
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Whether your children are young or grown - or even furry or have feathers - it's your special day.

I hope all your days are special. You are loved!

Photo courtesy of


  1. Hi Charlestongirl! Thank you for the cute photo and your wishes (though here Mother's day will be on May 26, it's lovely to get so many wishes)
    Happy Mother's Day to you, I hope Charlie and Savannah will make it a special day for you :-)You are so lucky to have so many furry (foxes) or feathery (lovely little birds as the one you photographed on Friday)children in your garden living next to you!!!
    Big hugs from me :-)

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Clarisse! It's a beautiful day here. Hope yours is too.

  3. Physically giving birth is not what transforms us into mothers. Motherhood is a state of mind and heart. It is the deep and abiding love we feel for another being put into our care; it is the nurturing, protecting, and guiding of a life; it is the peace and joy we experience in watching that life grow into maturity; and, yes, sometimes it is the heartache. When we share that depth of emotional attachment and experience with another being or any one of God's beautiful creatures, we become mothers. God might be the great giver of life, but mothers are the guardians. It's no accident that we refer to our planet as Mother Earth :-)

    Happy Mothers Day, Charlestongirl! And happy Mother's Day to your mom as well. She obviously did something very right to have a devoted daughter such as you. Enjoy your day :-)

  4. This is beautiful and very touching, Eileen. Thank you!

    With much appreciation to you, CG and your fine community. A happy day to all!


  5. Hi Eileen,

    Happy Mother's Day! I hope you can enjoy the day with your sons - and there's doggie play time too.

    Thank you. My mother is terrific. I was and continue to be a lucky girl.

  6. Happy Mother's Day, Tanja! To you and all the moms in your family.

  7. Happy Mother's Day, CG! I hope Savannah and Charlie showed their appreciation with extra cuddles and purrs.

    My fabulous son got me a bottle of the new Chanel Lilis nail polish. Does he know his mother or what? ;)
    He also gave me a CD version of an old favorite album; Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark. That will take me down memory lane.

    So far, my cats have been oblivious--just like cats. LOL.

    Have a great day!


  8. Have a wonderful day all you mothers. This is an extra special mothers day for me because my 83 year old mom just beat cancer once again. She takes a lickin but keeps on tickin! I am across the country from her which makes my heart ache but my heart is always with her. I'm not a mom myself but I sure appreciate mine. I do understand the maternal instinct though because I have five beautiful nieces and nephews who are growing up to be wonderful adults.

    I also want to take a minute to say Happy Birthday and good luck on your exams to May. I know that was the Friday forum but I'm catching up.

    Have a beautiful day, everyone!

  9. Wishing you & all of your readers who are moms a very Happy Mother's Day!

  10. Hi Rosemary,

    Happy Mother's Day to you! You raised your son to have impeccable taste. :)

  11. Jo,

    That is so wonderful - inspiring. My Mom has had cancer three times, plus a benign brain tumor. I think she's a walking miracle. Our Moms are proof that miracles can happen.

  12. I'm floored that your mother has survived three bouts of cancer and a brain tumor. That's just flat out amazing. She must be one tough lady. Congratulations to her for having the strength to go through all that she has and be able to continue on with life. I am humbled.

  13. Happy Mother's Day to you, Charlestongirl, for being the most devoted mother to your kitties, and all the forest creatures in your area.

  14. I enjoyed reading all the wonderful comments as well as the pic, all living creatures are truly beautiful and the bonds formed real and strong. This is my first year without my mum, I know she lived a beautiful 80 years and I have two loving brothers as well as a wonderful son. I am blessed as my family is all men except myself but wonderful, gentle, kind men, that is a tribute to my mother and grandmothers, beautiful strong women. I attended services with my dad and son Sunday, emotional but wonderful


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