
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Enter to Win Prizes from Suave Professionals

How would you like to win $100,000? That will buy a lot of beauty products if you are the grand prize winner of the ShineSweeps!

Nicole Richie strikes a pose above as she helps kick off the Suave Professionals new Moroccan Infusion line and launch of the Shine Suite on At the Shine Suite, launching yesterday, February 25, 2013, everyone has access to the latest beauty and fashion trends, including behind-the-scenes content from “Fashion Star,” and exclusive interviews with mentors and designers. Visitors can also enter for their chance to shine with instant giveaways, weekly prizes, and a grand prize of $100,000!

As a mentor on NBC’s “Fashion Star” (which premiers Friday, March 8), Nicole Richie has an insider perspective on style and beauty and wants to make them accessible to everyone. That’s why she’s partnered with Suave Professionals for the second year and is inviting women to check out the Suave's ShineSweeps page for ways to unlock beauty secrets and fashion trends and have a chance to win free product, cool prizes, and even $100,000.

You can't win if you don't play! I always think of Lady Luck, a hilarious spokesperson for the Virginia Lottery when I write that. She's right, though. I entered.

Photos courtesy of Suave Professionals


  1. Funny... when I hear, "You can't win if you don't play!", I think of the exact opposite ---a quote from the movie "War Games," with Matthew Broderick. After almost blowing up the world, the articially intelligen opponent says, "A strange game, the only way to win is not to play." So I guess it just depends on what game you're playing!!!!

  2. That's pretty funny. Clearly, you aren't from Virginia, where we heard it for so many years, it's imprinted in our brains. In the ads, Lady Luck was dressed up like a goofy fairy with a wand. I adored the ads - very clever.

  3. lottery commercials are generally pretty creative, because someone has to figure out a way to 'part a fool from his money!! :) I'm glad you enjoyed her!!


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