
Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Mini Vacation

I need to take a mini-break from the blog. For the next week or so, Best Things in Beauty won't be my highest priority. I will probably post now and then - I can't hold myself back - but I'm not going to pressure myself to write two features per day, or make sure to be home to get photos at the best times of day, or write for hours.

I need this break for a few reasons. First, my foot hurts, and it has really slowed me down. What should take 10 minutes takes 20. I need to sit with it elevated more often than I am. Second, beauty deliveries are in a lull, so I can take advantage of the lull before the summer storm and rest. You know I'll be raring to go the moment a new collection hits the counters. Third, I need to spend more time looking for work than I have been. Right now, the environment for consultants in the DC area is scary, as a result of Congress' grand sequestration experiment. I'm not the only one who is being and will be negatively affected. Kids will go without Head Start, teachers will be fired, programs for hungry American children will be cut back, and my friends who work for the government will be furloughed, potentially losing 20% of their salaries. For the first time in my life, I'm scared about finding work. That shouldn't be; I'm good at what I do.

You know that as soon as the latest great new treasure shows up at the counters, I'll be there. Until then, please come back this week. I won't be gone entirely.

Photo source unknown


  1. I came here just to say this: the work situation will be okay. I can't say exactly how things will work out, but I can promise you that they will. Your blog is wonderful, and helped me get through a very rough time last year. This break is well-deserved!

  2. I'm here wishing that your feet (and the whole scenery) will get better soon, CG! And I can't help thinking... it's more than time for this crappy world economy to recover, isn't it? I'm tired of losing my rights, I want to get new rights, like the generations before used to. Like a three-day weekend. ;-) Well, at least we do our part for the economy, supporting the beauty sector!

  3. Enjoy your break. We' ll wait eagerly for your return.

  4. Oh, and I'm sure you'll be fine. You are clearly a brilliant person, so I don't worry too much about you. Enjoy your break, and make sure you eat a lot of nice stuff!

  5. Make the most of your well deserved break. I hope your foot will get better very soon and I am sure your professionalism will certainly translate into some positive job opportunities
    very very shortly. Take care.

  6. Have a nice mini vacation. Hope your foot heals soon and doesn't give you much trouble so that you can enjoy your break. Take care. Looking forward to reading about more beautiful goodies when you return :)

  7. Hi Charlestongirl! You do need a well deserved vacation and to take care of your foot by not forcing him to carry you: it happend to me years ago and the prescribed remedy was rest too. Enjoy time passing without rushing in and out: I bet Charlie is looking forward to it and purring with delight:-)
    As for your job, I'm sorry the situation is so is everywhere...I wish someone would take the right decisions somewhere and make everyone follow: at the moment the people are so unhappy without a job: how is economy going to revive if everybody is strangled...I wish I knew the answer...!!!
    Don't worry, you are a pro and very brilliant too, so you'll find something I'm sure, just take care of you at the moment! I send all my best wishes and will wait for your return:-)

  8. I'll miss you! I look forward to your blog every day. But, I cannot begrudge you some time off. You deserve it and you need it to get your foot back to normal and to get your self a new consulting gig. So take care and I'm sure there's a new job for you not too far on the horizon.

  9. Glad you're taking the time to look after yourself. You clearly work hard to update this blog, and while it is appreciated, I think you deserve some breathing room.

    Good luck finding a job!

  10. Your break is well-deserved. And good luck on the work front, too.

  11. One of highlights of my day is to read your blog. That said, I will miss you, but hope that you enjoy your time away. As other posters have said, you are clearly a brilliant woman and I have no doubt that things will work out for you. Rest and take care of yourself!

  12. Take care of business and yourself, CG. We'll be here when you return!

  13. Everybody needs a break now and then to relax, renew, refresh, and reprioritize. It's important to take that time to give yourself all the attention and care that you so richly deserve. With so many responsibilities and demands on your time and energy, it is all too easy to get caught up in a litany of I must do this; I must do that. Before you know it, your life is out of balance and things no longer bring the same joy. You are wise to recognize when it is time to take a break. I've never blogged, but I can easily imagine how quickly the demands of writing, getting pictures and swatches, attending to your readers questions and concerns, coming up with imaginative ideas for the "Friday Forum" and "Sunday This and That" can absorb just about every waking moment. Then there are all the important things in life like your health, caring for your mom, nurturing your furry babies, all your charitable and conservation causes, and--oh, yes--work!!

    Take all the time you need and don't worry about us. We'll be here whenever you're ready to return to "the old grind" :-). Enjoy the coming of spring with all its promise of hope, renewal, and rebirth. Over the years of reading BTiB, we've come to know you as a loving, caring, and supportive person. In giving to others, make sure you save a bit of that love and care for yourself. You're the greatest, Charlestongirl! A woman couldn't ask for a better sister-in-beauty :-)

  14. Oh CG, enjoy your mini break--you truly deserve it! I'm wishing you a speedy recovery with your foot--that sounds painful and you really need to take care of yourself first and foremost! Sending positive thoughts and energy your way, CG! Take care!!

  15. A break for you is wonderful...somehow I don't get the impression you will be resting much though. Looking for work IS work. Sending warm and happy thoughts, and hopes of a job offer and a healed foot. Take care, you will be missed. Denise at aeiokid at comcast dot net

  16. Enjoy your break CG! It's good to take some time to recharge the 'batteries' every now & again. I hope your foot heals quickly.
    That said - I hope something pops very quickly on the job front. This is a beauty blog so I won't digress as to my feelings on the sequester but I hope this ship gets righted very, very quickly. Best wishes that you will find the work that you are looking for very quickly!
    You know that we will be right here waiting for your return!

  17. Charlestongirl I read your blog almost daily but I am quite hesitant to leave a comment since I am not a native English speaker and I'm afraid of possible language mistakes. However, I would like to wish you the best of luck in finding a new job! I'm searching for a job too but it's really difficult to find a job relevant to my studies without previous working experience in my sector. Take care of yourself, relax and enjoy your break! I'll be waiting for your return!

  18. Thank you, my friends! With readers like you, I know you'll be back. I do hope to write one post tomorrow. My interview for work comes first, though.

    Denise, you are right. Looking for work IS work. I haven't done enough of it lately. In the past, jobs fell into my lap. I've never had to sell myself. I guess I'm joining the rest of the world.

    Be assured, if something wonderful arrives at the stores, I'll be back with swatches in a heartbeat.

  19. I'm sad to hear a slow down of your blogging, but you deserve the rest! Your blog really does brighten up my day, even if I don't comment often.

    Hopefully the work situation goes well, I'm in a postion for looking myself and it's tough times (especially without experience).

    Well, enjoy the break.


  20. Please do take time to give yourself a break, you very much deserve it. I look forward to your posts everyday and I am sure you will come back refreshed. I wish you luck finding work, times are indeed tough.

  21. Take good care, look after your priorities, we will all be here and checking as you said you likely wont be able to totally stop, no worries from your community it will give us more opportunity to appreciate you the more. Best

  22. Have a relaxing time on your holiday and good luck finding a job. Everything happens for a reason and I am sure something will surface soon. Even though I blog I will miss your blog are very good at what you do. Enjoy and see you soon.


  23. Best of luck and great success with your job search, speedy healing for your foot and some relaxation for mind and body with Charlie and hopefully new spring flowers. Sending best wishes,
    PS I was the one posting about my hope to start loving the new Chanel 1932 but accidentally left my name off. I am a little closer to liking it :)

  24. CG - you have given me so many happy cosmetic moments! I am sending good wishes your way that all will be well! Have a good blog vacay and take care of that foot.

  25. Charleston Girl,
    I am sorry to hear that you are not going to be 'there' when I turn my computer on, but I am very very glad that you are taking time off to pay attention to your health.
    Rest, keep off your feet, and that job just might have a lap to fall into!
    Take care, and be well.

  26. I can't really say anything that's any better than what has been expressed here. We look forward to your blog every day, but understand your very deserved need for some time off. We all need to switch gears now and then to rejuvenate ourselves. You are the best of the best so no need to worry that any of us won't be back. We'll be here waiting, like a patient trusted companion, for your return. I wish I could come and take care of you, I am good at that. I could cook healthy dishes, clean your house, serve you tea and run errands. Since I am across the country, I guess this isn't going to happen so have a good rest, keep your feet up, enjoy Charlie's company and I know that you are a super smart, attractive, capable woman who will have jobs landing in her lap once again as soon as a few things sort themselves out.

  27. Hi Charlestongirl,
    I hope you enjoy a well-deserved break! Best wishes for healing and finding work! I will certainly be checking back and awaiting your return :)

  28. Hey CG - have a great break and look after yourself!!! xxx

  29. I will miss your posts, but it is a well deserved break-!

  30. Hi Charlestongirl!

    Relax, refresh yourself, we'll be here waiting to read the latest when you're up to it. Quite frankly, with the pains you've been having, taking care of your furry babies and dealing with your mom's ill health this past year you deserve a lovely vacation in the best spa possible! :) I'm sure you will be snapped up for a new consulting job soon as well.

  31. Hello CG: I hope your break serves as a wonderful refresher. Enjoy!

  32. Your health, well-being, and career take priority over cosmetics. What a ghastly thing to write!

    You will be missed, even in the short term.

  33. Congress's grand sequestration? Please elucidate.

  34. Hi Anonymous @ 1:35 PM,

    Sequestration refers to the budget cuts mandated by The Budget Control Act of 2011 which was approved by Congress and signed into law by Obama. The Budget Control Act required the federal government to develop and approve a plan to cut the federal budget by 1.5 trillion dollars over ten years. If a deal couldn't be reached, then automatic cuts (sequester cuts) would go into effect January 1, 2013---the so-called Fiscal Cliff. A deal of sorts was struck in Congress which postponed the deadline to March 1, 2013, but because Congress has been unable to reach agreement on a spending plan that meets the requirments of The Budget Control Act, those legally mandated cuts are now going into effect. Since sequestration primarily targets discretionary expenditures and requires the down-sizing of other budgets, many people who rely on federal funds to support their programs are currently in limbo while the particulars are being worked out. We have yet to see how it is going to play out and how it is going to impact the economy. In that sense, it is, indeed, "Congress' grand sequestration experiment."

  35. Hello! Time to put youself first. Yes, we all love reading your blog, but your health is now a priority, along with the job hunting. Take it slow with the foot and dig deep for the great job. Take care.

  36. Take a well deserved break and enjoy it. We all need a break from time to time. Your faithful readers will be here when you return. I'm sure gonna miss your articles. :)

  37. I just want to drop by and wish you good luck with job hunting. You deserve a mini break. We will be patiently waiting for your return :)

  38. You deserve a break, CG. I'm sending good thoughts your way.

  39. Hi CG, my best wishes to you, the foot and the job. Hope you are getting your much needed break, I know I'll miss your posts!


  40. Enjoy your vacation! Have fun and be safe, <3

  41. Hope your foot is ok by know...Enjoy your break. Take care of you!

  42. Enjoy your break! I wish you all the best in your job hunt. It's not fun, I know, but I have every faith you'll find something great.

  43. Ohhh, I'll miss you. Your blog is one of my fav! But take care of yourself more importantly, and I don't doubt a second, you will find a job!!!!! Bisous.


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