
Friday, March 8, 2013

The Friday Forum - March 8

What a day - already! I'm late in posting The Friday Forum because I had a short 8:30 business appointment. I had planned to come back, write, and publish. However, I decided instead to go to see a doctor.

Last Friday evening, by the time I left Neiman Marcus, I had major right foot pain. I thought it was a neuroma acting up. Over the course of this week, a big bruise appeared on the top of my foot, and the pain level increased every day. I needed to find out whether I had fractured a metatarsal. I kind of remember dropping something on my foot. Unfortunately, there is usually no way to find out if a bone is fractured without seeking medical assistance.

Of course, I couldn't get an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. That office offered me an appointment at 3:10 with a PA, and not even the PA for my own doctor. I turned that down and headed over to the hospital emergency department. They have an Express Care section, and I was in and out in an hour. My x-ray showed no fracture. From experience, I know that means one of two things: 1) I could have a stress fracture (they don't show up on x-rays), in which case it will take about three months to feel better; or 2) it's a compression injury, and time and elevation will help.

Either way, my foot hurts! That's a great excuse to say home, rest (Charlie will love it), and keep my foot elevated. While I do, I can read blogs and surf the Web. Plus, I'll watch my new favorite show, DCI Banks, on PBS. It's a crime drama - one that's so visceral, I have calm down after each episode. I watch on WETA UK on Saturday evenings.

We have had crazy weather. Wednesday, it snowed. It actually snowed a lot - fast and furious, big, heavy, wet flakes - for hours. Fortunately, we weren't buried by the predicted 4-8 inches because the ground was warm. Most of it melted as it landed in sunny areas. I took the crocus photo above before the snow, and yesterday, as the sun returned, my little flowers were as perky as they had been on Tuesday. These little February bloomers are a huge lift for my drab winter garden. Many of my hellebores are blooming too. It may be chilly out, but the bright sunshine and early flowers reassure me that spring is about to make its debut.

Did you know that Amazon has declared 2013 as its year of beauty? According to WWD, Amazon is expanding its beauty category. Through its Amazon Marketplace program that enables third-party retailers to sell on the site, super-luxe brands from Tom Ford to Chanel, Lancôme to La Mer and many more, are all available on Amazon - sometimes at a discount and virtually never sourced directly from the brands themselves. The online channel is outpacing other channels in sales and sales growth, and Amazon wants a piece of the beauty action. Would you buy beauty products from Amazon? I would. I don't see a difference between buying blind from Sephora and buying blind from Amazon. I'm pleased to see the company's new focus. I'll have more places to shop (like I need them).

It's time for the Friday Forum. I love this part of our week. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

Don't forget to enter this week's giveaway contest for the Sephora  Favorites In the Glow set. The deadline is tomorrow, Saturday March 9, at midnight. Whoever wins this set will be blushed, bronzed, and glowing for a year.

Update: Is it too late to wish everyone a Happy International Women's Day?

Photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. The only new thing in my beauty bag is the LMDB Melange eye palette, and I have not used it yet. Maybe never. I thought the only item worth keeping from the NM beauty event was the tote bag itself which is good enuf to use as a brief bag! The samples it contained were the most pitiful yet. Yesterday I reupped on the CHANEL eye quad, Raffinement, and the lovely lipstick, Evoutante, both from the spring 2013 collection. I haven't seen anything better, anywhere.

  2. I am sorry about your foot injury. Lots of R&R with a side of online shopping should help your recovery.

    The two PBS feeds into Canada did not carry the DCI Banks series. I met Pwter Robinson at a writers' conference in 1992. He is such a nice man and was generous to other writers with his time. I am hoping one of that actions shows the series in the spring.

    I bought the Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Serum Infusion, Stay Rose lipstick, and Verite Cleanser. Hudson's Bay is having the Lauder GWP event with nice items, two of which my mother purloined.

    Yes, I would buy makeup from Amazon since it would mean easier shipping in Canada.

  3. I would definitely buy makeup from Amazon - I find it much easier and a much better experience shopping from Amazon, than shopping with I had a so-so experience with One of the things I like about Amazon is that you can get reviews of products, which are usually pretty honest and thorough.

    I'm sorry about your foot injury - those are painful!

    I think the DCI Banks series is a spinoff from the Inspector Morse series - DCI Banks (Lewis) was his assistant in the Inspector Morse series, if I'm not mistaken. Nothing beats a good British crime mystery!

  4. Hi Nemo,

    For years now, the samples in those totes have been an afterthought.

  5. Hi Maureen,

    I think I can adapt to R&R just fine. :)

    It's too bad they aren't carrying DCI Banks. The series is based on books by Peter Robinson. I am so envious you got to meet him! He must be an incredible writer because the shows give me goosebumps.

    Whenever Amazon goes into a market, they quickly take a major position. I need to go browse around more. I bought something in beauty there recently, only because the Google search brought up Amazon. It was a discontinued product. I have good luck finding them on Amazon.

  6. Hi Edith!

    I have had very few disappointments with Amazon.

    Inspector Morse is still on my local station. Great show! However, I don't think DCI Banks is a spin-off. Check out the history here:

    You are right about the Brit crime mysteries. They are fabulous.

  7. Yea Amazon! I purchase beauty products from Amazon that I can't find locally; things like Bioderma Sensibio and Cosmetic Skin Solutions CE Ferulic Combination Antioxidant Treatment serum. By the way, the serum is a wonderful alternative to the exorbitantly priced SkinCeuticles version. It contains the exact same percentage of C, E, and Ferulic Acid as the SkinCeuticles version and adds a good dose of Hyaluronic Acid to sweeten the deal---and all for $39 (plus free shipping) as opposed to $146! It comes in the same dark brown, glass, dropper bottle as SkinCeuticles and is used in the same way. My skin hasn't been able to tell the difference since switching.

    I've been enjoying my Estée Lauder Mad Men lipstick and blusher. They are both such easy colors to wear. I particularly like the blusher for its transparency and soft glow. It's quite delicate and gives just a whisper of cheek color--very pretty; very sixties. There are so many things that will be launching March/April that I'm sure I'll be putting in quite a bit of time at the beauty counters :-). New powders, foundations, lipsticks, and glosses galore! And, of course, the summer collections will begin making their way to us in earnest in April/May. It's going to be a beautiful and colorful summer.

    Hi Charlestongirl,

    Oh, your poor foot! I feel your pain. Earlier in the year, I dropped a full paint can on my foot. Ouch! While my foot was bruised and swollen, walking was an ordeal because the injury was right where my toes flex. I still have a black blob under one of my toenails which is growing out, but ever so sloooooowly :-P

    As for DCI Banks, isn't it addictive? I love shows like that! Edith has the right of it. The Brits really know their crime mysteries.

    Hi Nemo,

    I got a chuckle out of your new brief bag. I'm sure you're ever so stylish in court! LOL. I'm using mine to haul groceries :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

  8. I completely sympathize with your foot pain, CG. My own improperly-healed toe has been acting up lately, probably due to the weather, but the bone specialist whom I saw many, many years ago about it said that the only way to fix it would be to re-break the bone and re-set it properly. Can't decide which is the lesser of 2 evils - surgery or arthritis.

    It's the favorite part of my beauty week! :) I have a question for BTiB readers, which is, any recommendations for a PHYSICAL facial sunscreen? (I am allergic to chemical sunscreens.) After I learned that my NIA24 sunscreen was the cause of my constant flaking, I've been on the hunt for a new sunscreen, yet in spite of my few requirements (physical, with preferably more zinc oxide than titanium dioxide; non-oily), you'd think that such a sunscreen doesn't exist in the world.

    I also recently learned how to pop off the rubber stopper in lip glosses in order to get more product out of the tube. I almost jumped up and down with glee after learning that trick, but I managed to restrain myself.

  9. Hi Eileen!

    Thanks for that recommendation. As I sit here with my foot wrapped in an Ace bandage, I'm actually waiting for Amazon. My new toaster should arrive today.

    I dropped something heavy on my foot. For the life of me, I can't remember what! I remember thinking, "Oh oh, that's going to hurt." The pain, though, didn't set in right away. It was only days later, after running around on it, that it became very painful.

    I have had a metatarsal stress fracture before. They are NOT fun. My doc told me they are more painful than clean breaks. This injury is a smidge below where yours was.

    I don't know what I'm going to do for money for the upcoming collections. Maybe I'll sell some silver on eBay. I know I'll need most of the Tom Ford summer collection.

  10. Hi CG, so sorry about your foot, I hope it heals fast. I have no problem shopping for beauty on Amazon I've always been pleased with everything I've bought from Amazon.

    The beauty front this week for me was about concealer. I am a fool for a new concealer. I bought the new NARS concealer and the new Sisley concealer. THe NARS is good but the Sisley is great! It covers up the darkness in the corners of my eyes and just under my eyes like nothing else I have ever used. I also appreciate that it has caffeine in it and anti-aging ingredients.

    Hi May,

    I have three great physical sunscreens to recommend. Dermaquest SPF 30 with Zinclear, Epicuren Zinc Oxide and my current staple is Suntegrity 5 in 1 Natural Moisturizing Sunscreen. The Suntegrity comes in two tints. I use light. I use this for some light coverage since I don't normally use foundation. The Dermaquest comes in a tint but I used the untinted version. All of these sunscreens provide excellent coverage and do not leave your skin a white shiny mess. You can buy a sample of the Suntegrity from their website

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  11. Just a note that the DCI Banks series is not related to Inspector Morse books. Peter Robionson is the author of the DCI Alan Banks mystery series. If you haven't read the books, try one. It is a great series.

    The Lauder GWP included a Pink Parfait lipstick. Lovely soft shade with a bit of shimmer.

  12. Hi May, just reading that made me wince. Then I laughed out loud as I read your delight about disassembling your lip glosses. :)

    Read this old article when you get time:

    Here is a GREAT sunscreen for you:

  13. Right, Maureen. Not related.

    Which Lauder GWP?

  14. Hi Jo, I tried to buy Sisley's new concealer to try it. I was told it is totally sold out in #1 on the East Coast. So, I must wait. I bought a new LMdB concealer to tide me over. It's a great one anyhow.

  15. Hi May,

    I have this funny vision of you leaping with glee amidst a pile of de-stoppard lip glosses :-). Too funny!

    I'd like to second Jo's Dermaquest recommendation. According to mine, it contains 18.6 % zinc oxide (Zinclear) and no titanium dioxide. I have the untinted version.

  16. Hi Everyone,
    This question is directed to Eileen about the CE Ferulic - I am a huge fan of this product and have been using SkinCeuticals for the last 5 years - the rosacea thingie again. I am reading up on the product you recommend and it looks like it is perhaps a knock-off of SkinCeuticals unless it is manufactured by SkinCeuticals for this company ???? I checked out the whole product line and it seems identical to SkinCeuticals. I would change in a heart beat if I knew my skin would be protected in the same manner. Thanks for info on this. Any info you can give I would really appreciate.

    C-Girl I hope you feel better soon *hugs* Thanks for such a wonderful forum!!!!!

    Warm Regards,
    Joanne ~ VancouverChic

  17. Can you all recommend a holy grail eye makeup remover? I've tried lots -- most recently Bobbi Brown Instant Long Wear Makeup Remover, and still wake up with some mascara under my eyes.

  18. @ CG &Eileen: I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to contain my exuberance if I hadn't first exhausted myself from the acrobatics required to pull the stubborn stoppers out.

    Oh, another question for BTiB readers! (I knew I'd forgotten something the first go-around.) This time, I'm looking for sharpener recommendations. I've already tried Urban Decay, NARS, Make Up For Ever, etc, but none of them make my pencils as sharp and fine-tipped as I want them. Hmm, maybe because if they were actually that sharp, they'd be a hazard to my eye ...

  19. I LOVE DCI Banks! What has he been in before? I have wracked my brain and haven't figured it out. (and I always like to exercise the gray matter before I resort to Google!) Bummer about your foot. Take care of yourself.

    I ended up purchasing the special "Pretty Powerful" Pot Rouge from Bobbi Brown, but it didn't arrive today as it was supposed to due to our Nor'easter. Did you get any snow out of it? My daughter in DC said they really didn't. Ah, and I just remembered that the Mally waterproof eyeliner set I ordered from QVC arrived this week and....I LOVE them! I am saving the lighter pinky and golden ones for my blond haired, blue-eyed daughter, who doesn't care for dark eyeliner (can you believe it? A teen who doesn't like dark eyeliner? Thank the Lord!).

  20. Makeuplover--have you tried Cle de Peau eye makeup remover? It is super gentle, cleans everything up and very quickly. It does have oil though, but you can rinse that off. As far as getting the rest of the gloss out of the tube (like Chanel's), heat a pan of water on your stove until hot but doesn't have to be boiling. Remove the wand and set the tube upright without letting water get into it. The gloss that is stuck on the sides will warm up and slide down to the bottom where the wand can reach it.

  21. Hi Vancouver Chic,

    Here are the ingredient lists for you and anyone else interested in CE Ferulic:

    Ingredients in Skinceuticals:

    Water, Ethoxydiglycol, 15% L-Ascorbic Acid, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Laureth-23, 1% Alpha Tocopherol, Phenoxyethanol, Triethanolamine, 0.5% Ferulic Acid, Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate.

    Ingredients in Cosmetic Skin Solutions:

    Water, Ethoxydiglycol, 15% L-Asorbic Acid, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Laureth-23, 1% Alpha Tocopherol, Phenoxyethanol, Triethanolamine, .05% Ferulic Acid, Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate.

    No, you're not seeing double! The CSS is a copy cat and a pretty darn good one, at that :-) They probably get away with it by tweaking the other ingredients a bit, but the important actives (C, E, and Ferulic) are in the same concentrations. Since switching to CSS's version a year ago, I have not seen any deterioration in my skin condition and neither have my friends who have also switched over. And, because it is so reasonably priced, I don't hesitate to use it all over my face neck, and chest.

    I learned about the product at the Truth in Aging site when I was searching for a more economical serum. Also, Amazon has hundreds of very positive reviews with only a few negative/crank/fake ones. At $39, it's well worth checking out.

    I did see a couple other knock offs, but their ingredient lists were not identical to Skinceuticals. Since I was so happy with Skinceuticals, I went with the Cosmetic Skin Solutions and have been very, very pleased.

  22. Oops! I didn't mean "hundreds". I meant "almost a hundred very positive reviews.". I should read as I type! Sorry about that :-P

  23. CG: the Lauder GWP was the cute Lilly Pulitzer cosmetic bag with an Advanced Night Repair Serum, eye cream., night firming cream, travel size mascara and a lipstick. I'll use the bag for travelling.

    I use Skinceuticals SPF 50 Sheer Physical Defence lotion on my face and neck. It works under foundation, and doesn't irritate my rosacea.

  24. I was shoping at Sears in Ontario Canada where I purchased a new Estee Lauder mascara with the two tones for upper and lower, havent had one of theirs yet. I went to get the new Rouge Eclat lipsticks from Clarins and it turns out they were starting a promotion the next day. As it was Sears they are willing to send the items to the local catalogue location in my small town so I can get the goodies. I will be able to get 2 4pc sets of skincare from a selection of 4 as well as a full size eye product. I ordered 3 lip sticks, replacement for my illuminating purse concealer/pen and some sunscreen. I probably got the screen to get the GWP but would have ended up having to get it anyway and I am careful as I ad an awful experience a couple of years ago. I usualu use Lise Watier but this is actually a bit cheaper. I enjoyed the time out to actually browse the various counters as I usually have to forgo that. I was disappointed though, they had the new highlight and e/s palette from Summer Goddess but hadnt a tester so it wasnt able to be swatched?? Wierd. It did insoire me as I came home and created a look. Today I wore emerald green wash on lids with a coral highlight , brown crease. It took a bit of fussing but I was able to blend it out and received a number of compliments. I used white matte as a base and it had the added bonus of smoothing the skin for the colour as well as brightening it. I am going to work on letting colour in!
    Take care of yourself CG, we need our feet, read, enjoy the computer, whatever, you are injured and need it!!! I hate these damn entries to post, I cant see them half the time!!

  25. I also like the Dermelect SPF 30 sunscreen, it provides a nice surface for foundation. Another one that has a higher spf is from the Organic Pharmacy, SPF 50, also with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. It's very moisturizing with good elements like marigold, shea butter, and rose hip. I like both. Maybe the Organic Pharmacy one a little better because I am mature with dry skin and I live in a dry climate . . . Denver, Colorado.

    As far as British detective series go, has anyone seen the "Luther" series? It's my favorite.

    Shelley from

  26. Hi CG,

    Let's see.. this week I've been going a bit crazy finding the perfect spring/summer lip product. I've been digging my stash from last year and fell in love with Burberry Golden Peach & Primrose Hill Pink. Then I visited Burberry counter and got Mallow Pink gloss -- I've passed this gloss numerous times, but somehow this time it got the better of me. I personally don't like the scent of Burberry lip product, but something about Burberry and their colors that is very wearable, classy, yet still very much in trend. I also got Face Stockholm for J.Crew lipstick which I will test drive tomorrow. I'd love to try out some of the new BB Lilac Rose Collection lip glosses. Have you seen these?

    Eileen, thanks for the info on Cosmetics Skin Solution on I've put the C+E Ferulic in my cart, will check out the next time I finished my Paula's Choice Antioxidant mix.

    CG, I know you are a gardner, but do you know anything about growing an orchid? To be precise, to make them bloom. I've got an orchid that used to be a bloomer, now haven't bloomed in a year. Lots of leaves, but no bloom. Any thoughts?

    I hope you get better soon from the food maladie!


  27. Whooops! I meant to say from the "foot" maladie, not "food" :-)


  28. Not much new in the way of beauty. The latest addition is an Armani Lip Maestro, which is my first foray into this new-ish trend of matte long-wear lipsticks. It takes a bit of getting used to, and it's ultra pigmented. I have had to experiment, and the best way to wear Terra, shade 200, seems to be to daub the tiniest amount on my lips with the doe foot brush and to spread the product with my finger tips, otherwise the colour is too dark and too saturated for an everyday look. I think I should have bought Casual Pink instead, but I do like the shade of Terra, it is just stronger than what I am used to.

    Happy weekend, everyone.

  29. Thank you CG for creating a wonderful place that I love to visit. Hope that your foot heals quickly! I received my LMDB Melange eye palette and a Bondi Beach gloss yesterday. Love both. I'm also loving my highlighters from Chanel. Have a great weekend!

  30. Thanks, Maureen! There are so many rolling GWPs, I can't keep up.

  31. Makeup lover,

    Are you holding the remover on your eye area, lightly pressing, when you use it? I find a swipe doesn't work. The BB one is one of the most effective I use, so I'm surprised it's not cutting it for you.

    I also do something that's not "standard." I cleanse my face before using the eye makeup remover, so there's less to remove. Usually, the cleanser gets most of my eye makeup, then the remover takes off the rest. The exceptions can be some eyeliners, which stay on for days, no matter what I do, and waterproof mascara, which I try not to use.

    I just bought the new Armani remover and need to start testing it. Will let you know.

    Oh and...I do wake up with a little black under my eyes. It comes off in the shower when I use my eyelid scrubs. You could try eyelid scrubs at night if you want. They are VERY effective.

  32. Hi angusmum1,

    That sounds like a pretty look you created! Fun!

    My EL counter received the Bronze Goddess product before the testers. I know they ship separately, but it's still frustrating. If my counter had received the testers, I would not have purchased that rollerball.

  33. Hi Shelley,

    I haven't seen Luther, but I'll look for it. I don't watch too much TV besides the news, so I have to stumble on a show, as I did with DCI Banks.

  34. MamaVal,

    Google Stephen Tompkinson. You will see his many credits. What an actor!

  35. Hi CG-I hope the R&R fixes you right up!

    Eileen- thank you for the info about the Cosmetic Skin Solutions brand - I refuse to shell out the $$ for the SkinCeuticals, these prices are way more budget friendly!

    Happy weekend everyone

  36. First of all, I'm sorry about your foot troubles, I hope it gets better soon (seems many people around me are having foot troubles lately!), take plenty of rest!

    First of all, I would like to ask a question regarding the NARS Translucent Crystal Light Reflecting Powder (I forgot to ask about it in the post, so here's hoping someone will see it in a more recent post).

    I know you and Eileen didn't like it and I remember Eileen mentioning that she didn't like the way it flattened the planes of the face in photography (I agree). However, too much shadow in certain areas of my face is my problem when being photographed, so do you think that if used only in certain places, its light-reflecting properties would be enough to counteract that? This product seems ideal for this, as I don't think a regular highlighter would look right in real life, but this would. I hope I'm making myself clear.

    Nothing new in beauty for me this week, I've resolved to not buy another makeup item or nail polish until I make a dent in my unworn items. I was reorganizing my makeup this weekend after a couple of new acquisitions and whilst going through it all, realized that there were a number of items I hadn't ever worn even once! So I'm going to go through those and I must say, it feels kind of a relief to not buy for a while (although I will be looking at the new pretties on the blogs).

    Hope you have a good weekend! (What's remaining of it.)


  37. Oh actually, there is something new for me in beauty this week, but I'll get back to that in a minute because I want to answer May's question about sharpeners. May, I would have mentioned the UD one, but since you don't like it...

    Anyway my favourite eye pencil sharpener has to be one from a UK drugstore brand called Natural Collection (very cheap). No I won't make you look for it, seems it's long been discontinued, but the main thing is that it's all-metal (also with a unique design, but that's not the point) and very similar to my regular pencil sharpener.

    Even with artist drawing pencils, it's recommended to use metal sharpeners and I do prefer them, they give better results. Now I'm wondering if you can't find a cosmetic one, it might be worth looking in art shops for an all-metal sharpener. Size shouldn't be a problem and they don't have to be expensive, I think they would do the trick.

    Back to my beauty news, I have finally allowed myself to buy NARS makeup. Not that I have ever doubted the quality of their makeup or not been attracted to the colours they bring out, quite the opposite! As someone who loves exploring colours (boxes of 72 colouring pencils are not enough, I need more variations!) I always knew that letting myself get into NARS would be very dangerous, so I banned myself from their stuff until now. Quite drastic, but in a way it was fun. Unusual colours I knew I would have no trouble finding from them, I had to hunt in other brands and I discovered plenty of loves.

    Well what made me finally allow myself to get into the brand was this spring's blusher in Seduction, to add to my plum collection (my only other being a JC in Plum Attraction). Also, I had wanted eyeshadow colours like those in the LE trio Douce France for a long while and couldn't find anything comparable in other brands. Well now that I've started my NARS collection... At least I started just as I've resolved to not buy anything for a while, otherwise it could build very fast.

    Wow, looks like I had a lot to say this week!



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