
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! Our holiday isn't just about cookouts, fireworks, family, and friends - hamburgers and hot dogs. We commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, on July 4, 1776, from the Kingdom of Great Britain (today one of our greatest allies and best world friends). A remarkable nation was born.

The United States of America - and the freedom we hold dear - has been threatened by wars and terrorism. Today we celebrate our freedom and recommit to protecting the freedom of others who would live our dream. It's a remarkable day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy Independence Day to you and for all your followers too! I always wanted to be in the US on this date...and this year my two kids are, so I am looking forward to know what they have been up to today!

  2. Happy "4th of July" to you too, Charlestongirl, and all of your followers who observe it. God bless the USA!

  3. We remain the "home of the free because of the brave", and so I wish all our courageous defenders of liberty--wherever they might be in the world--a wonderful Independance Day. Happy Fourth of July!

  4. Happy Independence Day to all of your American readers, Charlestongirl (I sent you an card): liberty needs to be defended now and everywhere and we all remember we can count on you to give a helping hand: a big thank you :-)

  5. Happy Independence Day to you, too, CG! And let me add that I think we're also the home of the free because we encourage free thought!

  6. Hi everyone!

    I hope your day is going well.

    It's a good day to re-read the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Jefferson was a genius. That document has served us well for so long.


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