
Friday, July 19, 2013

The Friday Forum - July 18

We have a banner crop of mosquitoes this year. I can't walk outside my door without watching my bare skin for the first landing, which occurs within seconds. They are flying in my front door when I open it. I'm not safe anywhere! I can't and don't want to wear DEET around the house, so what am I going to do? Do you think those yellow sticky strips that one can buy for flies work for mosquitoes? Help! They are eating me, and I don't want West Nile. I have enough problems. I don't want them eating my furry kids either.

You just wouldn't believe what I've been through with computer hardware and software in the last week. Last Sunday, I thought my computer was virus-free. It wasn't. I discovered I still had a second "family" of malware living with me. I've spent all week running about 10 programs designed to root out malware - all, I thought, successfully. I still don't know whether the Medfos family has left the premises. The Medfos malware redirects you when you click on a link.

I want to assure you that Best Things in Beauty is not affected. It runs on Google Blogger services, and what's happening on my computer cannot affect the blog. If you have received a dangerous page notice when you have clicked on a BTiB link, it means your computer is also infected by this ubiquitous malware. I know one reader has commented that she is getting a dangerous site message when she clicks on BTiB. It means her own computer is affected by a redirect virus - probably the same one. It's trying to take her someplace else.

On top of all that (and the time I've spent on full system scans), this week my Verizon MiFi jetpack died. The battery on the 1.5-year-old device went kaput. I was told the batteries last five years. Right. So, I had to make an unexpected trip to the Verizon store at the mall during rush hour to buy a new jetpack. Just over a hundred dollars later, I left with one that works - which reminds me, I must send in the rebate coupon. What a pain! Why don't companies give you instant rebates? I know the answer. They count on busy people skippping the process so they can make more money.

That's how my week went. How was yours? Is it as hot where you live as it is in the DC area? Today, our temperature is supposed to be in the high '90's with high humidity. I'm glad I'll be inside.

I've been trying to get information about Le Métier de Beauté's V.I.P. program for you - as I promised I would do. Despite several attempts, and several promises of the information over a two-week period, so far I've received nothing. So, my opinion stands. I wouldn't spend about $350 on a promise. I'm sure Le Métier de Beauté has the best intentions, but if they cannot describe their program in detail, they won't get my money.

I'm not doing the greatest job keeping up with the blog. I'm sorry. I've only been able to write one feature/day, so I'm not meeting my own standards. I've also fallen behind on comment responses, so I offer my apologies - but little else right now. I hope to get in a better rhythm, expecially when the fall colors start to arrive.

It's time for the Friday Forum. I love this part of our week. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

I wasn't able to post a giveaway contest this week. Did you notice? I'll be back to form on Sunday.

Photo source unknown


  1. Hi, Cg! I am sorry about your awful week. Yes, we have had horrid high temps here in Michigan and I hate it, hate it! Summer is my least favorite season. I am a winter person. Yesterday in the mail I received a teensy tiny compact from CHANEL of the new Les Beiges as a sample. Cutest little thing! But it's also going to save me $. I tried it, and don't like it at all. For a bronzer, I will use the LMDB bronze shade in all these pricey palettes coming down from the stores. Now I am awaiting the new collections anticipated from CHANEL: the eye collection, called Jeux de Regards; Collection Moire, lips; Collection Nuit Infinie de CHANEL, holiday; and a new Rouge Double Intensite collection, also lips. I can't wait, and neither can my husband. As for misquitos, I'd try the strips for sure and I'd also check out stores like Target for repellents, including organic ones. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Good morning everyone,

    July is such a busy month for me with lots of special occasions to celebrate so I haven't spent much time at the stores. I was in the mall, though, this week and ran into my very favorite Chanel gal at Nordstrom's E Bar late in the afternoon. Although I hadn't scheduled an appointment for the Chanel event they were having, she said things had slowed down and I could easily be worked in. I'm glad I took her up on the offer because the charming and talented MA used the Supersition collection on me and dispelled my fear that Mystère would make my eye color look muddy or flat as khaki shades usually do. The quad certainly makes my eyes look deeper in color, but they retain their green. The overall effect that the quad creates is a green-tinged smokeyness that is quite lovely, but out of place this time of year. It's really more of a cool weather look. I did buy it, but I've put it away for now until the weather cools off. I also picked up the eye pencil. It's a beautiful bronze that looks gorgeous smudged along the upper and lower lashline. It brings a nice sparkle to the eyes without being over-the-top sparkly. Another winner for me was the new cream blusher in Revelation. It is intense, but lightly stippled on and then blended out, it gave my skin a soft, warm flush of color and so it also found its way into my bag. All considered, it was a lovely impromtu makeup application. The misses for me were the BB cream and the new lip colors.

  3. Charleston Girl,
    Sorry to hear about all your computer travails. Once your system gets infected,it is can be a long process to return it to health. And, we are so dependent on them nowadays.
    I have missed your numerous postings, but with all that you have going on, I am just happy that you are able to keep BTiB alive and kicking!!

  4. Good morning CG!

    Back from Southern Spain, and I can tell you from first hand experience, the mosquitoes there weren't a party either! Spent three weeks in a beautiful beach front house with my family and even though everything was wonderful, the sea weather, coupled with the bugs made me really miss Sunny California! Read your blog every day while I was gone!

    Found a couple of pretty good remedies for the bites at the Spanish pharmacia there, but it was funny, the minute I got back home, the bites didn't itch any more!!

    Using an oscillating fan at night really helps to keep them away from you, as apparently they really hate being blown around!!

    I used one all day and night in the master suite of our house and it truly worked for us!

    Good luck!

  5. I'm sorry about your computer issues and I hope things improve greatly for you!
    I just got the cutest sample of Les Beiges from Chanel in shade 40 (it's wee compact!) and that just made my day. The blendability of this powder is to die for. I had pre-ordered 30 based on Amy's review but 40 seems to work well too. I can see I will need to buy more than one of these.

  6. Ouch, that sounds like the week from hell! Computer issues are the worst.

    I will be interested to hear suggestions on your mosquito issue. I am not far from you and am dealing with the same thing. The little "buggers" get into the house and like to hang out in our bathroom. It is NOT a good spot, to say the least.

    Make-up wise, I was pretty good this week, until today. I was traveling and picked up a few things from Ulta and Inglot. I tried the elf brow kit and have to say was very pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting much but really like the result. Granted I won't be replacing my Tom Ford or Hourglass brow pencils anytime soon but have done some nice combos with the powder and pencils.

    I have been trying to keep my cosmetic purchases reigned in this year but today I totally blew it. I received an email from Sephora with "special VIB early access," to Marc Jacobs new line. Boy did I fall for that, I got so excited to see the new line and bought 2 eyeshadow palettes, the eyeliner, and a lip lacquer before I knew it. Ugh, I bought into the hype.

    Oh well, they do look like nice products and the colors look good in the promotional pics I have seen. Hopefully they are fairly accurate. I will try one of the eyeshadow palettes and if it isn't all that I will return the other one. My LMDB liner is almost done so I do need a new one and can one have too many pink lip glosses. I can justify about anything if I try :)!

    Have a great weekend everyone! Hope those affected by the heat can stay cool.

  7. I´ve been very happy with my Rouge Coco in Nr. 5, Mademoiselle. I think it suits the current trend for stronger lips, but is still me. Love the smell, too. Much better than the coco shines, I´ll be looking for other shades.

    Hope next week will be nicer for you. As for the mosquitoes... long sleeves and slacks? That's what we do here. And socks. They love our feet!

  8. Hi Nemo,

    I don't think there is a Les Beiges shade that's going to please me. On the other hand, I can't wait to get my hands on the new collections.

    I think I will try those strips.

  9. Hi Eileen,

    I knew you could wear that palette! I put mine away too. It's "too too" for now.

    Revelation is my second favorite of the shades (there only being two I can tolerate), but I don't need it. There are too many other cream blushes that suit me better.

    Don't you feel BB'd and CC'd out?

  10. Thanks, Sunnlitt,

    It may be awhile before I can get back to two posts on weekdays. I get up at 4:30, leave at 7:00, and get home at about 4:30. Then I fit in life, and there's not a lot of time left.

  11. Hi Michelle,

    I would use a fan if Charlie would tolerate it. Alas...

    Sounds like your vacation was heavenly! Aren't European pharmacies beyond cool?

  12. Hi fgirl,

    I may have to skip these altogether. We'll see. I think Les Beiges are a love it or hate it proposition.

  13. Hi CGStrein,

    I got that e-mail from Sephora and have exerted tremendous willpower. I have not even opened it. :)

    Actually, I was really busy at work, but...

    Since you bought the "hype," let us know what you think!

  14. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I just found a box of Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Moisturizing Towelettes in my hall closet. I am wiped down and smelling great. Now, we'll see if those little suckers continue to eat me.

  15. Hi Chalestongirl,

    Yes, I feel completely beyond caring about BB and CC creams at this point. Since I use good skincare, all I want is a cosmetically elegant SPF 50 and then a wonderful foundation. I don't mind layering products because that way I can get things in the correct order and in the right amount so that they will give me the best result. I'm very skeptical about products that claim to do it all. For example, based on the way most women apply BB/CC creams, they don't begin to get adequate SPF, and I would assume the same is true for many of the skin care ingredients that the creams contain. Still, they're better than nothing and I can see why they'd appeal to younger people who don't have a lot of aging issues or to busy people who have little time for anything but the bare minimum. I think there are also a lot of low maintenance types who simply can't be bothered with a skin care "ritual". For them, less is more. Now, having said all that, I did give Guerlain's BB cream a try and adored the softly luminous, yet tenacious, finish. That foundation just didn't fade away, even when worn over my La Mer or Orchidée which are both very moisturizing. My problem was the avobenzone. I couldn't tolerate it if worn for more than a day. The chemical sunscreen in Guerlain's foundations doesn't usually bother me because of all the layers of goop between my skin and the foundation, but the BB cream really irritated my skin :-( Maybe I'll have better luck with Guerlain's new long wear foundation that will be coming out next month. This time, I'll ask my delightful Guerlain gal for a sample first.

    It looks like Chanel is trying to whip up enthusiasm for the release of Les Beiges by sending out those darling samples. There is just so much confusion surrounding the product: Is it a highlighter? A luminizer? A bronzer? A sculpting powder? A finishing powder? A powder foundation for those low maintenance days? I think the correct answer is probably "all of the above". I guess I'll just have to wait to try it before rendering any sort of opinion. I was very happy with the subtle warmth of last year's Lumière D'Artifice Beiges as a way of adding just a hint of color as the season shifted from summer into fall but I don't know if I need another similar powder. We shall see . . .

    Hi CGstrein,

    Yes, please let us know what you think about the Marc Jacobs collection. Even though his collection doesn't really have a color story per se or a hook, it seems to have generated a lot of curiosity.

  16. Oh, don't get me started on mosquitoes. They are bad here this year, so our entire city gets covered in Malathion to get rid of them. It's so appalling. The stuff is toxic to bees, too. We do not need to kill anymore bees.

    If there have been no West Nile-carrying mosquitoes found in your area, you shouldn't need to resort to DEET. I have heard that there is a garlic product that, if applied to bushes and grass around the house, helps. And long-sleeves and pants. Keeps the sun off, too!

    I, too, am holding out for Chanel Moiré and Nuit infinie. My sample of La Vie céleste foundation arrived today. Cross your fingers that it is pale enough for me.

    Can't believe Les Beiges only just releasing in the States. I got the e-mail: 7 colours, from 10 to 70. Not bad for Chanel. Saw Dr. Amy Wechsler's videos on their site. I'll be interested in seeing what she adds to their roster (she's a dermatologist and psychiatrist, all about mind-body connection).

    Need to try that Carven! Hope computer woes end soon!

  17. hi charleston girl!! i too received the les beiges sample and gave it to a co-worker. way too dark!! however, i loved the picture of gisele which is on my desk. i haven't purchased any fall cosmetics yet, still waiting for all the collections to come in. i think laura mercier's looks interesting. there's been so much hype over dior for fall. but, i haven't heard anyone talking about the new singles that came out. i saw a really pretty bronz-y one. i haven't heard about burberry beauty for awhile. did you see their fall clothing collection. absolutely stunning, in my opinion. loving the trench coat with the hearts and the gorgeous leather skirts. according to a rep at nordstrom, burberry beauty is being completely revamped. i heard the fall collection is called trench kisses!!! i'm also interested in michael kors cosmetic line. there are some new pre-fall goodies at the michael kors store that recently arrived. hourglass has new nude lip colours coming out too!! i'm waiting for guerlain's, read a review about that new gorgeous blush that said there was a lack of pigmentation. i of course will be waiting for your great review!! and, i saw images of tom ford's. too dark and intense for my lifestyle. happy weekend to you!!!! xxxxxxxxxx p.s. have you tried by terry's "eye shadow sticks"? i'm not sure of their exact name. i really enjoyed chanel's from this summer. i'm so hoping they'll offer some more neutral shades.

  18. Eileen, it's strange, but I didn't get the Les Beiges sample. I was on their valued customer list, so I don't know if I fell off.

    I think it's a very sheer foundation - even sheerer than Armani's Maestro. Being a powder, it's not for me.

  19. Everyone, you wouldn't believe the silly talk about the Marc Jacobs line on beauty blogger sites. Good grief...does anyone do their homework? Yes, it's expensive. Is it good? Time will tell. Right now, I cannot order, but I definitely will soon. I am curious.

  20. Melanie, garlic? Long sleeves? It's 100 degrees outside, and I despise garlic on all but the tiniest doses. I'm on Skin-So-Soft, but I noticed it didn't stop the mosquito who alighted on my arm during dinner. He/she is now dead - slapped to death.

  21. One of the best buys this year for me has been the Guerlain Terra Neroli bronzer. It's so beautiful and not too heavy, looks beautiful on. Just cant say enough good things about it. I hope you've had a chance to look at this one, to say you'll fall in love is an understatement.

  22. I'm so sorry, CG! The mosquitoes are so bad where I live that they have been named our provincial bird (by those who do not live, i.e. suffer, here!). Hence, the blanket insecticiding. I guess I should not mention that I am known to eat garlic raw and have wondered if that has helped to keep them at bay while others are devoured.

    On better news, my foundation sample is a perfect match. First one in 20 years. I am not kidding. This one is far from perfect, but having it in my shade is almost enough to look past its faults.

  23. Hi Charlstongirl,

    I just got back from the Chanel counter. The counter had received the Les Beiges display and all the testers, but not the product. I still got a chance to play with them; however. Number 10 will make a very nice finishing powder for me so I asked my Chanel gal to hold one for me when they come in or to pre-sell one when she is able to do so. The powder is so phenomenally silky smooth and has a lot of slip. Swatched heavily, number 10 has the glow of a highly refined highlighter, but that is dedeptive because when it is blended out, it becomes a gossimer veil of soft light. It could conceivably give my beloved Météorites a run for the money :-)

    While at the counter, I took a look at the product page for Nuit Infinie. The product page was not very good so I'll be on the look out for promo pictures. The only thing I've actually seen a picture of is the new Joues Contraste and it looks very pretty.

  24. Hi CG and Eileen,
    I will definitely let you know what I think of Marc Jacobs beauty. It will be interesting to see if it lives up to all the hype. They rarely do since they get so over-hyped.

    CG, Marc Jacobs, expensive? I thought it was very reasonable. LOL, I guess it depends what you compare it too. The eyeliner is $12 cheaper than the LMDB one I buy. I was proud of my "thriftiness." The 7 color eyeshadow palettes come out to $8.42 a shadow. Not bad considering a Chanel quad comes out to $14.75 a shadow. I guess it all comes down to how much product you get and the quality of it. He is a big name so I expect a very good product. It will be interesting to read all the reviews.

  25. Oh no!! So sorry about the tech + mosquito problem, CG! Those are no fun, esp the mosquitoes (I can't stand them). For these little suckers, I may have a solution. Way long time ago, I used to work in genetic research lab that grew a certain mustard plant in somewhat damp green house with stagnant water everywhere (stagnant water = mosquitoes during summer!). They use a kind of blue light that attract the mosquitoes and zap them, maybe similar to this:

    I'm sorry to post the link here, but I'm hoping that you can see an example of this. I don't think the lamp itself heats up all that much. Worth trying!

    My week has been a full discovery of apps after apps that helps me blog. Also, thanks to you about Jouer cosmetics, I purchased a palette and loving it!

    I hope your weekend will be better!

    xo, Claire

  26. CGStrein, a certain blogger community is of one mind that it's expensive. It is no more expensive than our other treasures, as you pointed out. To them, if it is above drugstore pricing, it's expensive.

    There is a lot of misconception there. Apparently, they don't read WWD. :)

  27. Your computer's virus is why I have a Mac:)!

    Love your blog!

  28. Hi Charlestongirl,

    I had some time to "surf" today and came across some beautiful product pictures of Tom Ford and Armani fall 2013. This year is just staggering in its highly polished beauty and offers something for everyone from bold jewel tones to nuanced neutrals. I'm going to be hard pressed to make some decisions. Dior, Chanel, YSL, Givanchy, Guerlain, Tom Ford, Armani. . . Oh my! And, then, holiday collections will be upon us! After a summer in which only Tom Ford and Guerlain really excited me, this abundance of beautiful cosmetics is making my head spin :-)

    Hi CGstrein,

    Apropos Marc Jacobs and price points, I've read so much silliness on some blogs about how outrageously expensive his collection is and how dare he call it moderately priced. Sheesh! Like you, I did the math and think it is very moderately priced. That's not to say; however, that it is a drugstore brand and that seems to be what some of these women were expecting. I'm not sure how they came up with that assumption. After all, Marc Jacobs doesn't target the lower end of the price spectrum when it comes to his clothing, so why would he do that with his cosmetic line? Short answer: He wouldn't. It would detract from his prestige and designer creds. I think a lot of the "outrage" over his prices is just a bunch of sour grapes from people who were wanting something designer but at drugstore prices. They don't have a clue as to what constitutes highend in the world of cosmetics. Anyway, you'll definitely have to report back to us with your opinion :-)

    Hi again Charlestongirl,

    I laughed out loud when I read your comment that they obviously didn't read WWD. Indeed! LOL

    Hi Wendy,

    Are you referring to By Terry Ombré Blackstar? If you love bronze shades, you might want to take a look at Bronze Moon. The Blackstar shadows are very smooth and have a lot of slip. They blend easily, are buildable, and are highly reflective without being shimmery or glittery. Once they set, they're set! I like to use Bronze Moon as a base shade and then sculpt with satin matte shades.

    Note from C: Early this morning, I accidentally deleted this comment from Eileen (not fully awake). I am posting it from the text of the e-mail notice. That's why her husky doesn't appear.

  29. CG, I'm sorry about the computer issues. And isn't this heat miserable?

    I haven't had a good week myself. My son was in the ER with either food poisoning or a bad stomach flu. Even though he's a grown man, I was there with him. I don't like the idea of sending anyone off to the hospital by themselves. Thankfully, he seems to have finally gotten a good night's rest and is eating toast as I type.

    I hadn't had a chance to put in my Chanel order at and thought that now my son was settled, I could sit down and place the order. And oh, she who hesitates is now very sorry. I wanted the Delice blush (really a pearl-like highlighter). There I was merrily adding items to my cart when I got to Delice and the dreaded words OUT OF STOCK came up. Most highlighters are too peach on me because I "warm things up" in the words of one Chanel make-up artist. I thought Delice would work for me. Now I can't get it and I'm crying double C tears.

    The Les Beiges are not calling to me. The case is lovely, but I fear even the 10 would be too yellow. I've got a trip planned for September where I can actually go to a Chanel counter. I'll look at it there.


  30. Just came here to report on Dior's 5 Couleurs Couture Colour Eyeshadow Palette in Bonne Étoile, which I had on my Nordstrom wish list, thanks to your post, and even though I have a lifetime supply of eye shadow. At first they listed an available date in August, so, fine. I waited for the Anniversary Event to begin, so I could combine my order, and when to went to order today, it is just not available. I am SO disappointed as I really wanted the khaki green, and it's not available anywhere else (maybe ever?)

    (Thunderstorm just began here in DC! Yay!)

  31. Hi CG! Thanks so much for posting the links to the malware detecting programs. I've isolated and deleted a few more trojans since my last comment here. My computer still occasionally crashes, but I've made it through a few days with none at all. Fortunately, I still have an older lap top that I can use for work though it is painfully slow. I've missed blog-reading! It's also exhausting. I was tempted to just buy a Mac a be done with it. Sorry to hear you're still purging your laptop. It takes a while, doesn't it?

    On the makeup front, I'm really loving the Chanel Mystere quad, Khaki pencil and Alchemie nail polish. The khakis are a great neutral for my skin tone and go especially well with the coral and orange lipsticks and glosses I've been wearing all summer.

    I've been experimenting with sunscreens as well. Seems like most of the chemical sunscreen ingredients are questionable, most of the physical ones leave an unacceptable white cast. I haven't found any products I like better than Josie Maran's Daily Moisturizer SPF40 which seems to work well on my face and neck: it doesn't melt into a white, drippy mess on hot days, never has a white cast after blending, and it is both a sunscreen and moisturizer. I use it on hands too since they are drier than my face and need more care.

    Hope you're staying cool! Thank goodness it's going to cool off a bit this week.


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