
Friday, April 19, 2013

Tom Ford Summer 2013 Beauty Collection

For anyone who might have totally escaped the news of Tom Ford's Summer 2013 Beauty Collection, here is a photo of the collection provided by Tom Ford to Elle magazine. Is it a coming attraction, or is it "here"?

According to Elle, "This summer Ford sticks to what he knows best with a line of illuminating bronze products. “I wanted to capture a very particular look of skin that is bathed in sunset light in the summer,” said Ford. “It is a sultry and sublime glow. In this light, every woman looks irresistibly relaxed and sensual.”

The Summer 2013 collection boasts a Liquid Skin Illuminator ($65), Bronzy Cheek Color Sticks ($58), Creamy Eye Colors ($40), a Lustrous Rose Gold Lip Lacquer ($30), and an icy Nail Varnish ($30). Most of the collection made my heart skip a beat - and also made me totally anxious about what I might be compelled (really!) to spend.

It appears the pieces are dawdling into Tom Ford counters, although it has been widely reported that the collection will be available in May at Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, and Neiman Marcus. I've got my Neiman Marcus on high alert. They all think I'm crazy.

Photo courtesy of Elle


  1. I'm so excited for this collection!!! Can not wait! I've got the entire thing coming to me--plus backups of some pieces. The Illuminator in Fire Lust and Cheek Color in Blush Guilt look to die for.

  2. I want to rub everyting in that picture onto my face at once. Sigh. So pretty.

  3. Hello Again !

    I went to Saks NYC flagship yesterday - my birthday - in the hopes that a little TF Summer might have arrived. I stepped up to the counter, and a lovely SA pulled out a lacquered tray and said " care to see our newest LE collection?" There it lust lacquer......

    The lovely SA also had a box unpacked in the storeroom so that I could leave with the goldiish, less pinkish eyeshadow.

    All of it is stunning - many will adore the pinky gold blush stick and illuminator. I am fairly pink on my own so those, alas, didn't make it into my bag. The SA is named Yvanna and her number is 212 753 4000 ext 1362. I don't know her well, but she was fabulous. Tell her the lady for whom she searched the stockroom for eyeshadow on her birthday sent you!! Enjoy, Carolyn xxoo

  4. LOL! I think we're all a little crazy over this collection. My NM Tom Ford counter said they would have the collection in "any minute." That was Monday and now it's Friday and they haven't call yet! Boo Hoo. Thanks for showing that lovely picture and the prices. Now I know how big a hit my beauty budget is going to take.

  5. Jo, that's what my own NM has been saying. Today, they changed their tune. They will have testers for me to see, but the products will not be available until the end of the month.

    I called Yvanna, as recommended by Carolyn, and ordered.

  6. Thank you, Carolyn. Mine will be on the way Monday.

  7. Lori and Jenny,

    We are all smitten. :)

  8. I just ordered Pink Haz and Escapade. I loved the cream shadows from last summer so I am looking forward to getting these. Since they're colors that always work well on me and I'm familiar with TF's cream formula, I think it was safe to order them blind. I'll wait until the rest of the items are on counter, though, to purchase the other objects of my affection :-). Seeing as I live in a coastal area of SoCal, I really relate to TF's inspiration. I get it--a stroll along the beach at the end of a balmy day, everything bathed in rose gold splendor as the sun sinks beneath the horizon and the stars begin to make their appearance. . . Yeah, I get it. The peacocks and butterflies of Chanel, Dior, and Lancôme are certainly fun, but this casual yet sensual palette by TF is seriously sexy.

    Hi Lori,

    I got a chuckle out of your comment. I hope when you rub everything all over your face, you don't include the nail lacquer! :-D

  9. Hi Eileen,

    I ordered the two sticks, the lip lacquer, and one eye shadow. I doubt I'll like the very pink shadow. I'll see the collection tomorrow and report in.

  10. hi!!!! i love this collection but, i do not have a tom ford cosmetic counter where i live (cincinnati). so, it makes me weary to order anything. i'm very pale and bronzer just doesn't work for me. but, i love the neutral look! so, i went on and saw the video of jac wearing the summer collection. i'd probably buy a leaf if she was promoting it! anyway, did you see the limited edition quad called metamorphose? of course, i did not see the words online exclusive above it and, spent all my lunch break calling nordstrom and dillards to see if they have it. i also called chanel to find out what exactly jac is wearing in the video. crazy??? well, i am too! i'm obsessive about what she's wearing, i must recreate her look!! anyway, i was told that this quad is what she is wearing and that the colors in the quad are the same as many of the individual "eye sticks", i assume moon river, the blues, and the green one??? she also is wearing #27 pink lagoon "eye stick". she's wearing the blue mascara, the peachy lip and glossimer #457 and #427. and, she's wearing the blush in love. i really thought this information was interesting. i'm starting to scrape all my spring colors out with a "spatula" so something better come in quick! i'm still not sure if i can carry blue eyeshadow off. maybe i should try a little of both??? i also heard mac is coming out with a collection that's all about orange to suit every skintone. i've never worn mac so i'm not sure??? maybe interesting. i cannot find a makeup artist here that i can trust or not make me look like a clown. at least i have charleston girl and all the great people on here with their wonderful comments!!! happy weekend!!!! xxxxxxxxxooooooo

  11. CG, why didn't you order the illuminator? That's the item I'm most curious about.

  12. Jo, it's just a fluid illuminator. I have so many Armani Fluid Sheers plus all the the RBR fluid illuminators. Why buy another one? :)

  13. Wendy, after talking to the SA today, who is also very pale, I understand the two color sticks are very sheer. So, I felt comfortable ordering both.

    I ordered the Chanel eye palette online. I am tired of stopping by stores, looking for everything. :)

    MAC's collection is already out. Very young and bold.

    You are a true information source. Attagirl!

  14. Lori, I am still laughing over your comment.

  15. Hi Wendy,

    The application method many of us older ladies use when introducing color into our look also works well for those of you who are a bit timid or uncertain about making a strong color statement. Create your basic eye look using neutrals that will harmonize with the blue you've chosen. For example, teal looks stunning with golden beige or caramel; cobalt looks amazing with dove grey or shimmering taupe; navy looks sophisticated with milk chocolate or nude; etc. After you've created your basic look, use your blue to smoke a bit of color along your lashline and blend it a bit into your eyelid color.. Nowadays using a bit of color along the lower lashline is also lovely. Just start with a bit along the outter third and blend it so it's a subtle hint of color; not a stark line. If you use a light hand, you won't look ridiculous or like a clown. Your eyes will look basically neutral but with a bit of élan. Start with a light hand and a hint of color and then build up the intensity until you're happy with the look. If you're drawn to the summer's colorful looks, Wendy, then wade on in and have fun :-)

  16. I'm back - mentally. Have been way more focused on the manhunt in Boston than my blog. Feelings of relief are palpable. Appreciation for law enforcement cannot be put into words. Wish I could applaud with the neighbors up there.

    It's over, but in a way, it's just beginning.

  17. omg!!! i just adore all of you!!! thankyou charleston girl and eileen!!! i shall send my resume to both of you for assistant and muse positions!!! :D i just ordered metamorphose. i heard that this quad is very special in that it comes with an exclusive booklet from peter philips and he shows you different looks with instructions and ,this is peter philips last endeavor in working with chanel beaute'. so, it's definitely an item for a true "chanelphile"! gosh, i hope this works out, and we both love it!! i'm also waaaay too tired to be searching for stuff.and, i made the decision to stick with chanel (as i always do)! i'll pick up the rest of the pieces at my local counter. xoxoxoxoxo

  18. You have to get the illuminator CG!!! The SA I worked with in Las Vegas--who's amazing by the way--said it's like Nars Orgasm--but so much nicer and more luxurious. I can't wait to get my stuff.

  19. I am happy to say I'm not interested in any of these items! These colors do nothing for me - my wallet is thrilled!

  20. Wendy, I absolutely adore your enthusiasm.

  21. Jenny, I get to play with it tomorrow at NM. My decision may have been temporary, but as long as I have no work, I've got to be really conservative with spending.

  22. Hi Wendy,

    I saw Metamorphose and the short video clip that promotes it--the model's eyes look gorgeous and luminous just like butterfly wings. Wear it in good health and let your imagination take flight--but only on weekends, of course! LOL

  23. Glad I made you :) Your blog is awesome by the way.....I look forward to reading your posts during my morning coffee! Hope you're having a LOVELY weekend!

  24. Look so luxurious
    Will be buying

  25. Well, the folks at NM might think you are crazy, but your faithful readers totally understand you and don't think you are crazy!! :-) We LOVE you!

    Thanks for sharing, I have always found Mr. Ford's products to look so sophisticated, his packaging is beautiful. :-)

  26. If you are just now reading this, do not order from the flagship Saks. I am furious. I paid for overnight shipping, and it was to arrive today. Sat here all day. It didn't arrive. So, I called, and it took Yvanna 40 minutes to find my box still sitting in shipping at Saks! "It got mixed up with other boxes."

    This is not the first disaster in shipping I have had with that store. A new Kilian fragrance wandered in - probably by pony express - two weeks late.

    Those incompetent morons offered to send it to me tomorrow and waive the shipping, but I wouldn't get it until Thursday sometime. I asked for a total refund, and they better refund my money quickly (debit card), or I will be raising hell.

    Dustin Lujan at the John Barrett salon has it on the way to me. I felt badly ordering from Saks anyhow. Now I was able to order from Dustin.

    Doesn't it reflect poorly on Saks that Dustin can get it out today, but Saks can't? I love that guy.

    If you want or need any help with Tom Ford, please call Dustin at 212-872-2714, I know many of you love him, like I do. He's a doll.


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