
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! It's a day to celebrate all the great fathers. I'll bet even the family pets know it!

I read a nice "sign" from Words of Wisdom on Facebook yesterday.

Dear Dad,
I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame...God has you in his arms. I have you in my heart. 

I tear up every time I think about my father's passing and how much I miss him. So, please give your father a hug from me. I just sent a message to mine in heaven. It's supposed to be a happy day.

Enjoy the father and son images.

Photos courtesy of The Daily Green,, kootation, and


  1. And people think animals are dumb.

  2. Such a beautiful message and love those pictures ....awwwww :)

  3. Nemo, who thinks animals are dumb? No one I know!

  4. What a poignant "talks" to me since my father passed 12 years ago (my mother too..) like you I wished him a good father's day in heaven..Thank you for the pictures, I love pictures of animal families, they have so much fundamental lessons to teach us...

  5. Hi Clarisse,

    I know how tough it is to wish your parents well in heaven. I'm sorry. On a happier notes, isn't it cool that Daddy Lion appears so affectionate?

  6. I also miss my father everyday, and I also say his name often. I know life would be different if he could be with us. But they are in our hearts. I just miss him so much. I understand your feeling. So a big kiss to heaven in their direction!.
    In another note: I'm so happy that you decided to keep blogging. I just love your blog and how you write and the things you say.
    A warm hug from the Netherlands


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