
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday This and That - Has Your Skin Changed with Age?

Yesterday, I mentioned that my skin had changed with age. I didn't mean the usual changes, such as sun spots and little wrinkles around my eyes and mouth - like Helen Mirren has. I meant my skin color. Today, my skin is more pale than it was 10 years ago, when the central redness in my face was a constant irritation.

Some women go from oily or combination to dry. Women gradually produce less oil beginning after menopause. That's to be expected - and sometimes it's welcomed. It's hard, though, to get enough hydration, and we need to amp up our skin-care treatments.

Some experience sagging. That would upset me. I'd be going for a surgical consultation. A thin woman with sagging skin doesn't have much latitude before she looks sickly. The sagging is partly due to thinning of the skin. Decreasing levels of skin fat, collagen, and elastin mean sagging skin becomes more prominent all over the body. However, these changes are especially evident in facial features, which are so obvious.

The outer skin layer (epidermis) of the skin thins, even though the number of cell layers remains unchanged. When I looked into it, I learned that the number of pigment-containing cells (melanocytes) decreases, but the remaining melanocytes increase in size. Aging skin thus appears thinner, more pale, and clear (translucent). Large pigmented spots (called age spots, liver spots, or lentigos) may appear in sun-exposed areas. Check! "More pale" explains why my face has become such a blank canvass for makeup. Now I can wear warmer shades. Coincidentally, It helps to have so much silver in my blond hair. That has allowed me to wear colors that I didn't love in years past.

I found this photo of an aging arm, which is repulsive, but my arms are headed this way. I'll have red arms when I'm 80. I can knock my arm lightly into a door entrance (anything, really), and I get senile purpura - due to extravasation of blood, secondary to fragility of the blood vessels associated with the dermal tissue atrophy that occurs with aging and UV radiation. Nice, all those years frying to try to be a golden girl did this to me? Besides, I'm not elderly!

What are we to do about the changes we hate? Protect your skin from sun exposure, and start taking care of it early. Use sunscreen early and often, and remember to know and understand the ingredients in your skin care so that you can select the best products to protect your skin. It sounds easy. I wish I had known in college what I know now about tanning.

Have you seen changes in your skin? No matter what your age, how is it changing? Have your options for color opened or closed? I'd love to chat about it if you are game for true confessions.

Photos courtesy of and


  1. My skin is starting to have that crepe paper look to it.

  2. hi charleston girl!! i'm 44 years old and i've been to the dermatologist about 4 times since the beginning of this year. i've always had fair/pale skintone. when i was a kid, i used to go to the pool with my friends. as they turned into "bronze goddesses", i had to stay home as i turned red as a tomato with sunburns. i stopped going to the pool all together. as a teen, i had acute acne mostly on my forehead. my forehead always felt like sandpaper and looked as if i was suffering from prickly heat. tetracycline and clyndamycin gel always seemed to do the trick. i remained pale. it's only when guerlain's summer collection comes out when i feel down about my skintone. if i use the products, it's very, very lightly applied. the most significant change in my coloring is my hair. i'm over 90% gray. my hairdresser does the magic but it really needs to be done about every 3 weeks. i've also been very thin as well. people always tell me i look alot younger than i am but, i'm my worst critic. i know how i feel and look. i'm starting to see that dreaded " 11 " in between my eyebrows and fine lines. but, you can't hide your neck and hands and that's wear my age shows. i can't even find a nice shirt to wear because the necklines are so low and i see a 44 year old neck in the mirror. i love all the new chanel nailpolishes but, my eye veers to my green and blue veins showing in my hands. i'm having a tough time with acne know and it seems to be getting worse. my chin is a mess. when i lump goes away 2 more appear. i also feel my hair is thinning more with increased shedding. am i entering menopause? who knows? my doctors seem unsure. as far as makeup colors, neutrals always reign with me. although i'm considered cool tone, i look best in warm tones. i had a chanel appointment today to try on their new summer colors. the pygmalion coco shine was sold out but, that didn't matter because idylle looked way better on me. i seem to be battling something inside and, although my doctors don't say for sure when i ask them what's that (pointing to my skin or hair) the response is "birthdays". i always hear about aging gracefully. i'm really trying to do that. hey, i made it so far!! with everything going on in the world and people coming down with serious illnesses, i feel that i should be focusing on other things. but, my acne hurts and, it's certainly not pleasant to look at! as far as skincare, my dr. always says to use something bland. i have pale, sensitive, combination, skin with acne. it's hard!! looking for sun protection this year is like looking for a great pair of's out there but, will take forever to find!! happy sunday to you!! xo.

  3. Skin has always been an issue for me, from eczema since birth, to psoriasis, I have had to learn to listen to it.

    On my face, my skin has changed considerably over the last few years. I think that the birth of two children is at the root of it -- obviously, aging is as well (a new decade looms on the horizon). Since the birth of my daughter, my face is drier. I can wear heavier creams now, whereas I couldn't before. It was a complete wreck after she was born, but, with attention, I seem to have been able to turn it around somewhat.

    The fine lines are there and my once-endearing dimples are now crevasses when I smile! A "sinker" I shall be! I find, though, that, with time, my complexion is darkening. I have eschewed the sun for 20+ years now, and yet, my face is about two shades darker than my neck. So frustrating!

    I also have very transparent skin: my body is a roadmap of veins. Bruises show up for me at the slightest bump, as well. I should be a scary sight in years to come!

    Enjoy your Sunday! Glad to have read that your cat is feeling better.

  4. Hi Charleston Girl!
    I have to admit my skin has also changed with age and I am constantly working with new skin care, makeup and especially concealers to help the change look less obvious.
    My skin tone has taken a lighter shade and unfortunately, I don't feel comfortable with most foundations as I once did. Everything from eyeshadows to blush has become more difficult for me. I feel pale but with noticeable dark circles.
    I fight the saggy jowl area with massage and techniques to allow support in this's all frustrating but what is a girl to do?
    All the chemicals and scary ingredients in our skin care and cosmetics concern me so I am consistently looking for natural help.
    I feel the skin on my arms however, are not thinning but I feel plump! I do not like that feeling after being thin all my life. Now, I am 50ish and don't feel like myself anymore.
    I struggle with skin, hair and more weight than I am comfortable we go, let's get a nice chat forum going to support the cause of aging gracefully!
    So thankful for your posts, they are always helpful.


  5. I can relate to what everyone else is saying! I had somewhat oily skin with mild monthly breakouts as a teen, and then I hit those "Miraculous Years" of the 20's when all the stars aligned and my skin was glowing, my hair was thick and shiny, and my bod...well, I was having babies. I hit 40 and developed hypo-thryoidism, which came with uber-dry skin, redness, eczema, exhaustion, hair loss and other fun things. It's under control now, at age 52, but I still have some of the symptoms of the disease: I still break out occasionally, still battle eczema constantly during the winter and even during allergy season in the spring. It's when it attacks my face that I get really P.O.'ed! I take wonderful care of my skin, including Retin A, antioxidant serum, sunscreen, and lots of water, but the magic powers seems to lose a little bit of their luster after you hit the menopausal wall. Like Melanie, even though I am religious about sunscreen, I've gotten darker. And redder. THAT, I plan to do something about (Fraxel laser???). I am finding that the sagging around my jawline bothers me much more than the couple of wrinkles I have around my eyes and lip line. I guess it had to be one or the other, right? I've heard great things about the Obagi system, but since I like what I'm using, I don't want to mess with it. It feels like a very fragile balance has been attained! And Teresa, while I'm not through menopause yet, those are the things that scare me. We all get there, though, don't we? You're gorgeous, so be kind to yourself!

  6. Hi Victoria,

    Make sure to look for firming treatments.

  7. Wendy, my multiple trips to the dermatologist this year have been to have actinic keratoses frozen off.

    I used to get hormonal break-outs, usually one big inflammed blemish. He shot them with cortisone, making them go away overnight. I used clyndamycin gel for years, but it was overkill to prevent the monthly hormonal blemish. Yes, they hurt. I can assure you that menopause will change all that. Have your doctors tried low-dose birth control pills for the acne? Make sure to keep your skin exfoliated.

    You might be in perimenopause (thinning hair is common), which has its own set of skin problems.

    Check out Atopalm products for your skin. They are very good for combo sensitive skin.

    As for pale, pale is good these days. No more need to be suntanned. That just leads to leathery, wrinkly skin.

  8. Thanks, Melanie. We will vein road maps together. :)

  9. Hi Teri,

    You sound like me. Try spritzing rose water (over your face) mid-day to refresh and hydrate.

    I used to use Armani Hydra Glow (discontinued). Then I switched to Luminous Silk. Now I am using the new Maestro.

    I'll try to do more skin-care posts soon. My problem is that I am always testing new things. I do make sure, though, that I test things with the right ingredients.

  10. Elizabeth, if you can, exercise. It will help tighten up that skin.

    Sometimes, there isn't much you can do about dark circles, except select a good concealer. Very little is going to make that skin over the capillaries thicker. Collagen can help, as can other ingredients, but they aren't "the big fix."

    Have you tried using a tinted moisturizer instead of a traditional foundation? Or, try Armani's new Maestro. It is an amazing product.

    Also, go easy on the eye shadows and other color. A light wash sounds like all you need.

  11. MamaVal,

    You are an ideal candidate for laser treatments. So is anyone else worried about sagging. I recently saw a presentation by a local dermatologic or cosmetic surgeon, and the new tools are amazing.

    Anyone troubled by sagging or uneven skin tone should investigate with a recommended doctor who specializes in cosmetic procedures. They have changed radically in the last year or so. When I heard the presentation, I wanted to rush right in for a consultation. My only issue at the time was money.

  12. I forgot to mention that genetics plays a large role in how your skin ages. Unfortunately, both my mother and father got skin cancer. My uncle got malignant melanoma. I'm always vigilant, one reason I go to the dermatologist quarterly.

  13. I'm 57 with medium-toned, oily skin. It's less oily than it used to be but still requires blotting mid-day in the summertime. I discovered this fall and winter that using cleansing oil and oil-based moisturizers significantly reduced my skin's oil production. Fingers crossed that I can use a similar regime this summer. Dark spots appeared on the orbital bones on the last year, areas unprotected by sunglasses. They are still relatively light, thus easily covered with a corrector and foundation. I’m testing LMdB’s Dark Spot Corrector, but I don’t think it’s working. Does anyone have suggestions?

    I’m getting a bit jowly too, but funny thing, I don’t notice it anymore!

  14. Thanks Charleston Girl!
    I do the facial exercices and need to ramp it up a bit with my regular workout, I am sure. It's not bad but just want to prevent from becoming a real problem.

    The Maestro caused an allergic reaction. But have considered Chantecaille's Future Skin.
    I use a lot of natural eye shadows and try to stay away from high shimmer products.
    I am fortunate to have good skin for the most part and have always taken care of my skin.

    Color has become the question. I use Makeup forever lift concealer. Anyone have other options that may be good to try?

    I like a natural look unless I am going out for special occasions, so that is a plus.

    Thanks so much for the feedback!

  15. Ava,

    It's pretty well known that oil attracts oil, so you are definitely on the right track with your skin care.

    LMdB's dark spot corrector not only did nothing for me, it burned my skin. I peeled for 10 days, but the spot was still here. That was after one application.

    I asked my dermatologist what he could give me for my darkest sun spot, and he said nothing - it was too deep. He did suggest we try liquid nitrogen, a little at a time. He has zapped it twice, and it is much lighter - must less noticeable.

  16. Elizabeth, I'm sorry to hear about Maestro.

    I do love the Chantecaille foundation. Ask a counter rep to give you a big sample and try it for a few days.

    I also use Chantecaille's concealer - the one in the pot. The tube is nice for touch-ups.

  17. I just turned 50 this year and I have noticed that my skin is lighter than it used to be. I'm pretty happy with my skin though, I get compliments all the time and makeup artists never use foundation on me and I don't use it myself. I use a tinted sunscreen. I attribute my good skin to Marie Veronique Organics products and Retin A Micro. Retin A Micro is supposed to be good for skin with acne although I don't have that problem. I use it to prevent lines and it is effective for that and getting rid of the 11's between my eyebrows. Anyone looking for natural skincare should check out the MVO products. They are excellent. She even has lightening Vitamin C capsules that do wonders for hyperpigmentation and brown spots.

    Sorry to go off topic, but CG, I was wondering if you have tried and are planning to review the Chantecaille Geode eyeliner and the new Guerlain pen eyeliner. I'd love to hear your thoughts on both of them. Thanks!

  18. We were talking about this a bit the other day. I'm turning 50 this year and over the period of the last 3 to 5 years, my skintones have become a good 3 shades lighter than they were and I've gone from having a mostly warm complexion that tanned fairly easily to a neutral with a mix of yellow and pink undertones that can burn in minutes without protection. My combination skin is now predominantly dry. I really struggle with flaky patches during the winter months. Here's the strange thing, despite battling 2 major autoimmune illnesses, and skirting the big 5-0, for some reason I've been blessed with really good skin on my face and neck and I look great. I barely have a wrinkle on my face with a few very small line on the corners of my eyes and my nasal labial folds being a little more pronounced. No one has a clue I'm almost 50 and I usually get pegged around 38. I've always looked young for my age as do the other women in my family. So I chalk it up to being blessed with great genes on one hand and cursed on the other.

    That being said, I'm not entirely happy with my hair, I lost a lot of it with the chemo drugs they had me on, and I was actually wearing a wig there for awhile because you could physically see my scalp. I took it fairly badly at the time and it caused me a lot of grief. To now have enough cover to not wear a wig/hairpiece gives me much greater piece of mind, but I formerly had a nice head of long dark straight beautiful hair.. now, I've faced that will never again be and I cut my hair into an angled bob last fall. It took a lot of weight off my shoulders and I made my peace.

    From a cosmetics standpoint, I'm fortunate in that I can pretty much wear what I want colour wise, but I stay away from very warm looks, especially orange, which make me look sickly. A lot of shades of green can also make me look quite sallow.

    I'm not certain getting old is always going to be graceful process for me and my future may include devices to assist me with mobility, but I can at least be like a duck and all serene on the surface, and yet paddling like heck beneath to keep going. I don't give up easily.

    What a great discussion, CG and also to everyone contributing. The honesty is appreciated and also refreshing. Happy Sunday evening to all xoxo

  19. I've often thought that the Serenity Prayer should be engraved on every aging woman's heart:
    "God, grant me
    The serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
    The courage to change the things I can;
    The wisdom to know the difference." LOL

    Sixty-nine is just around the corner and over the years I've learned a lot about adjusting things to suit my aging body and meet my ever changing needs. I've also learned how far I'm willing to go in the pursuit of a youthful appearance and at what point I'm willing to just call it a day and accept it. Although genetics is a huge part of how well we withstand the years, there is so much we can do to prolong a vital image. We can exercise, take good care of our health, watch our diets, stay on top of current events, cultivate interests, maintain friendships, etc. A woman who looks energetic, moves with confidence and grace, and has something interesting to say will always look more youthful than the woman who hasn't taken good care of herself or who has suffered from serious illness. It's having a full and interesting life that makes it worth our while to look our best.

    Moving on to less philosophical matters :-), I use .05 retinoic acid in an emollient base five nights a week. I use it on my face, neck, and chest and have been doing so for about 15 years. Although my serums and moisturizers have changed throughout the years, retinoic acid has been a constant as has the use of sunscreen. I started using that when I was thirty and have never stopped. Retinoic acid and sunscreen--those are, hands down, the two greatest topical things a woman can use in her fight against aging.

    Then there are maintenance procedures that fine tune things. Of those types of things, I love IPL and have a session every six months. It calms my rosecea, eliminates redness, and helps even out my skin tone. It also firms my skin a bit although that is not what it is intended for. I also have Botox in my glabella every four months to prevent 11's. I told the dermatologist that I didn't want to look like a mean old lady but I didn't want to look frozen, either. She uses enough to relax the area but not completely eliminate movement. There is still expression; just not a wrinkly one! I've been doing that for about five years now and love it. So, Botox and IPL are the two procedures I use. Would I try something else? Probably, depending on the situation and what was involved. I'd have to feel pretty confident that the result was going to be worth the time, cost, and discomfort. For example, Ulthera is supposed to be good at firming and lifting, but it is also very painful and the results are iffy on a person my age so I'm not interested in it.

    How have I changed? My skin is drier and more sensitive (I have mild rosacea), it is lighter in tone which makes the occasional redness more evident, my eye color is lighter, and my hair has been shifting from near black to sterling grey. I actually love my grey and do my best to keep it in good condition. What all these changes mean is that I wear a different color palette than when I was young. I've kept a lot of the same colors, acquired new favorites, and said adios to ones that no longer work.

    For me, the biggest challenge as I age is in learning to make the most of changing facial contours. My deep set eyes are even more so now, the area beneath my cheekbones is more hollowed, my once oval face shape is more rectangular, and my lips are thinner. While having my makeup done by Guerlain National MA Chuck Hezekiah, he told me that he didn't care about a woman's age so much as he cared about making the most of her features. That bit of wisdom really resonated me. So, that is my challenge as I age--making the most of how I look at this particular time.

    Whew! Sorry! I didn't mean to write the great American novel, but this is a fascinating topic. I've loved reading what all you ladies have had to say.

  20. Hi Eileen,

    I so wish I could use retinol in any form. Not for me. Even my doctor, who tried every strength known to man finally told me to give up. Funny, though, I can use LMdB's night cream with it encapsulated in a Vitamin E formula.

    With the down time of cosmetic procedures going down with each advance, I can see one in my future. I don't want to do Botox, but I saw a remarkable combination Botox/filler job. It was light and the results were seducing.

    Oh how I wish I would get hollow under my cheekbones. :)

  21. Hi CG, I work at a skin care clinic and am here to tell everyone that Botox, fillers, peels (dermabrasion) and/or lasers take care of most of the above issues. IPL for sunspots, fine lines, melasma and rosacea. Silk peels for acne. Fraxyl (fractionated) or 1540 laser for acne scarring,crepey skin or deeper lines. Thinning h air? Go for hair rejuvenation. Believe me it all works and is well worth the money if you can afford it. Love your blog, because of you I am way over my product budget for the next ten years! If you are ever up here in cold snowy Alberta, I will take care of some of your skin concerns on the house.

  22. I am in my mis forties and am fortunate to have fairly good skin and I do take care of it and have since at least late 20's. Having lost my things to a fire I first have been concentrating on replenishing my skincare as without that, makeup wouldnt be what it is, fun and a great way to feel good about yourself and have fun, at any age! I am thankful to CG and another member who have sent and are sending me some basic pieces, so appreciated, great eye cream was one of the things that thrilled me, people are kind. I have been able to replace my sons sporting stuff so now am starting to get some cosmetics mind you budget requirements are strict so the pieces I was given are so much appreciated as they help to allow mw to get some new things. Has anyone seen the Clarins summer collection, it is gorgeous. I have ordered the eye palette and bronzer, perfect for my colouring and many others, especially since I am starting anew. Anyway I cant wait to pick them up and may get some lip products as well but not sure which ones, they have a new lipstick line I love but their summer collection has unique lip balms(I think cant recll exact nAME), they are a core of colour surrounded with coloured gel that goes on clear, seriously neat looking and I have read and been told by the rep they have a great feel and good wear time. When I go next week to pick up I will look in person but I wanted to get the other pieces as limited quantities. I havent seen the line reviewed here and havent bought much makeup mostly skincare but this collection is so awesome, if anyone has it or is plannng to get it please comment. I notice that my skin stays fairly unlined at this age but for it to do so requires an excellent routine and sticking to it, changing when something isnt working etc. Its so much more complicated than cosmetics, isnt it? I discovered skin oils and am in love with them, surprised as I never would have considered such a thing 10 years ago, oil, ahhh!! Run!!! I have enjoyed todays posts and all the things people are doing but mainly the tone I am hearing is go with the flow, change as necessary both in terms of what you do/use and your mindset. Accept certain things and make the best of them as was said if you use something that worked years ago and isnt, change!!! Also explore whats avaialble, interesting to hear about these things, I have no idea how costly, what type of price range is it to use prescription retinoid products? Likely not covered by healthcare plans as not medically necessary, Im curious??

  23. Elizabeth,

    Have a look at Le Metier de Beaute's Flawless Finish foundation an their Peau Vierge concealer, I've just purchased both and they are amazing. Good coverage but a beautifully natural look.


  24. Hi Angusmum,

    I'm so pleased you're making some headway after that terrible fire. And, yes, people are kind, especially our generous and gracious Charlestongirl.

    Prescription retinoic acid products are costly, but they are usually far less expensive than most of the highend serums. I purchase 30 grams (1 oz.) of my derm's Firm and Fade for $70 and it lasts about 4 months. I see my derm every 6 months for IPL so my prescription is on file and gets renewed every year. Prescription strength retinoids are often covered by insurance but only when being used to treat acne.

  25. Although I keep hearing things like 'u r too young to have any aging concerns!' but still I feel my skin changed drastically during the past year. I'm turning 25 soon (please don't throw things at me yet), when I was in early twenties my skin was considered oily so I had to use an anti blemish skincare Line. now that I'm turning 25 my skin was running dry, so dry that little bumps begin to appear here and there, particularly around the corners of mouth, nose, under chin. i thought it was related to hormonal imbalance at first but then I came to realize it might also be that my skin was seriously dehydrated from all the anti-blemish skincare I have been using for the past few years. i also began to see a horizontal line (wrinkle looking like) on my forehead and my foundation just sunk in there, it freaked me out. I also see one line of the '11' between my brows and I panicked.

    now my skin is dry - some signs of wrinkles development (forehead and around corners of mouth), and lots of discolorations (resulted from the dry bumps/breakouts, but they are not acne) I'm at my lowest confidence with skin like that. I have diligently worked on my skin during the past few months but to no avail (still got tiny bumps) sadly.

    I wish I had learnt the importance of keeping my skin hydrated, well exfoliated, and taken great care of it way earlier. I wouldn't have allowed excuses and laziness to get in the way if I had known better.

    the most important cure for skin is ample, and good quality rest/sleep, but who can do daily that except for retirees?

  26. Thanks, Tracy!
    I will check into those products -

    As another member noted; since subscribing to CG's blog, I am getting way over budget for the next (10 years!)

    Can't wait to look into those suggestions and thanks again.


  27. Hi Jo,

    That's fabulous! Keep up whatever works.

    I don't plan to buy either liner - primarily because of current wallet restrictions. I'm bummed because I really wanted Geode.

  28. Hi Wwendalynne!

    I actually love angled bobs, so I hope you can learn to love it. My long-hair days have passed too.

    I wonder if Rogaine would help you, or if the chemo destroyed the hair follicles entirely.

    You are so lucky to look younger - I have been too. I wish the rest of my body would cooperate. :)

  29. Hi Sheila,

    Good info. When I heard the doctor speak recently, I was blown away by the advances in cosmetic dermatology. I think it's money well spent.

  30. Hi angusmum1,

    I like Clarins. I seldom review it anymore because no one seemed revved by it. I'm glad you are!

    Normally, prescription retinols are not covered by insurance when they are for anti-aging, not acne. However, they are generic now and are so much less than some great cosmetic skin care. I would use retinol if I weren't allergic to it.

  31. Ditto to what Tracy said. PV is an excellent product. Most people can use it - even under foundation.

  32. Jenni,

    I have a few very small bumps, and I asked my dermatologist about them. He said mine were cysts. He told me he would have to cut them out and use stitches to close them. Yuk. Then I asked Dr. Tina West, an excellent cosmetic dermatologist, and her answer was that she could get them out without stitches or scarring. Needless to say, she will be removing them when I decide to do it.

    I have always been a person who needs her eight hours. Even when your age, I made sure I got it - or caught up later. I work (well, most of the time), and I still make sure to get at least seven and preferably eight hours. Without that, I look bad and feel bad.

    Anti-acne products, especially salicylic acid, are extremely drying. I'd recommend you try Atopalm skin care. It won't exacerbate the acne, and it will hydrate your skin. I used it for years.

    I'm so glad to hear that you are tying to take good care of your skin NOW. Too many women wait until they have irreversible symptoms before they get serious about skin care.

  33. Elizabeth,

    Imagine how far over budget I am. :)

  34. I'm so glad that all of you participated in this conversation. We learn from one another!

  35. Hi Jenni,

    At 25 you are definitely not too young to be concerned about aging and congratulations to you for recognizing that. It's true that you don't necessarily need the same products or treatments that a much older woman would need, but you're never too young to be taking good care of your skin. You know the old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure :-)

    For dry, sensitive, or troubled skin Charlestongirl and I are always singing the praises of Atoplam Intensive Moisturizing Cream which comes in a jar. It is light but hydrating, super calming, and skin nurturing. It won't clog pores or cause breakouts. It's also safe for people with skin conditions like rosecea, eczema, and psoriasis.

    As for those frustrating acne discolorations, my son had that problem and nothing OTC worked. He also has very sensitive skin and could not tolerate hydroquinone. His answer? A series of four IPL treatments (no downtime!). It cleared up his complexion perfectly. It's costly, but feeling self-conscious because of a mottled complexion is costly, too. Single treatments can be expensive, but when purchased as a treatment package, they are often substantially reduced in price.

    Good luck to you as you restore your skin to glowing health :-)

  36. Hi CG. Yes, of course my skin has changed with age. Every single human being will experience that. Cosmetic surgery is, for me, the answer. I haven't done anything major yet. I get Botox and I have had two laser peels. The laser peels were minimally effective but won't go through it again because the result wasn't worth the recovery. My personal demon is pores. Pores enlarge as we age and slow down on collagen production. They "sag" a little more each year. And since pores size is genetically determined, there's not a darn thing you can do about it. Yes, you can work with it to keep pores unclogged and use primers and such to minimize the appearance. Lasers help some by forcing the body to create new collagen and that will tighten up skin around the pores. But the actual size of the pore cannot be changed and it will revert back as the effects of the new collagen production wear off with time. It drives me completely bonkers to see people and companies touting a product that will reduce pore size. It is not biologically possible to do that. I wish people would understand that and stop falling for all of those claims. Some of the claims that cosmetic companies make today about what their products can do are borderline criminal. Yes, technology has advanced and certain products do help with various concerns. But no one has yet invented "THE" product that can completely penetrate the dermis and reverse or stop the aging process. When they do, I will be the first in line to buy it! But until that happens, cosmetic surgery all the way for me.

  37. Hi Deb,

    No creams will work permanently. That's right. However, there are some dermatologists who have lasers that will shrink pores permanently.

    One well-regarded source: Use non-ablative laser treatments, such as Medlite and Genesis or multiple Fraxel sessions, which shrinks collagen while also increasing collagen production.

    Dr. West talked about new procedures for pore size. I have to admit I didn't take notes. However, new procedures, approved in the last year, are available.

  38. Wwendalynne and Ava Smith, if you are still out there:

    May I recommend rose hip seed oil to you both?

    For me, Wwendalynne, my eyebrows never fully grew back after chemotherapy, and since using the oil, they are coming back -- 8 years later. Maybe it could help if applied to your scalp?

    Ava, the oil also cleared up similar spots on my orbital bone (as well as "beauty marks" that I had on my cheek). The oil is high in vitamin A and C, and works well to lighten things. Probably not as quickly as another kind of retinoid product, but I like it and try hard to use natural products now.

  39. Hi Melanie,

    Where do you purchase the rose hip seed oil?
    I would love to try it.

    Thank you,

  40. CG: I can only imagine your budget for these goodies. We must have our toys!


  41. Hi Elizabeth,

    The one that I have been using is Rejuvenate Face Oil by Suti. It also contains argan, evening primrose and frankincense. The company is out of the UK. (Next, I am going to try Pai’s Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil, which is supposed to be more concentrated.) For British products, I like to order on-line from Naturisimo. International shipping is free and I find that those lines cost less there than in North America.

    For pure rose hip seed oil, I would recommend one from Mountain Rose Herbs in Oregon.

    Hope this can help!

  42. Thanks, Melanie. Good info!


  43. Thanks, Teri!

    I LOVED that Koh Gen Do foundation, then moved on. I can only wear one/day, so many great products go by my wayside.

  44. Hi CG. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to check it out. I've actually had two Fraxel sessions which produced no results on pores. Although to be fair, the doctor told me ahead of time that pores couldn't be shrunk that way. I've also recently had a consultation with a highly esteemed plastic surgeon in the area and he told me the same thing. I'll have to do some more research based on your feedback.

  45. I am sorry to join it so late!
    I have hypo-thyroid and that does speed up some of my aging by dry skin, eczema, redness and feeling tired most of the time. Watching my diet does help, but annoying to have to pay attention to what I eat. I have white hair growing in that make my hair appear somewhat lighter but those thick white hair is noticeably showing old age. My neck is dry with these weird cord lines running up and down and my chest can look like I'm in my 80's. I'm using 20% vitamin C serum, prescribed Retin-A to control my painful acne, and I still get blackheads. This helps slow down some of my aging look and I often wonder the quality of sun protection that is out on the market. I do use more gentle cleanser and thicker eye cream. I do have those "11" between my brows and I notice folds from skin sagging. I just started to go out for daily walks and I worry about more sagging. My arms, face and legs have freckles and they look like age spots to me. Skin tags became an issue also.
    As for makeup, I am seriously considering Serge Lutens makeup line to avoid shimmer and hide all those red tiny lines around my large pore nose. At 40, I know I am premenopausal and it annoys me. Those very brief hot flashes are intense and a woman in her 50's chuckled as she observed me rip off my coat, blazer, scarf when I had an episode outside in the winter.
    CG, Thank you for starting up this topic. It is so good to read what others experience and what they do to try to control it or hide it.

  46. Melanie,
    If you are ordering SUTI, check their site for STOCKLISTS and under that tab is a list of USA distributors.
    Thought you may like to know this.
    Thank you again and CG for the tips. Trying this oil and Atopalm moisturizer. :-)

  47. Thanks, Elizabeth! Have done, but I am not in the States, so the shipping is, sadly, usually brutal and prohibitive for me. It's also an excuse to try out some other lines that don't seem to be sold here.

  48. Hi Christine,

    I'm also hypothyroid and, although it is now well controlled by my meds, I do occasionally get bouts of excessive dryness--skin, hair, and nails. I also use retinoic acid which can be drying, but because mine is in a soothing and emollient base, it is not nearly as harsh or drying as Retin A. You might want to ask your Derm about switching to a less drying formula if you think your current one is too harsh. There are a lot of good ones available. You'll still get all the great benefits of retinoic acid, but without the extreme dryness and sensitivity.

    A very helpful item in the battle against dryness is a B5 hyularonic acid gel. It attracts water like crazy (1000 times its weight) and binds it to the skin. Great stuff! Use it along with your serum morning and night and you'll begin to see a difference. When the desert winds blow here in So Cal, I actually carry it in my purse and dab just a tiny bit on my lips and under my eyes periodically. There are many great brands out there at varying price points. A really nice one (it's a SkinCeuticles clone :-) ) is Hydra B5 Gel by Cosmetic Skin Solutions. It's effective and cheap enough that you won't hesitate to use it wherever or whenever you think you need it.

    You mentioned walking and skin sagging in the same sentence. Taking a brisk walk is not going to cause your skin to sag. Awhile back, some dermatologist claimed that jogging would cause wrinkles. Far from it! It increases our metabolism (excellent for those of us who are hypothyroid), reves up our circulation (great for skin and hair; not to mention our heart), strengthens our bones and muscles (particularly important for post-menapausal women), and brings plenty of oxygen to our brain (wonderful for sharpening mental acuity). Just use plenty of sunscreen, wear protective clothing, a hat, and sunglasses, and get out there and walk. You'll feel and look better. I'm nearing 69 and I actually jog 2-3 miles four times a week. I love how it releases tension and clears my senses.

    Sorry if I sound preachy. I just hate it when so-called experts discourage healthy exercise in the name of vanity.

    Good luck with counteracting your dryness and with getting and keeping your thyroid problem under control.

  49. Hi Eileen! Thank you so much for sharing what you have been through so I know what to expect. The idea of using B5 is a great idea. As for my walks, I just start this week. I have a very bad knee, plantar fasciitis and arthritis. I don't think I can even jog, but I hope I can at one point. My walks are about ten minutes now and I am have to limp when I walk later on in the day, so I know it is hard on my joints. I plan to do a lot of swimming, like I have last summer. My problem is the winter season. It's too cold outside for me and I don't want to risk twisting my leg from black ice.
    I have noticed that my hair has thinned a great deal and I hope it doesn't get worse. Overall, I still look young, but feel old with all these aches.
    I hope to increase my metabolism and avoid sagging skin. :-)

  50. Hi Christina,

    I think Eileen's advice is excellent.

    As for hot flashes, mine never stopped! While they aren't frequent during the day, they are at night, and I hate it. I thought that I would have to put up with a few years of them. I'm at seven and counting.

    I was always cold before menopause. Now I'm hot often.

  51. Melanie- Thanks for the advice re rose hip seed oil. Beautyhabit also has it.

  52. Hi Charlestongirl,

    I've had hot flashes (worse at night just like yours) for 19 straight years so welcome to the club! Horrible, isn't it? It can really disrupt sleep at times. I can't take anything even remotely resembling a hormone, natural or otherwise, because it triggers migraines, and many of the other alternatives wouldn't be good because they lower blood pressure and mine is already low. Oh well, at least I can romp around in the cold with my huskies without freezing :-)

    This has been an absolutely fascinating post, Charlestongirl. All you ladies out there have been wonderful in sharing your experiences.

  53. If I can be brutally honest, nothing ages a woman faster than motherhood. The lack of sleep, the constant crisis management, always on the run with very little. I've never aged faster than the two years that I have had my child although of course, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in this world.

    With that said, I think the worst part for me is sunken skin just from being tired/lacking sleep. No amount of concealer/corrector/topical hyaluronic product will correct that. All I can do right now is to be faithful to my skincare (which include chemical exfoliant + retinol + antioxidant) and a very high coverage sunscreen. I use this religiously and hope for the best.

    I'm gleaning ideas from this thread, thanks to everyone who have been sharing their products/regimes!

  54. Charleston Girl,

    Yes, I agree, Eileen provided excellent advice and I am very grateful to your blog, Eileen, and the other girls who posted here. My mother was never the type to talk about these things.
    I went for a walk again this morning and I did job a few feet. I loved it! My knee is throbbing now, but I feel good. I start this at 4 a.m., the same time my husband get up to get ready for work.
    As for the hot flashes, if I cut back on salt, sugar & coffee, I find I don't get them as often. I do feel cold because of my thyroid symptoms, but I am on medication and gradually, I tend to feel less cold. My energy level is average and I hope to improve it by being more active.
    I do feel happy and I love this blog. I love the minor efforts to look polished and to look like a pretty woman. My hairdresser is fantastic and my nail technician.
    I don't think I will buy B5 until late summer, along with my favorite La Prairie creams.


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