
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

OCuSOFT Lid Scrub Eyelid Cleanser

As much as I adore my little raccoons outside, I don't want to look like them. That makes eye makeup removers a necessity. Even the best facial cleansers won't always take off that stubborn mascara "run" under my eyes.

One product I use regularly is a bit unusual, and it's very effective: OCuSOFT Lid Scrub Eyelid Cleanser (prices for a box are all over the place). These individually wrapped, moistened pads are fabulous, not only for removing eye makeup, but also for exfoliating the tender skin around your eyes. They were recommended to me by my opthamologist years ago, and I have used them ever since. I buy mine at CVS or Costco. I highly recommend these pads. You won't find a more effective eye makeup remover. Plus, they do double duty for anyone with sensitive eyes, blepharatis, or any other condition that makes your eyelids peel.

Imagine wearing contacts and having microscopic pieces of skin tissue falling into them during the day. Enough said? Blepharitis is an eye condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelid, and more of us have it than you would imagine. OCuSOFT Lid Scrub Pads continuously and gently exfolate the eyelid to prevent inflammation and its concomitant issues.

These pads are recommended by doctors, including mine, for eyelid cleansing to remove oil, debris, and desquamated skin (flakes) that may lead to eye irritation. They remove oil and debris associated with dry eyes and promote comfort for contact lens wearers. Plus, they remove every last vestige of eye makeup.

I never have raccoon eyes after I use the pads, and all traces of mascara and liner are history. One pad suffices for both eyes. Because they are individually wrapped, they are extremely convenient/ideal for travel. Formulated without alcohol, fragrance, or dye, they can be used by everyone.

I cannot recommend OCuSOFT Lid Scrub pads highly enough. I've written about them before (I should buy stock), and when I mention them in features, someone always asks about them. They are easy to find, inexpensive, and the best makeup remover you'll ever find. Not only that, they are good for you.

Don't buy the ones you have to mix. It's faster and much more convenient to purchase the pre-moistened pads. Also, the "plus" ones are a bit harsh. Stick with the ones that come in the dark blue box.

Check out the OCuSOFT Web site to learn more. OCuSOFT Lid Scrub Eyelid Cleanser is one of my beauty secrets. I think I've converted more than a few of you.

Photo courtesy of OCuSOFT


  1. Oh thank you thank you CG for mentioning this product! I have had itchy eyes for some time now, especially after I wear shadow and mascara. I had no idea this type of product was on the market. I will get to Costco this afternoon. This is another reason why I love your blog. Thanks for all your hard work.

  2. Thanks, Anne. Every time I mention this wonderful product, new readers are interested.

    Costco at my location keeps it behind the counter at the pharmacy. Have no idea why.

  3. Hi CG. This is a great tip, I had not heard of these. Big question: are they oily?

  4. Thanks for this CG. I'll be on the lookout for these the next time I'm at the drugstore. What aisle are they in?

  5. Thanks I had NO idea these were out there, but now I'm going to buy some. Love your blog. I always learn something new!

  6. OH, YES, CG, I totally agree with you!! I used to work in an eye doctor's office and got several boxes of these when an overzealous rep dropped off way more samples than he could ever use. I fell MADLY in love. As I do sometimes get flare ups of dry eye, and found that makeup remnants exacerbate the problem, these are TOTALLY go-to! And for travelling, they can't be beat!! I second that emotion!!

  7. I had absolutely NO idea that they made these. Thank you SOOOO much for featuring these. I had a LASIK exam a few years ago (sadly I'm not a candidate) & the Dr. told me that I had a "build-up" on my eyelids. He even showed my sister, who went with me, looking through the high tech instrument they use to examine eyes.
    At the time he told me to take a shot glass & mix warm water with a few drops of baby shampoo & then use a baby toothbrush & gently rub back & forth across the eyelids.
    I tried it once. Baby toothbrush or not those bristles hurt my sensitive eyelids!
    I'm running out tonight to pick these up & give them a whirl.
    Thanks again CG!!

  8. Thanks CG

    Think i'll try these too.

  9. My eye doctor recommended these to me years ago, too. You know those tiny little bumps you get on the edge of your eyelid (waterline)? He told me to use these right on there to get them off. They are great and don't sting at all.

  10. Thanks for the info. I have mascara overflow from cleaning and I can't stand to tug or rub the eye area so these would be perfect for ensuring a clean eye area! Wonder why my doc never mentioned it after many conversations about sensitive, itchy eyes? (hhmmm)
    Thanks for the post!

  11. Oh thank you so much for this post. I need to check these pads out.

  12. Thank you, will look at CVS. I do not have a Costco near me.
    You're the best!

  13. Hi CG, who knew!! I came across them many many times, I'm sure I'll pick this up next time I'm at the drug store. Will this remove waterproof gel liner as well, you think? I also wonder, since it sounds to me that the product has exfoliating effect, if it is safe to use daily (as opposed to the intended use of blepharitis which may last maybe a week or so?) Thanks for reviewing & sharing such ingenious find with us!

  14. I love the idea of using disposable pads. My opthamologist recommended using tearless baby shampoo to clean my eyelids on a daily basis since i am prone to chalazeons. I decant it into a pump bottle and voila, instant eye-makeup remover.

  15. What a helpful post! I also had no idea these existed. They are pricey here in NYC ($16ish), so I plan to get them online. Thanks!!!

  16. Thank you all. I am so glad I re-ran this feature. I feel good about introducing people to this wonder-product.

    Not all drugstores carry it. Look in the eye products aisle.

  17. Thank you for sharing this. You are a true beauty "whisperer." Off to Coscto now,

  18. These sound great - thanks so much for sharing. As others have said, they sound perfect for travel! Will definitely be checking out. :)

  19. I just bought a box yesterday and tried one out last night. This morning was the first time in my entire life that I woke up without lashes and eyelids any crusty stuff that I had to rub out of my eyes in order to open my eyes. I'm sold! Thank you.

  20. CG - I accidentally found your blog while looking up "Ocosoft Lid Scrub". I bought the "extra" type since I have problems with chalazions. Anyway, I bought it yesterday, used it, and this morning, woke up to the most wonderful, comfortable eyes ever!! Everything you say about them is true, and I'm glad I found your blog. I will be following it. Obviously, you are a very savvy shopper. Thanks for sharing!!

  21. CG - I accidentally found your blog while looking up "Ocosoft Lid Scrub". I bought the "extra" type since I have problems with chalazions. Anyway, I bought it yesterday, used it, and this morning, woke up to the most wonderful, comfortable eyes ever!! Everything you say about them is true, and I'm glad I found your blog. I will be following it. Obviously, you are a very savvy shopper. Thanks for sharing!!

  22. found these at my local bed bath & beyond :)


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