
Thursday, February 7, 2013

"The Mascara Crowd Muscles In"

Unless you have the New York Times dropped in your driveway every day, as I do, or you religiously check it online each day, you may not have seen today's Thursday Styles article about beauty bloggers backstage at New York Fashion Week. It's an interesting piece. You can see it at this link.

It is true - without a doubt - that some beauty bloggers wouldn't miss NYFW. I envy their stamina, but I'm not forlorn that I'm in Virginia, while they are zooming around on their feet all day, lugging their cameras and trying to get an edge on reporting the latest beauty trends.

Actually, I find most runway makeup so disconnected from my life that I'm not sorry to miss the "orange-lined eye at Derek Lam or jeweled brows at Chanel." I do enjoy reading about the looks selected by makeup artists, though, so keep working, gals. We will be all be home reading and enjoying the latest on your blogs. It's hard work, and someone has to do it!

Photo courtesy of the New York Times


  1. Hi CG,
    I think I would love the pageantry of it all - to experience it just once!

  2. Hi MR,

    Believe me, the only pageantry is on the runway. Backstage it's chaos.

  3. I think the fashion shows are fun and exciting, but I like to watch them on-line. Curled up on the couch with my iPad--coffee and a bakery goodie at hand--that's the way I like to watch the shows :-)

    Several years back, I went to Fashion Week with a gal pal and we actually had more fun just doing the usual tourist things: visiting museums, taking in a few Broadway shows, enjoying the sites. Although my friend had her working moments (she was a photographer), I much preferred hovering in the background, watching the energy swirling in the air. It was exciting and exhausting.

  4. Me too, Eileen, with no back or foot pain. I was up at NYFW a few years ago. Nearly wrecked my knee - the one that's bionic now.

  5. Hi Charlestongirl, Thanks for the link; I had not seen it yet and it was a good read! I think I'd have to agree with you--- Fashion week photography sounds like an exciting chase, however I'm quite fond of the low-key and at-home type hobby that blogging is for many of us!

  6. I'm laughing, Dovey. Totally agree. Plus the parties during NYFW tend to be loud, crowded, and crazy.


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