
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sharon Stone and the Side Boob - Yea or Nay?

Have you noticed that the "side boob" (as they call it in fashion and on television) is getting a lot of attention lately? Sharon Stone, 55 years old (hard to believe - she is still as sexy as ever) was rocking the side boob at Cannes 2013. She was wearing a revealing red Roberto Cavalli dress which had a slit that went almost up to her thong region and a sexy back cutout. The sides of her dress (above the waist) left little to the imagination.

Some award shows have cautioned their attendees on "inadequate" dress this year. What do you say to the side boob? Is it sexy or attractive? Yea or nay?

Photo courtesy of the Huffington Post Canada


  1. mm I don't have a particular objection to it but I'm not fond of dresses that seem to flatten the chest or not give it the lift it needs, i.e. some dresses leave the bust looking halfway down the chest when visually it should be higher up. I wouldn't want to look saggy in my very expensive dress! :)

  2. No. Call me old-fashioned but there are always ways for women to look sexy, alluring, and beguiling without exposing too much. Think Audrey H or Grace K to name a few. I just don't understand all these trend to expose a lot: side boob, sheer side panel, etc. Esp Sharon who looks great, she doesn't need this.

  3. No, I don't like it. There are ways of looking sexy other than wearing clothes that don't seem to fit properly. Call me a pompous snob ;-)

  4. Unfortunately, not only was she rockin' the side boob, but also the lopsided boob! Several pictures of her in this dress show one boob considerably lower than the other. The way the dress is gathered on the one side lifts that breast and leaves the other puppy sagging :-( I think Sharon Stone looks great and she has such spunk, but at her age, some underpinnings would probably be a good idea--or a better constructed dress.

  5. Regardless of her age (and she DOES look good), I think that dress is just as unappealing as a bikini where half the boob is falling out underneath the top piece. It looks like you are either "trying too hard" or you have grown out of your clothes.

  6. I don't think it is sexy on anyone age 55 or 25. I do however think Sharon Stone is an incredibly sexy woman but I think less side boob would be more attractive.

  7. Since I'm a bit of a hippie, I strongly dislike the moralist stance some award shows have taken this year. That being said, I think showing less skin is the key to elegance. GP was hideous with that transparent dress! And men are so horny anyways, I'd rather dress for the fashion!

  8. Hi Evelyn,

    I thought she looked saggy too. It's not something that's easy to avoid as you age, but it's not terribly attractive.

  9. I agree, Claire. She would have been just as pretty in a dress that offered less exposure.

  10. I was thinking about that, Eileen - whether there was any way to construct that dress to offer a little support.

  11. Hi Tracey, I think it's starting to look fairly unanimous.

  12. Hi Solance,

    Yeah, I don't think it's a matter of our being a bunch of prudes. I love Sharon Stone AND Roberto Cavalli. That dress just didn't do it for either one of them.

  13. Wow, that is awful. It looks desperate. Why not just go nude, then? There is also a blue dress that she sported which also leaves little to the imagination. If I were the designers, I think that I would not want my name appended to either of those misfortunes.

  14. To each their own, but sideboob is not an attractive look to me. While I admire Sharon Stone's moxy and everlasting beauty, I believe it is far sexier to see a woman keeping their assets under wraps so to speak. I like the hint of mystery and have never been attracted to high flash types. I like more of a challenge, something more confident in what they have without having to put it out there on display.. dignified. Some may say uptight, but then they just don't get where my head is at and that's okay too. I loved the character Lilith years and years back on the sitcom Cheers. She was so hot with her hair in that super tight bun and her sexy buttoned to the neck librarian vibe. I tend to gravitate towards men who like the restrained wanton waiting to be let out of her cage at night for that special someone type. Sideboob..ewwww ! The nape of the neck is far more suggestive and vulnerably sexy.

  15. I'd say yes if she were attending something where she strolled in from the beach. For a black tie, it's trying to hard from a woman that does not need to. C'est dommage.

  16. I don't think side cleavage is attractive, so I say no.

  17. Another nay vote from me. It's a silly trend and not good look for her.

  18. I think its pretty clear that most women here feel this look is unecessary at best and a bit disgusting from there. I am very much a bekiever in people dressing in what they feel most comfortable in for a given situation at that time place age etc... however that doesnt mean everyone else has to like it and when you are going out as a star in the public eye you are well aware that scrutiny will be fierce, being as we are. You can actually purchase various types of semidisposable bra coverlets in varying degrees of support. I do wonder though if it would have helped. I wore a pair of the most coverage style at a wedding 2 years ago and couldnt wait to finish and get my jacket on..Hmmm Good weekend all

  19. Nay on side boob.

  20. Age has nothing to do with the side boob's unattractiveness. A much younger woman than Sharon Stone, one of the actresses in Downton Abbey I think, showed much more and saggier side boob at another event earlier this year and it was just as unattractive. The side "boob" - even the phrase is vulgar.

  21. Maybe if you're 22-yrs. old and a club girl, you can get away with it. But Sharon should have more class than that. Well, maybe not...

  22. I think it's fine as long as the "girls" are upright and perky. Sagging is not a good look, young or older.

  23. I think she looks amazing and I am not a huge fan!

  24. Bare back is quintessially sexy to me. Boob flashing, not so much.

  25. I asked my husband and he said that they look very nice lol. I don't think it looks classy.

  26. It's not a classy look, people who are younger make it slightly more tolerable. She looks good for her age, but she should still keep it classy that's the way to age gracefully.


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