
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday This and That

Katie Holmes has certainly been busy in beauty land. After signing on to be the first celebrity "face" of Bobbi Brown (yes, some of us dislike the fact that Bobbi caved after all these years), Holmes has now joined Alterna Haircare as co-owner and spokeswoman. According to WWD, Holmes will be featured in Alterna’s first print advertising campaign, which will roll out on the brand’s e-commerce site in mid-February and then expand in March to consumer magazines. She will also provide the brand with input and insight on upcoming products and initiatives.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how Holmes is uniquely qualified to provide input and insight on hair care products and initiatives. Apparently, it's because she is "an actress who emotes natural luxury and individuality and accessibility." Really?

For Holmes, the partnership was declared to be mutually beneficial. “I love that Alterna uses natural and organic ingredients and stays away from harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens,” Holmes told WWD on Thursday. “It’s good for my hair and good for the earth, so I feel good using it.” Who stretched to deliver that explanation? I'll be impressed when a company comes right out and admits that Katie is a hot commodity right now and they want some of the action.

Another new story in WWD that left me shaking my head was about a new skin-care line: Pur Attitude. I'm not sure we need another new skin-care line right now. I'm having trouble keeping up with the ones that already exist.

Developed by David Pollock, water-free skin care is the next big thing. He told WWD,  “Each of my products is 100 percent active and has the highest levels of actives available to boost collagen and reduce wrinkles,” said Pollock. Rather than water, each product is infused with a proprietary hydrating complex called Hyaluronix, which he said is naturally found in almost every cell of the human body. He has to be talking about hyaluronic acid, which is already a staple of state-of-the-art skin care. It's not new. “We know that skin can absorb up to 60 percent of what is put on it and water just dilutes the actives,” said Pollock. “Hyaluronix draws moisture from the air and binds up to 1,000 times its weight in moisture.”

According to Pollock, who specializes in the delivery systems of anti-aging skin care and has created products for well-known brands such as Bliss, Smashbox, The Art of Shaving, SkinCeuticals, and Lancôme, the proper delivery system is also key. Where have we heard that before? “The biggest challenge is how to deliver ingredients because most ingredients don’t go below the surface of the skin,” he said. “Our delivery system is designed to mimic ingredients in the skin to cross the lipid barrier offering time-released nourishment.”

I have no idea how that claim will pass muster with the FDA, but you can expect to see radically different claims if the FDA decides to dedicate its resources to the small fish in the pond. So far, they have only made and example of Lancôme.

Please understand, I'm not evaluating this new line. It may be fabulous. I'd love to try it, but I haven't read anything - yet - that convinces me that it's groundbreaking.

For once, DC is the place to be. Everyone from celebrities to politicians - and the armies of beautiful people who accompany them - have descended on the town to celebrate the Inauguration. The intrigue for me will be a question on everyone else's mind: What will Michelle wear? From the official swearing in, which occurred today, live on television, to the ball, her looks will be buzz-worthy.

She got a new hair style with her 49th birthday - bangs! Joining Kate Middleton and Beyonce among the trend-setters who have opted for bangs this past year, the First Lady has a whole new look for the events. I think the bangs make her look younger, and from all the photos I've seen this week related to the aging of the Obamas, I think her new look is adorable. Hey, at least she took some attention away from gun violence and budget wars.

I did a little search and wasn't able to identify the hair stylist who cut her hair. I'll bet I'm not the only one who'd love to know.

Just in case you're wondering, it's supposed to be cold tomorrow (although you couldn't prove it by this weekend's weather). I hope the First Lady has a dynamite coat to wear for the daytime festivities. What we all want to know, though, is who will she be wearing to the official balls? I'll be watching for the celebrities as well. The show may not be as entertaining as the Golden Globes show was, but it will be a fashion event.

What's on your mind? If you know who cut Michelle Obama's hair, please spill it here.

Photos courtesy of WWD, npr, and @FLOTUS


  1. Cg, I love Michelle Obama. I think she is the perfect wife and mom and a stellar spokeswoman for our country. An ideal First Lady (even though Jackie Kennedy said that First Lady sounded like a horse). Her new hair style is chic yet fun; it is the perfect hair style for YOU!

  2. Nemo, I don't like bangs on me. Plus, growing them out is painful.

    I'll let Michelle lead the way. She's the trendsetter. :)

  3. Yes, I agree, and a real down to earth lady. A far different cry from the Bush league where women are seen and not heard.

  4. Katie Holmes seems to be focusing a lot of time and attention on making a career mark in makeup, hair care, and fashion. She's got to do something other than act because she's not a very talented actress and as her association with the celebrity of Tom Cruise fades into the past, so will her lack-luster show biz career. Don't get me wrong, I think there is much to admire in Katie Holmes, it's just that she doesn't have star power on her own. She likes fashion and has a good eye for it, so it's all a pretty good fit for her. I wish her luck as she carves out her own career identity. I just wish Bobbi Brown hadn't caved in to the celebrity face syndrome :-(

    I got such a charge out of the FLOTUS's bangs. The family joke used to be that I as born with bangs. I've worn them all my life--long ones, short ones, thick ones, wispy ones, straight across ones, asymmetrical ones, you name it, I've worn it. They're definitely not for everyone, though.

    Like so many of you I'll be eager to see Michelle's inaugural gown. Michelle's style has certainly evolved over the past four years. She is a striking, handsome woman who has done a wonderful job of representing the people of the United States. She exudes warmth and competence like no other. Three cheers for Michelle!

  5. 1) Katie Holmes is no fool, she's going where the money is, and gettin' while the gettin's good
    2) FLOTUS DEFININTELY looks younger with the bangs! While I would say, "She should have done that a long time ago," I think it was probably better that she kept a more 'serious' hairstyle during the first term, since 'young and playful' would not have added much to her credibility factor.

    3) I can' wai for he FDA to nail EVERYONE who is making ANY exaggerated claims when it comes to skincare. If it penetrates the dermis, it's a DRUG. Skincare is not a drug and canNOT make medical claims. Enough is Enough!!

    My 2 cents.

  6. I don't like the idea of BB caving in to a celeb "spokesperson" - part of Bobbi's appeal has always been that she's another "everywoman." And Katie Holmes is definitely NOT everywoman! Beautiful, yes, accessible, not so much.

    I adore Michelle O's new bangs! I've been out of touch with the news/computer this week due to travel, so I hadn't seen them until the inauguration this a.m. She looks as tho she took some inspiration from Kerry Washington (great role model, as well!).

    And, please, "Anonymous," we didn't hire Michelle, we hired her husband.

  7. I thought the very same thing when I heard about Katie Holmes. She seems to hardly wear any makeup and was surprised BB added her. I know she's "hot" now and everyone thinks she's beautiful, but to me she seems plain.

  8. I wish Katie Holmes could find the courage to be more original in her image. I'm bored to death with masses of hair (mostly extensions)/ smokey eye/ nude lip look. It's gorgeous on some women, but then becomes a uniform instead of an expression of natural beauty. I think Bobby Brown fell short on this one, and Katie hasn't really become the woman she can be. Now Michelle--there's a woman who knows how to express herself, from her "look" to her deeds. So much respect!

  9. Really? Barbara Bush was "seen and not heard"? Ha, that's funny. I suggest telling her that and lets see what that gets you.

  10. I think it's hilarious that you said, "For once, DC is the place to be." And you're in CHARLESTON! Um, seriously? We have the national and international spotlight CONSTANTLY not just because of politics, but also the arts, the literary scene, media giants, world-class restaurants, top-tier sports teams, celebrities, TV and films shooting here constantly, clubs, high-end real estate, amazing monuments, parks and outdoor spaces, etc.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Dear Anonymous,

    Apparently you are a new reader. Welcome! If you had been reading, you would know that I live in the DC area.

    Today, the world's eyes were on DC. It was nice.

  13. Yes, CG, it was a beautiful inauguration day and I found myself smiling at the inspirational Obama family. How lovely were Michelle and Jill in their gowns? (I gasped when I saw how gorgeous Michelle looked in her red Jason Wu-he must be pinching himself!) And to watch the Obama girls grow-up, so well-mannered and poised, obviously so close to their parents, my heart swelled a little bit bigger. (And my middle daughter was there again and will be at the National Cathedral for the Prayer service tomorrow! I get to live vicariously through her. lol...)

  14. CG, I think Michele's stylist is Johnnie Wright at Fredric Fekkai-- or at least that's what I found in the Internet.


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