronic acid microspheres help seal in moisture for eight hours of hydration. Antioxidants and emollients help condition and soften lips.

That's it for the promotional text online. I'm sure YSL Beauté knows these sheer, shiny lipsticks will sell themselves. My photo above shows three shades that I pulled randomly out of the shipping box. The shade on the left is #06, Pink in Devotion; the shade in the middle is #08, Pink in Confidence; the shade at right is #09, Nude in Private. I have many of the darker shades and will show you a few of them in Part 2.

I took my swatch photos in full, morning sun. I applied all three shades directly from the tubes. I swatched top to bottom on my arm in the order shown directly above from left to right.

I see stunning, shiny, and sheer colors I will live in. The Shines have the familiar, comfortable, very light YSL fragrance I don't notice when I apply YSL's Rouge Voluptés. The taste/fragrance dissipates quickly.

Pink in Devotion, shown at the top of my arm, is a gorgeous rose. I think it's pure - not too cool, not too warm - a shade everyone will love. Pink in Confidence, shown in the middle is a warm pink, the kind of color I can swipe and go no matter what I'm wearing.

Nude in Private may be one of the prettiest nude shades in my lipstick wardrobe. It looks peach on my arm. On my lips, I can call it a peach-leaning nude. It's a fabulous shade - another one I think anyone can wear.

I'm excited about showing you the rest of the shades. Parts 2 and 3 will have to wait for another day. I'm hoping for sunshine. We were supposed to have a sunny day today, but the skies are now grey.

I understand that these amazingly gorgeous new lipsticks will not arrive at YSL counters until February, so if you want one or more, head over to YSL's Web site now.

Photo at top courtesy of Chic Profile; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Rouge Volupté is an outstanding formula in all its iterations and so I'm sure these will be winners, too. The three you've shown first are beautiful swipe and go shades. And, judging from the promo pictures I've seen, there really does seem to be a perfect color for everyone. I really should make a point of stopping by the YSL counter to have a look even though I need another lipstick like I need a hole in my head :-)

  2. Hi Eileen,

    They are so gorgeous. Don't go to the counter just yet, though. PR told me February, so even though that could turn out to mean January in reality, make sure your fave counter has them if you plan a special trip.

    Need? LOL

  3. Oh my god... I was going to order some based off tiny icons on the YSL site and then you posted this!!! You totally rock :) I know you probably have a lot of products backed up waiting to be reviewed, but have you ever considered doing a favorites series? I'd love to hear which formulas/colors you adore after the new products hype wears off.

    Side question to Eileen: is your icon your dog? I really want a husky :( but I feel like right now I just don't have the time and resources to really take care of one. They're gorgeous creatures

  4. Hi AZ,

    Yes, the husky is our little female named Bobby. As you can see, she has the smoky eye look down pat :-). She's incredibly smart, playful, super affectionate, and has a bright and genial personality--and she is named after my mother! We actually have three huskies and live on two acres in a semi-rural area located between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. They need lots of space because they love to run and play. A more affectionate and people oriented dog would be hard to find. They're the greatest!

  5. Do you have any idea which color the model is wearing in the ad campaign? I very rarely buy things sight unseen, but I really want the color that she's wearing. :)

  6. Chris, I can't even get the ad campaign photos and press release out of YSL. They want to hold it all close in the U.S. until it gets closer to the release date.

  7. All three of those shades look gorgeous! I ordered Rose Infinite after I got the YSL email, which is not a shade I would normally go for--but it just looked stunning! Yours seems to be one of the few places with any swatches, so thank you!

  8. when will you post on the other shades?

  9. Good question! I have had so few sunny days, I haven't been able to get photos. Soon - as long as I can get sunshine.


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