
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Whether it's a holy day for you or an opportunity to celebrate a holiday with friends and family, I hope you enjoy your day.

Yesterday, the Easter Bunny gave me a gift: three bottles of amazing perfume. That bunny collects Victorian perfume bottles, not perfume. When I told her I liked to collect perfume, she gave them to me. She made my weekend!

I will be eating Easter dinner at my mother's today - her favorite Easter meal, of course. We will have ham with all the usual sides. Think I'll break out a nice bottle of champagne to celebrate spring and the rebirth of nature's beauty. I could "feel" spring yesterday.

Enjoy the day!

Illustration source unknown


  1. Happy Easter! Hope you have a wonderful time!
    Can't wait to celebrate Easter, this year it's in May for me...

  2. Happy Easter Day to you and your Mother, Charlestongirl! Glad you had a gorgeous gift:-)
    I'll be celebrating with children with champagne, usual roast of lamb (only day when I eat lamb, I'm turning vegetarian more and more)and Easter chocolates (here it's the bellls coming back from Rome which bring the chocoates!)...and I had an unexpected gift too....I'll be a grandmother for the 1st time before the end of summer (my daughter)....well, I'm delighted of course... though I don't feel like a granny yet:-)

  3. Happy Easter! Our family celebrated yesterday with my in-laws and today, we are completing our move to our new home. Tomorrow, Easter Monday, when my husband comes home from work, we will have a lamb dinner.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Happy Easter to you as well! Spring is in the air and warm days are coming at last.

  5. Happy Easter, Elena!

    May? Easter in May? I'm terribly confused.

  6. Happy Easter, Clarisse,

    I hope you have a wonderful time with your family. Granny, huh? Our generation of grannies doesn't look the part. What a joy in your life! I'm so happy for you.

    Savannah just had a seizure, so I've got my ear on the other room. I heard heard flopping against the wall, also growling. Then it stopped. She's under the bed - can't get to her. Hope she's OK. That's the second "little" seizure I have heard this week.

  7. Happy Easter, Christina!

    A new home! How splendid! Except for the work, that's such a treat. I hope you enjoy it.

  8. Hi Z, Thanks and Happy Easter!

    Funny, I wrote that greeting last night after a warm, sunny day, and now it's cold and raw - "fixing" to rain. I went to breakfast early with a friend and shivered. Boo.

  9. Happy Easter CG! Enjoy the time with your Mother, enjoy the coming of spring. As always, I appreciate your endless efforts to keep us up to date in the world of beauty. Thank you, you are pure class! Denise at aeiokid at comcast dot net

  10. I looked it up - Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter this year on May 5 - they use the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian.

  11. No matter what our faith or where in this wonderful world we live, one of the things we share is our joy and optimism when we see Nature nurturing life all around us---flora, fauna, or a new addition to the family (Congratulations, Clarisse!), spring is a glorious time of year. As Alexander Pope wrote in the 1700's, "Hope springs eternal" and at no time is that more beautifully illustrated than when, after a long winter, spring finally bursts forth with an abundance of life and a renewed sense of optimism.

    For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, hold the thought! You'll get your turn in six months ;-)

    Hi Elena,

    I assume you're Christian Orthodox? So here's wishing you and your family a joyous Easter come May.

  12. Hi Chalrstongirl,

    I was so sorry that Savannah had a seizure. That poor little kitty. She's lucky to have you there to keep an eye on her even though you can't really do much to help. You're there. That's what counts.

    Even though your weather has fizzled out, I hope you'll create a bit of your own warmth and sunshine when you gather for dinner. Enjoy the time with your mom--and the champagne! Happy Easter!

  13. Have a very Happy and tasty Easter! I think I'd prefer your Easter Bunny to the chocolate delivering kind! I'd smell good and still fit into my clothes. ;-)

  14. Thank you, Denise. I hope you are having a great holiday!

  15. Bisbee,

    Thanks! That explains it. I always thought Easter was the end of Lent, which always starts at the same time. Duh!

  16. Thanks, Eileen. I am concerned because I've heard a few little seizures in the last week. That's not a good sign.

  17. Thank you Charlestongirl and Eileen ♥!
    I do hope your poor Savannah gets better after her 2 seizures, it's so difficult to cope with that..Big hugs when you can get to her (and to Charlie too)

  18. Happy Easter, CG!

    I hope little Savannah is okay. Did you take her to the vet? Sorry if you've mentioned it before. I'm still checking in, but sometimes have to shield my eyes from all the pretties as all my money has been going to the ortho doc.

    Have a lovely dinner with your Mom.


  19. Have a blessed day C-Girl!!!!
    Warm Regards,

  20. Thinking of you and your mother today, hope you have a great time together! Happy Easter! :-)

  21. Glad to hear your voice, Bonnie. I hope you had a fab holiday!

  22. Hi Rosemary,

    No vet needed. She's on phenobarbital, and there's not much more to do.

    Happy Easter!

  23. Evelyn, I'm chuckling. So true - a no-cal treat. :)

  24. Hi CG,

    It's early evening here in California when I'm reading this so I'm not sure if you'll even read it but I hope you had a wonderful Easter. And, I hope your mom and your furry friends are doing well. Thanks for posting the swatches of the Chanel glosses. Rose Sauvage and Daydream are calling my name!


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