
Monday, April 15, 2013

Respect and Tears for Boston

Due to the tragedy in Boston, which appears to be a horrific terrorist attack, I will not be responding to comments or publishing again today. Like most of you, I am watching the news, praying for the dead and injured, and hoping that there are no additional attacks.  May God bless Boston and everyone there, along with panicked families across the world.

What more can I say?

Photo courtesy of NBC Washington


  1. Cg, you love and have concern for all living things. You have inspired many.

  2. I was stunned when I heard the news. I am always shocked and saddened by man's wanton cruelty. I'm hoping there will be something definitive during this evening's press conference.

  3. Another senseless tragedy..... I will never understand humanity. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those involved in yesterday's tragedy and for all mankind.

  4. It's still a bit numbing to think that this act of terror stopped the world yesterday, as we learned of the cruelty that will always be a footnote to the Boston Marathon and Patriot's Day.

    Children maimed and dead, many who no longer have legs or arms - the injuries of war. Who could hate that much?

  5. I join my prayers for the dead and injured persons to yours!
    What a horrible tragedy... Beings so devoid of humanity to manage to do such evil to their brothers! I can't understand such cruelty and hatred...
    God bless the families of the sufferers.
    I read the news in the papers this morning, but from here it's not very clear who is behind...I hope they'll get caught and rot in prison... though that won't bring back those who lost their lives in an event which had begun as a festive one...

  6. Clarisse,

    I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I'm getting radical about terrorists. I'm thinking that, once convicted, they should be tortured before being executed.

    Now to turn to a heartwarming story:

  7. Praying for the souls whose lives have been irrevocably changed by this senseless act of cowardice. It breaks my heart.

  8. Unspeakable act. Who can understand it? What is happening to our country? What effect are these events having on young adults and children? I had bad dreams all night. I feel sick both emotionally and physically and very sad.

  9. Meredith, I heard a man who knew the child who died. He said the same thing. Bad dreams. Terrorism affects our psyches in ways we can't predict or even understand.

  10. Hey there, wwendalynne,

    I don't pray often, but yesterday called for prayers.

  11. To everyone who added their thoughts, thank you. I didn't feel as alone in my grief.

  12. My heart goes out to those affected by the tragedy. God bless.

    Was watching the news just now and learnt that one of the suspects has been killed and a manhunt is going on for the other one. I hope justice will be served soon.


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