
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Friday Forum - January 11

I was watching the morning shows on television and heard some of the silliest red carpet predictions I've heard in a long time. To hear the guest from Marie Claire tell it, we will be seeing hideous gowns (in my opinion) in black and white (OK, that one has possibilities), bold ruffles, and prints - all based on what the big-time designers showed at their latest shows. The examples flashed on the screen were the polar opposite of Hollywood glamour. I must disagree with the "expert."

So, here is my prediction. We will see breathtaking color; clean, simple lines that flatter a woman's curves; embellishment, a bit of red, and gorgeous shades of gold. There will be black and white, but they won't be paired. Come to think of it, we seldom see celebrities dressed in bed sheets - although it has happened. Remember that shower curtain dress? I spent some time this morning in a search for that dress and finally found it on Michelle Williams.

I'm wondering what that darling nine-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis will wear. At her last red carpet event, she wore Ralph Lauren. That movie - Beasts of the Southern Wild - have you ever heard of it? Am I totally culturally deprived?

I'll be watching the fashion (and makeup) at the Golden Globes on Sunday. I love these shows - not usually the shows themselves, but the red carpet and occasional prize shots, like Angelina Jolie touching up her lip gloss with Chantecaille. I find it difficult to tweet continuously and watch the show, so I'll probably go easy on the tweets and concentrate a little more this time. By the time I've tweeted a comment, the camera has moved on. I will try to write a wrap-up feature the next morning. Let's all try to select our favorite hair and beauty looks, not just gowns. Could be fun. We can join Vogue. Check out Taylor Swift at the top of this feature above with a twisted up-do paired with copper-colored smoky eyes.

Turning to makeup, so far, I think the new collections are beautiful. Most spring colors work for me, so I look forward to their arrival. So far, I've been very happy with what I've seen. Some of the colors may be a little "young" for me - such as turquoise eyes - but I'm enjoying the looks and the fun. I've even got some summer collection photos to show you. While I'm usually conservative, summer is a time when I am willing to wear colorful eye looks and sun-kissed shades.

It's time for the Friday Forum. I love this part of our week. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

Don't forget this week's giveaway contest for Bobbi Brown's Ultimate Party Collection - just in time for some of the biggest parties of the year. The deadline for entering is tomorrow, Saturday, January 12, at midnight.

Photos courtesy of Vogue and


  1. That dress is so awful, I can't believe she was allowed to leave the house with that piece of drapery on her.

    This week has been exciting. I received a wonderful Christmas present from a faraway friend, the STUNNING RBR Sea of Tranquility highlighter. I LOVE it! I'm having so much fun playing with it and trying new things. I can't believe I've lived this long without it :-)

    I also got to try Guerlain's Aqua Serum Wrinkle puffer. I knew that those products that help diminish existing wrinkles cause local inflammation to do so, but I had no idea I'd end up so RED and moon-faced! This is NOT for the sensitive skinned ;-)

    Finally, I've been lemming two blushes: Chanel Fleur de Lotus and RBR Orpheline. Do you think I need them both? SO tricky!

    Have a great weekend, all!

  2. Awards season has arrived--that golden season ($$$$) for designers and stylists :-) Except for the red carpet extravaganzas, the only two shows that I actually watch--albeit off and on--are the Globes and the Oscars. Forget about tweeting, Charlestongirl. Relax and enjoy the fashion parade!

    The spring collections are very pretty, indeed. We're all going to look like bouquets of flowers against a clear blue sky. Color--vibrant or pastel--is obviously shaping up to be quite the trend for the months ahead. I love the idea of softer lips and cheeks to go with a pop of color on the eyes and so I'm eager to try Armani's Coral Bliss palette that you featured yesterday. I've already got the spring pink angle covered and so I'm not particularly interested in Armani's Rose Bliss palette. I do wonder; however where all of this is taking us in the seasons ahead. I know that Chanel has a very colorful summer planned, but I don't know anything yet about the other brands in which I'm usually interested.

    I haven't purchased anything since my Guerlain spring splurge. I've played a bit with my selections and am immensely pleased with them. I don't see using them on a regular basis for a month or so, though, as I'm enjoying my winter/holiday colors too much to put them aside. Moving into March is when I usually notice a substantial shift in the color and quality of the light as well as a general warming of the weather. I'll probably be ready to look like a little flower by the end of February :-)

    Hi Lovethescents,

    Isn't Sea of Tranquility just superb? It's one of the most refined and versatile liquid highlighters around. You can use it as a classic highlighter or mix it with moisturizer or foundation to use as a luminator. It makes Benefit's High Beam look garish in comparison and even makes Armani's #7 look coarse. You got the best. Enjoy!

    TGIF everyone! I hope you're all looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

  3. Hi Lovethescents,

    Don't you wonder, "Who is the stylist who selected that awful dress?"

    I love my RBR color. Have a new eye shadow to post soon.

    Of course you need them both. :)

  4. Hi Eileen,

    I wish Armani had sent me the photo of the other. :)

    February there is normally our most brutal month. It will be March-April before we see spring pop in the DC area.

  5. I received my Chanel Merveille gloss. And I am so happy about it. I did see it here when you posted about the collection. finally this week the products were listed online. so I ordered it on Wednesday and DHL delivered today. needless to say I like the design of the packaging. the color is great. glad I got it.

  6. I need them BOTH??? You're killing me!! The Chanel is impossible to find except on the bay where it's going for over $65. Oh the torment!

  7. To Lovethescents--

    Chanel Fleur de Lotus blush is available online at I just received one the other day (after reading BTIB favorites of 2012) for $43.00. :)

  8. Happy Friday!

    I love awards season too!!

    This has been a great beauty week for me. Saks in Philly miraculously got more le Metier de Beaute Eagle's Envy k-kits and mine is on the way to me. I can't believe it! Thanks go to you, Charleston Girl, for pushing me over the edge on that one.

    I'm also waiting on pins and needles for those new Armani palettes. I actually loved the Neo Black palette you didn't like! The concept of these palettes is fantastic. They just need to ditch the applicators.

    This week was also a bit of a record for me- I wore the same blush every day! *gasp* I'm having a total love affair with by Terry Torrid Peach. So many don't like these blushes, but when applied with the Tom Ford blush brush they are pure perfection.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Can't wait for the Golden Globes debrief!

  9. Hi Lovethescents, then I'll amend my comment. You really need the RBR one. :)

    You can get Fleur de Lotus on You have a Canadian Chanel site, don't you?

  10. Thanks, Anonymous, for helping Lovethescents!

  11. Hi LuckyRedLisa,

    YES. I got another one last week, and I was so surprised they finally came in. The first batch was destroyed by Superstorm Sandy, so they had to have another whole batch made. Pfew! It's so pretty.

    They should ditch those space-fillers. They are useless. I'd love more product!

  12. Absolutely *loving* Taylor Swift's copper smokey eye. I reckon I could rock that with my green eyes, don't you?

    Me and hubby are taking our two little boys on a beach holiday to Queensland for the next 10 days, as it's mid-summer here.

    I will miss not seeing your posts as they come through...

  13. I must admit, while Taylor Swift annoys the bejeezus out of me, that copper eye is *insane* and makes her blue eyes pop like crazy! Gorgeous!

    And while I think that the floral Valentino dress on its own was quite quite pretty in a flower-child kind of way, it definitely didn't do Michelle Williams any favors and didn't really suit the occasion. Can you imagine how fabulous it would have looked on someone like Elle Fanning, though? I really like that that girl has such a fun, fashion-forward style that she keeps AGE APPROPRIATE. Same goes for her sister--it's always a shame when you see a 13 or 14 year old star that looks about 23 due to their makeup and styling choices. I think Elle and Dakota keep it fresh and youthful and I really admire them for that.

    I enjoy seeing the Golden Globes' hair and beauty roundups online but to be honest, I haven't actually watched it on TV in years.

  14. We do have a Canadian site for but no shipping.

    So RBR would be best for me, eh? You know how I trust you, so thank you!


  15. Hi Christy,

    That eye look is stunning on her. Most of us can wear it by softening it just a bit. She was, of course, made up for the camera.

    Have fun on your vacation. Maybe the hotel will have a computer you can use. :)

  16. Becca,

    I think her whole look for that photo was genius. I don't really follow her life, career, or boyfriend rotation, but she is a darling girl for the cameras. Those statement earrings weren't too shabby either.

    Watch tomorrow. Mandatory for beauty lovers. :)

  17. Darn, Lovethescents!

    Pick a warm pink from RBR. Maybe Delicata?

  18. Thank you, Charlestongirl, what would a pallorous girl do without you? Look worse! :-D <3

  19. I doubt it, Lovethescents.

    Can you wear cream blushes?

  20. HI CG
    I was wondering if you have the inside news on Tom Fords Spring collection? I cannot find any information?
    Thank you

  21. I'm not very excited about the spring collections. I know I should be more open minded after getting a Chanel makeover recently at which the MUA created a nice, soft look for me using colors that I would never have chosen. That said, I am looking forward to seeing new releases in the Panetone emerald colors. I have an old Lancome eye shadow close to emerald green. The texture is still good; a spray of alcohol should take care of any germs. I bought YSL's new green mascara and nail polish at Nordies. They should arrive in a couple of days.

    I always forget to watch the red carpet shows. They aren't as glamourous as they used be; I can't quite figure out why. The Vogue link you've included in your post is much more interesting because you can zoom in to examine the look closely.


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