
Friday, March 29, 2013

The Friday Forum - March 29

All over the United States and Europe, people are wondering what happened to spring. After a mild winter in the DC area, suddenly it's cold, cloudy, and even snowy. Fortunately, the snow hasn't amounted to much here. Event when I had four inches in my back yard, my little street was only lightly covered in shaded spots.

Still, the early daffodils persist. They are hardy souls - like the other early spring bulbs.

This has been a very slow beauty week for me. I haven't visited any stores, primarily because we are in an introduction lull. The summer collections will arrive at counters any day. April will be a busy month.

I've taken the opportunity to rest my foot and try to make some sense of the clutter that has built up since it started hurting. I try to sort my mail at the recycling bin when it arrives - even before it makes its way into my house, but I'm not always successful. Who wants to stand outside and sort mail when it's raining?

It's Good Friday, and I know many of you are preparing for Easter Sunday. Passover had begun. Many schoolchildren are on spring break. This is a busy time; I can see it in my blog's visit statistics. I'll try to come up with some irresistible things to show you over the weekend. One thing that caught my eye - perhaps because of the Easter egg colors - was an advertisement for new Stila colors. The two eyeliners, while not terrible practical, look beautiful.

Periwinkle and Turquoise Smudge Sticks are perfect shades for spring. They were inspired by water and sky - and maybe a few Easter eggs.

It's time for the Friday Forum. I love this part of our week. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

Don't forget to enter this week's giveaway contest for Tarte's five-piece LipSurgence set. The deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, March 30 at midnight. I'm thinking of running an additional flash giveaway over the weekend, so make sure to check back.

Happy Easter!

Top and last photo courtesy of Stanford, Stila; snow photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Happy Friday! I've been enjoying some daffodil blooms (i.e. cut flowers) at home--- they seem so perfect for the moment. I sniffed the Diptyque Jonquille (Daffodil) candle today and though I didn't indulge in one, it did smell wonderful!

  2. Hi Dovey,

    I want that candle. If I weren't on a spending diet, it would be mine. So spot-on for spring!

    Happy Easter!

  3. I don't mean to brag but since I live in the Seattle area, I hope you can forgive me. We have Spring!!!! It is sunny and gorgeous with blue, blue skies and fluffy white clouds. No more grey skies, wheeeeeee!!!!!! The daffodils are in full bloom all over town, the grass is emerald green and everyone is in a good mood here. We are supposed to have a spectacular weekend. It has been almost 6 solid months since we've had blue skies so I'm a bit giddy. What a difference it makes in one's outlook.

  4. The snow is slowly melting, but we are expecting another round on Sunday or Monday (︺︹︺) ugh! Although the sun is starting to shine and the days are getting longer and that helps.

  5. It was such a lovely Good Friday. It's finally getting warmer and the snow is melting. It's making me think about sunscreen, actually. At the moment, I'm using Shiseido with an SPF of 15. That won't do for the end of the spring and summer. I'm looking for a good moisturizer with an SPF of 30 or more. Can you, Charlestongirl, or anyone else, recommend one?

    Thank you so much and Happy Easter!


  6. Hi CG!
    I was wondering if you have the scoop on any new Tom Ford Collection. Are they just introducing the lip shines or can we expect a new quad etc- really hoping so!

  7. Hi, In regards to sunscreen, Clarins has a new one SPF 40 that is simply fantastic, light fluid, it is not like many and I have tried so many. Lise awatier makes a good one with SPF 30 as well. Both of these are facial. Clarins UV Plus HP Day Screen High Protection 50 ml. Lise Watier Sun Smart Universal UV Shield Sensational Touch 30ml. I have been using the Lise for a few years and the Clarins just started after a few samples. I have really tried a lot as am sensitive and don't do well with many on the face. Both of these are like light fluds, perfect under makeup etc. I think the Clarins may be a bit better cost as it is larger. Anyway after trying many those are in my opinion the best.

  8. Hi Lovethescents,

    It's hard to make good recommendations without knowing a bit more about what you are looking for in a sunscreen. Chemical or physical? Moisturizing or oil controlling? Tinted or plain? Stand alone or one that can also serve as a moisturizer or primer? Etc.

    A good moisturizing facial sunscreen is LancĂ´me Bienfait Multi-Vital SPF 30. It is richer than the Clarins UV Plus (I'm not familiar with Lise Watier's products) and is a good day cream/sunscreen combo. If that appeals to you, you might want to get a sample and give it a go. It that sounds too rich, then definitely check out the Clarins. SkinCeuticles and Dermaquest also make light-weight sunscreens that layer well over regular moisturizers. My all time fave is Chanel's. Chanel makes an SPF 50 that is a skin treatment/sunscreen/primer all rolled into one but it is a whopping $55 dollars an ounce. When Chanel relaunched it, I was hoping they'd come out with a larger and more economical size. Instead, they came out with the same size and a larger price! :-P

    Hi Makeup Remastered,

    Take a look at TF's summer collection at, the Feb. 16 post. Scroll down and you'll see a promo picture of the products and description of the collection. There are two cream eyeshadows, but no quad.

    Here's wishing everyone a joyous spring!

  9. Hi Eileen- thanks for the Link. Pity about the quad as I love TF quads- the rest of the products look sublime!

  10. Hi everyone, I am sorry I didn't make it back here Friday. My whole weekend has been crazy-busy.

  11. Hi Meredith!

    You are so lucky. #thatisall :)

  12. Hi wwendalynne,

    Melting snow does not leave us with a warm, spring image. Poor you!

  13. Anonymous, HydroPeptide makes an SPF 30 that I just tried. Nice! My standby's have been Clarins and La Roche Posay.

  14. Oops, just saw Anonymous was you, Lovethescents!

  15. Hi MakeupRemastered, The TF collection will be on sale at my counter on April 15. All of it.

  16. Ditto, angusmum1! Clarins makes superb sunscreens and blocks.

  17. Thanks, Eileen, for directing everyone to the post we've hung our hats on. :) Info has been scarce - as is often the case with Tom Ford.

    I can't wait to get my hands on that collection!


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