
Monday, June 3, 2013

DC Area Beauty Events This Week

There are two beauty events this week that DC area gals (and guys) should attend if possible. Here's the scoop.

On Wednesday, Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie and Le Métier de Beauté invite you to learn about the latest skin care from Le Métier de Beauté and see an exclusive presentation on new skin and laser technologies by Dr. Tina West, a cosmetic dermatologist at The West Institute. She is totally up-to-date on procedures that are more effective than what we've had available and require much less down time.

The event will take place from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Chandelier Room (Level 2). Ten percent of any proceeds from Le Métier de Beauté sales will be donated to Children's National Medical Center.

To reserve a space, call (202) 966-9700 or e-mail A friend and I are going. Dr. West is always fascinating. Plus, the event is during Camp Gorgeous, so I need to check out all the GWPs.

On Thursday, Chanel's National Makeup Artist John Fussell will be at Saks Fifth Avenue in Chevy Chase, Maryland, to give you beauty advice and introduce you Chanel's latest collections, including the Saks-exclusive colors. There is a $75 fee for an appointment, but the money is 100% percent redeemable in products. Who can't spend $75 on new Chanel?

John Fussell has spent more than 20 years mastering his makeup techniques. In 2012, he was specially selected by Peter Philips, just resigned Creative Director of Chanel Makeup, to join the first Ultimate Chanel Makeup Team, an elite global set of professional artists. Inspiring each woman to feel confident in her unique beauty, John delivers a true luxury experience that celebrates the modern makeup approach of Chanel. 

To make an appointment to see John, call Maria (or anyone at the Chanel department) at (240) 497-5363 or (240) 497-5301. I'm going to try to get over if there are any appointment remaining when I'm sure I can go.

Have any of you had the opportunity for a consultation with John Fussell? What did you think?

Photos by Best Things in Beauty and courtesy of Chanel


  1. John Fussell is a darling! He visits Saks at the North Star Mall in San Antonio several times per year, and I always manage to get an appointment. (Thank you, Alexandria!!) He is amazingly talented and knowledgeable. If they haven't triple booked him, he will take the time to teach you how to do the look he's doing for you (he's a superb teacher). Having traveled extensively for Chanel, he has great stories. Tell him that Daria in San Antonio says, "Hey, Darlin'!"

  2. Gosh, I'd have loved to attend this, if only it were held over the weekend. CG, if I may ask a favor, I'd love to know whether there are any (laser) procedures that can actually get rid of (small) pores - or if they can't be completely eliminated, to what extent (a percentage figure, perhaps?) they can be reduced.

    On a side note, I know you're a great fan of NEST fragrances, CG. I was recently gifted one of their liquid soaps and was wondering if it can be used on the body? I assumed it's meant to be a hand wash, since I know NEST also offers body washes (in tubes, rather than the pump dispenser of their liquid soaps), but since I have a long way to go to finish up my current hand soap, I'd much rather use this gift as a body wash than as a hand wash.

  3. Hi May, I will ask, for sure, but why wouldd you want to get rid of small pores?

    Yes, you can use the NEST liquid soap on your body. I have! Heavenly fragrance. :)

  4. Hi, CG! My pores may be small-ish, but I have a lot of them, and combined, they make my skin texture look uneven, even though, on the whole, I think my skin is pretty good (it's taken a long time to get my skin to this point!). It's one of those "trick of the light" kind of things - even though I keep my skin clean and pores clear, each little pore casts a little shadow, and from far away, it can look like my face is dotted all over with blackheads, and of course up close the pores are visible. Sorry if that's TMI. :)

    Anyway, I recalled that you'd mentioned previously that Dr. West had advertised there are new and effective procedures for treating pores permanently (hmm, I think it was a Sunday "This & That" feature discussing aging?), so I'd love to know what research and results she can bring to back that up.

    Thanks!! :)

  5. May, I will make sure to ask. You have a good memory.


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