
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Chanel Séduction Quadra Eye Shadow from the Jeux de Regards Collection

Although it has been available for weeks (and months in other countries), I had to convince myself to buy Chanel's limited-edition Séduction Quadra Eye Shadow (#42, $59) from the Jeux de Regards Collection. Both quads weren't "perfect" - in other words, neither left my heart pounding. The blues of Fascination left me fairly cold. They are pretty, but I have enough of those shades and rarely wear them. Séduction has three colors I love and one I suspect I'll never wear. It won the coin toss.

I took swatch photos in full, mid-afternoon sunshine. I swatched heavily with a sponge-tipped applicator, starting with the top-left "red" shade and moving clockwise around the quad.

All four shades offer a gleam or subtle shimmer (even the brown, which other bloggers have called matte) - I really like the finishes. The red looks like it has a lavender hue in it. It's a gorgeous shade for a blush. Maybe I'll give it as try on my cheeks.

The ivory is a stunning base shade. It shows up against my pale beige skin. The brown is a fairly true chocolate brown that can be applied sheerly for very pretty definition. The peach is a perfect, ripe peach.  With a golden shimmer, it verges on a peachy copper. I love it.

What do you think? Will you be on the lookout for it - or pass? You can find it at all Chanel counters and Chanel's Web site. I purchased mine at Neiman Marcus.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. hi charleston girl! for me, i will pass on this whole collection. i always wind up going back to chanel but, i have not found anything that's caught my eye. i know chanel will come out with lippies and 2 nail polishes and then holiday collection will arrive. i miss the days when chanel came out with a new collection and i had to have everything! although, i still have lots of summer left. i have 2 moon river eye shades left and the lip colors. it's sweltering here and will be for awhile so i'm glad i have these items still left. do you remember the quad beiges de chanel? those were the days!! (in my opinion of course)!! thankyou for posting this! xxxxxxx

  2. Really? I loved Seduction. I was actually thinking of getting a back-up because I loved the colors, especially the peach one. But now I saw your LMdB's new k-scope, maybe I'll skip on the back-up and pre-order LMdB!! :) Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Hi CG,

    Lovely swatches. Seduction is pretty, but I chose Fascination. I ordered from Nordstrom's and it came on Thursday. I've only had time to play with it once and used all four colors. It's striking. I can't wait to try different ways of wearing it.

    They sent me a sample of Le Lift as well and so far I really like it.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I bought both quads and 2 of the eye pencils yesterday (the Seduction quad was purchased online and has not yet arrived). Today I wore the Fascination and it is gorgeous. The blues are lovely. They are a grey-blue, and in fact remind me of a CHANEL single shadow of a few years back called Gris Exquis. The new Blue Exquis eye pencil is like that. As for that iffy shade in Seduction, I recommend a trick I learned from Guerlain: use it in the crease, blended with everything else. It works!

  5. It's gorgeous and tempting. I probably wouldn't use the red as a shadow either. I wonder if it would be too dark for me as a blush? The other three look perfect.

  6. Like a lot! Appreciate that it does not appear as too much glimmery/glitter. My old eyes cannot do that. I have a few Chanel Quads that are not too over the top for me. These colors do me well. Thank you for posting!

  7. Hi Wendy,

    There comes a time when we all decide we have just enough. Then a new collection comes out, and we wonder if we will miss something if we don't buy. I think they have us pegged. Sounds like you are resisting better than I am. :)

  8. Hi Lovepassion...!

    Given the choice, I'll take the new LMdB any day.

  9. Hi Rosemary - thanks.

    I know many will love Fascination. Unfortunately, I can start counting my blue-greys and exceed the fingers on both hands.

  10. Nemo, Bobbi Brown saw me in a burgundy shadow once, and she immediately told me never to wear it again. I'm an obedient type. :)

  11. I'll let you know, Melissa. I'm going to try it with a fan brush.

  12. Hi Judith,

    I don't think you'll find Seduction at all to glimmery.

  13. I picked up Fascination and Bleu Exquis. Although Séduction contains what I typically think of as my kind of colors, I have so many palettes that are similar, it just didn't seem prudent to add yet another to the stash. Fascination, on the other hand, beckoned me. After a summer spent wearing primarily neutrals, I've been in the mood for evening looks that feature some color. After playing a bit at the counter, I decided that Fascination would be perfect for creating a blue-toned, smoky eye. At first I was concerned that the overall effect might be too cool, but with my coloring, Fascination actually appears quite sultry with the teal undertones coming to the fore. In any event, Séduction and Fascination are both beautiful quads.

  14. I am excited about Seduction- the rose shade drew me in. I love using a rosy pink color to warm up my crease :)

  15. HI Charlestongirl,

    Séduction is GORGEOUS! I can just imagine the pairing of the burgundy with the peach. It's nice to Chanel produce colors that are half a step away from neutral :)


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