
Friday, September 6, 2013

The Friday Forum - September 6

I wish I had the time - took the time - to make flower arrangements to brighten my favorite spaces. Unfortunately, I don't. Then, there's the "Charlie problem." He believes that anything that once grew in the ground and is green has been brought in for his munching pleasure. I don't want him to get sick or poisoned because I wanted to beautify my home.

Right now, I have a gorgeous, huge yellow chrysanthemum plant in the copper container at my front door. The plant is just starting to bloom. Would I have taken the time to purchase it? No, but one of my two best friends left it as a gift yesterday. I was thrilled when I got home from work.

This week has been a slow beauty week for me. After spending all day Monday cleaning my bedroom (you wouldn't believe the boxes of beauty products I have now stashed away), I was not in the mood for more beauty products. I did order some fragrances, and I can't wait for them to arrive. I was also hoping to hear that Carnaby Street had arrived at Neiman Marcus. That would have snapped me out of my doldrums. I'll pop over to Neiman Marcus Mazza tomorrow - for several reasons. I want to pick up two of Estée Lauder's new metallic trios. Yes, they are neutrals.

This week, I read an article in the New York Times Magazine. It has nothing to do with beauty. Actually, it is "all about ugly" and its many manifestations. It is a powerful article, written by a women who was kidnapped in Somalia and held what seemed like an eternity. "12 Minutes of Freedom in 460 days of Captivity" left me feeling unsettled. I didn't realize its full impact until I felt a tear running down my cheek. Although it has little to do with Syria, it gave me a window on a world I don't want us "in" - now or ever. See if it has the same effect on you that it had on me.

I didn't do a weekly contest this week, and I'm trying to decide how and when I will continue with them. As you know, I use to select the winners. Many of the entrants never read my blog, aren't subscribed, and may never come back. They are strictly what I call "contest people." I started the contests years ago to give something back to you - something that I sense is happening infrequently. Now, I'm not sure how to proceed. So, I took a little break. I'd welcome your suggestions for contests. I will tell you it's extremely hard to verify subscriptions, impossible for those like Feedly. I was thinking of randomly selecting someone who comments each week and posting a note to please contact me "because you just won a giveaway." Do you have any ideas?

It's time for the Friday Forum. I love this part of our week. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Good Morning! I just wanted to say that while I read your blog nearly every day, I've only applied to one of your giveaway contests. Usually I don't post comments because I'm shy and when i do, i post them Anonymously because I dont' want my name on the internet any more than i can help it.
    Personally I think you should do your contests or give aways in whatever way you feel is best. It doesn't have to be a contest. I'm just glad that you keep the blog going. :)
    I wanted to write a comment to let you know that there are some of us that read your blog and like it, but dont' like to comment or to be visible on the internet. Doesn't mean we don't care.

  2. Just wanted to share that I've been using Omorovicza Thermal Cleansing Balm and I am so in love with it! I am completely smitten by this Hungarian line.

    I have also been using their Queen of Hungary Mist after I use my exfoliating toner, so refreshing!
    They are available at my local Neiman Marcus, unsure of other locations in the US.
    It is a bit pricey but so worthy!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  3. I agree with the other poster. I read your blog posts, but don't always read the comments. I have commented more recently than I have in the past, but I usually don't post because I don't have anything to add to your wonderful posts :) I don't think you should even feel obligated to do contests, especially if it makes you feel uneasy that a non-reader will win. But if you still want to do a giveaway, maybe you can do a test to see if people are actually reading your posts, like "To enter the contest, comment with my cat's name" and you can make sure the comments aren't visible to everyone. Maybe something fun like that.

  4. Hi CG!

    That is a best friend! I never wanted to have flowers in the house when we had our golden retriever. When he was acting up, he’d pace, picking up anything in sight. We would have poinsettias (purchased by my husband because of school-fundraiser pressure at the office) only briefly at the holidays. My paranoia would kick in and I’d toss them when no one (i.e. he) was looking.

    The contests are something that you should continue if you wish and as you wish. Your regular readers will likely agree with me when I say that we come here to read your reviews and see the best swatches around. You do give us a lot of something as it is – your time!

    This week, I received some lovely samples from Suntegrity. They make sunscreens and have just come out with a tinted one in Fair (they liken it to a BB cream). I contacted the company (which ended up being the woman who created the line herself) about it – I get desperate trying to find things that are actually fair enough for me – and she offered to send me some samples to try. I was so floored by her kindness! Yesterday, I wore the tinted version and today I have on the untinted. I love them both! I will have to get one soon. I have been lacking a good sunscreen for my face and I think that I have finally found it!

    Other than that, it’s been a slow makeup week for me, too. I finally took my in-use stash out of the fridge. I usually shelter all makeup and fragrance in the summer. The skincare is still in there – I think the bottles look nice on the shelves! Plus, I can keep an eye on my children while I do my morning routine. My son is becoming intrigued by the ritual.

    By the way, W Magazine has a contest on today – a chance to win the Tom Ford fall collection. I had tweeted you the link, but when I clicked on it, all of my info was still in the fields! I promptly deleted it. So unsure about the internet sometimes. I can resend it if you’d like.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Ditto what Anonymous said. This is an excellent and useful blog. Thank you very much for writing it.

  6. Dear Charleston girl and readers, I am very curious about the Sisley line you featured earlier in the week. I've never tried any of their products and I'm wondering which products you and others have tried. They are so pricey and I'm willing to try them but I would like to know which products people have found they really love (and why.) Thank you for any info you share....

  7. What a wonderful friend you have, CG! Unexpected gifts like that are the best IMO.

    My DH and middle son just left for a 9 hour round trip drive to watch our oldest son play his first varsity football game (he's a freshman) and since I'm not feeling well I think I'm going to spend some time reading blogs, maybe do a little online shopping and sleeping.

    This morning my TF She Wolf eyeshadow palette arrived and from my quick glance it looks very pretty. I can't wait to play! I am now looking for a nice matte peach colored eyeshadow so if any of you have a suggestion for me, I would really appreciate it.

    As for your contest dilemma I really don't have any ideas, sorry. But I bet some of the other ladies will have some good ideas for you. :)

    I hope everyone has a good weekend!

  8. Hi CG! I want to echo what some of the other ladies said. I read every post, but I rarely comment. It's not that I dislike commenting, but several of the posts are new and upcoming products I haven't had experience with yet, so I rely on you for your thoughts/reviews/swatches (especially as several of the luxury brands you review are not local to me). For contests I say do what makes you feel comfortable. I'm happy just reading your blog!

    As to products of the week...I've finally given in and tried higher end polishes. I should have know that as with most things you get what you pay for, but after trying some Butter London and Dior polishes I realize I was missing out.

    I'm also currently obsessed with cream eyeshadow sticks. I'm trying out several brands at the moment.

  9. I think someone that reads your blog should win. I love your blog!

  10. Yes there are some of us who read u daily and occasionally post...I have gotten into the routine of checking my mail at the same time u post which is around 3:30 in the Midwest ...I started reading your blog because u love the same brands as I do and because I'm handicapped I use your reviews to help me order online so I know what the colors actually are.It would be a great letdown if u stopped,so don't

  11. Hi CGirl,

    Well, I read your blog everyday, one of the highlights of my day too. Though I don't always comment. *bad girl I am* I wish I wish I had a suggestion for your give-aways.

    I want to thank you for all the reviews you do. Your reviews are bang on and I know that whatever product I get will be the right product for my skin. From lipsticks, blushes, skin products you are number one CGirl!!!

    Warm Regards,
    Joanne ~ VancouverChic

  12. Happy Friday@Charleston Girl

    The floral arrangement is gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the best beauty posts.


    And I too use the Omorovicza Thermal Cleansing Balm too and LOVE, LOVE it as well as the emulsion and Mist. This is my preferred line now. (Thanks)

  13. Your blog is a pleasure to read. I'm so over all the rafflecopters and giveaway rules that have taken over blogs. I'd really rather just have a connection with the blogger and the readers who frequent my favorite places on the interwebs.

    On a more frivolous note, I'm heading up to Alexandria, VA in November to get my "colors done" (as in true autumn, soft spring and yes, it's a thing) and was wondering if there are any shops or sights that I simply must check out while I'm there. Thanks!

  14. Oh it would be so nice if flowers would pop up on my stoop at home! Not that there aren't any in front of my house - the steps are bordered now by tall, colorful zinnias regularly visited by fuzzy bees and butterflies. They just are not my favorite flowers but as long as they attract butterflies I'm content.

    Nothing much exciting happened on the beauty scene for me this week. I have a few more major expenses (a baptism, another wedding) to get through before indulging. It's as if everyone decided to do important things all in the same 3 month period! lol Spread out the parties please!

    I don't really have any great suggestions for giveaways. It could be fun just to randomly select someone from the pool of people who have commented on your posts during the week for example. You don't have to do giveaways, I'm pretty sure we'll keep reading your posts without them. :) Whatever makes your life less complicated is good.

    Have a happy weekend everyone!

  15. I do read your blog every single day (I just click on my bookmark - I don't follow you through a reader) - I actually check it several times a day to see if you've posted more than once!! I truly enjoy it and although I don't comment frequently, I (quietly) appreciate the tremendous effort you put into it. Regarding the giveaways - while they are lovely - they aren't the reason I come here and I can't imagine how much it must cost you to provide them and then mail them out!! If YOU are no longer feeling happy with doing them, then perhaps it's time to stop - I don't think it would make any difference to your loyal readers.

  16. CG - love your blog...I visit daily and comment occasionally. I've seldom if ever entered the contests - I usually am slightly annoyed when one can get more entries by tweeting (I don't tweet), or doing something other than commenting. Whatever way you handle it will be fine, I'm sure!

    I certainly follow your blog for reasons other than contests!

  17. Happy Friday, CG. What a beautiful gift from your friend. I adore having flowers in our home. I used to have a green thumb and could grow anything when we lived in California. Nowadays, I even kill air plants. No joke.

    Beauty wise, this week, I have mostly focused on hair care, and buying new clothes. I love the Joico K-PAC Hair Reconstructor. I also bought some of L'Oreal's Feria Professional Hair Treatment conditioner. It's available at Sally's. I used both this morning and today my hair looks and feels like hair--and not dried out straw. :)

    Tomorrow I may go to the MAC counter for some new lipsticks. I want to purchase LoveLorn and perhaps Sophisto. I don't really like to purchase their Limited Edition offerings, since I will be certain to fall in love with them--and then they are gone for good.

    That happened to me when they released the Viva Glam Gaga 1 Lipstick. I bought two, and they really were my favorite lipstick shade --ever--and now they are no longer available. That stinks!

    I don't really have any beauty questions at the moment. My main concern is health related.

    Specifically, fine needle breast biopsy. I will be having this done a week from today. Friday the 13th. I laughed when the scheduler told me that this was the earliest appointment day they had available. For any of you who pray, please say a prayer for me. I would really appreciate it.

    As for this blog--thank you for taking the time to steer us to the perfect offerings of beauty products available. It is such a blessing. Before finding your blog, I would literally stand stymied at the cosmetics counter. I would wish that whatever were the best products for me, would just magically appear before me. LOL. I have many beauty products that just didn't suit me for one reason or another.

    As for contests, I think your idea of just choosing someone, and sending them an email informing them that they have won a contest would be great. Your gracious heart will guide you. That way, you can reward your faithful followers as you feel led to.

    I'm off to read the article you wrote about in this blog. Thank you again for all that you give to us. Your blog is so wonderful. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.~Marilyn

  18. I too echo what others have said in that I look forward to reading your posts each day. It is great having someone like you post delightful and informative articles on beauty especially as you are a mature and intelligent woman. I have entered your competitions from time to time but that is a bonus.

    I can understand that you feel it necessary to rethink the competitions. Whatever you decide has to work for you.

    BTW, I recently reorganised my spare beauty stash and was horrified at how much I have. Am trying to be sensible going forward as I get distressed thinking I might becoming a hoarder, lol!

    Best wishes for a great weekend.

  19. hi charleston girl!! happy friday to you!! i can't wait to hear your thoughts about estee lauders' new eyeshadows. whatever you suggest, i'm going to run out and get! i seriously need new makeup and good neutrals! i still have moon river left, enough hopefully for a few weeks to hold me over. i think saks is coming with their big beauty week the end of this month. hopefully, holiday collections will be out then! xo.

  20. Hi CG, I probably only comment during one of your contents, but I'm definitely not a "contest person". I love your blog and read each and every post.

    Just thought you might like to know that....

    Christy x

  21. I read your blog everyday and sometimes I even go through the comments because there are usually helpful discussions going on as well. I look forward to comments posted by your readers like Eileen, who is always more knowledgeable than the sales associates I deal with. I used to enter the giveaways every week but I would never "win" anything so I sort of give up and haven't entered one in awhile. Only occasionally if it's something I'd really treasure. I think it's a great idea to select winners yourself. I've always said it's extremely generous of you to do weekly giveaways and there certain is no need for you to have to keep that up especially when you're more busy nowadays with the new job.
    I think it's nice to take a break from that. Your readers enjoy your blog for the posts. We appreciate the time and commitment you invest in your blog and not just the monetary benefits of giveaways.

  22. Hello Everyone!

    I am hoping to be able to sit down tonight and figure out what I want to purchase at the Neiman Marcus Beauty Event! This has been a very hectic few weeks. Is everyone as excited as I am? Have all of you made your lists? What are you getting? I received an Omorovicza travel set as a gift last spring. The products are lovely. I will be interested to see what they have available at Neiman Marcus. Thanks for reminding me Juliana.

    CG-I would have LOVED to help you clean out and organize all of your beauty products. Call me next time and I'll fly out with treats for Charlie, non toxic flowers for you and a big smile.

    I love your giveaways! Even if I have not won. But I'll read your blog no matter. I think it's a good idea to randomly pick a post and then pick a comment on the post. Or a twitter follower? Take some time to think about what you want to do. Then make us work for it! :)

  23. I wholeheartedly agree with Anon at 10:03. I read your blog daily and look forward to your reviews, as I find you to be an excellent arbiter of luxuries. I've only entered one contest and that was the only other time I've ever commented.
    Your idea of randomly contacting a commenter seems like a lovely way to handle a giveaway. Seems to me that if you are giving a gift, you should be allowed to give it to whomever you wish. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this blog.
    And Marilyn, I'm praying for you.

  24. I like so many others whom have responded love and appreciate this blog. I do not comment for several reasons with one being that I simply do not feel that I am one of the people that could could have anything to contribute. I just have never felt very pretty and know that I will never be the glamor girl but I do love your reviews and tips and I buy much of what you do recommend. One of my most favorite posts that you wrote recently was the "Lessons Learned" post and the information was so helpful. It is a true pleasure to read your blog daily and I just want to say thank you for all of the work and money involved in keeping this blog going. It is appreciated!

  25. I picked up Kate Somerville IllumiKate CC cream today. I bought Light 02. Fantastic, lightweight, great coverage, and left my skin luminous! Can not believe I have not heard any buzz on this product yet!

    Loved the post on Omorvicza! My skin loves this line!

  26. I like many others read your blog daily and so look forward to it. I do not comment as I feel that I would have nothing to contribute that would be helpful. I have never felt very pretty but I appreciate all of your reviews. I purchase much of what your recommend and am always pleased. I especially enjoyed reading the post on "Lessons Learned" published a few weeks ago and found all of the information very helpful.
    Thank you for the work and time and money that goes into keeping up a blog like this as it is so appreciated by many and it is a pleasure for me to read on a daily basis!

  27. What a lovely gift your friend left you!! I just recently found your blog, but I try to read every day..and it's become a highlight of my evening!:) I just got my Guerlain Madame Rougit, so I've been enjoying that lovely blush all week. I also have been testing out Paula's Choice Resist skincare line. I ordered the sampler pack, and I have to say I'm quite impressed! I know it's only been a little over a week, but I really see a difference in my skin. Being a southern girl myself, I spent wayyyyy too much time in the sun as a youngster, so I have some "ruddiness" to my skin. Fortunately, I have great genes in my family. My mom has beautiful porcelain skin, and my grandmother had amazing skin when she was still with us. She used Pond's Cold Cream her entire adult I get nostalgic everytime I smell it.
    Anyway, thanks to them, my skin isn't too bad as far as sun damage, but it definitely looks clearer, and smoother since trying out this line I think.

    I am about to start a project refurbishing my Grandmother's old desk that she used as a vanity in her house. I can remember as a child, sitting at that desk and playing with her Estee Lauder lipsticks and her Coty airspun I'm gonna make it my vanity:)

    Thanks for your amazing blog, and you should do what makes you happy as far as the contests go. I too have gotten tired & bored with all the rafflecopter business all these blogs have, so I basically ignore it. I just appreciate your reviews and all the products you purchase to show us.
    Have a lovely weekend, and sorry if my post is long winded;)

  28. HI CG, I agree w/ you and readers here, flowers are the best gifts, potted or cut. My most fave gift from my husband is the potted orchid that keeps blooming year after year.

    I wonder if you/readers may have insight on how to maintain "relationship" with fave dept store SA when you really have nothing to buy, for whatever reason. We all know they work on commission and that's about the extend of our "relationship." I mean, of course, we chat about other things too, but it comes down to how much $$ I spend on the product that she/he is representing.

    It's odd that I'm in a spending lull because Fall is usually my most favorite makeup season (I rarely spend on Summer collection, for e.g.) but that's what happened and my fave SA has been emailing, calling, I just haven't got an idea on how to respond, really.

    Weird topic, I know, but maybe someone else have a good insight. Happy weekend, everyone!

    P.S. Re. giveaway, I think you should continue in whatever shape/form, even if it only attracts those "contestants" to your blog. I don't know much about contests, but sufficed to say if there's a way around it, people will do it.

  29. I like your contests (they are great products!) but I will read your blog whether or not you continue them. Do whatever pleases you!

  30. CG I love your blog and am amazed and thankful for your enthusiasm with new products in every category. You make it less difficult to make the right selections. Thanks for that.

    I'm lucky, my dog Coco (Chanel, of course) is so well behaved that she never tries to even eat an uncovered container of her food! Flowers would be out of question for her!

    I've never entered a contest I just appreciate your comments and information.

    For Moonchime I will pray.

    Have a good weekend all!

  31. Just wanted to say that I also read your blog every day. Actually, as soon as I get your email (I'm subscribed by email), I click on the link to go read it. Am a fairly new reader but don't always comment, although I have commented a couple of times but never saw my comments posted. In any event, I enjoy your blog very much and look forward to your reviews. They are well written and informative.

    Happy Weekend!

  32. I love to read your posts everyday and, in fact, you are one of only 3 bloggers I read on a daily basis. And all of you deal with women, not girls!
    I love that we see value in treating ourselves well at our "age" and we don't have to explain that to anyone! I love that you "get" me. I love that you mention your mom and those parent/child issues that come up for us at this stage of our lives. I love your cosmetic choices because I KNOW they're going to be great. I love that I can trust your opinion.
    I enjoy the contests, sure, but that is not the only reason I read your posts...not by a long shot! So, I'm not sure what's the most fair way to proceed, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Thanks for a great blog!
    And to answer your question, I was very disappointed in the quality of Becca Cosmetics Matte Lipcolor that I just bought this week. It "skips" across the lips rather than gliding, and it is supposed to be moisturizing, but you couldn't tell it by me!

  33. I too think you should handle the giveaways anyway you want. I will continue to be a daily reader even without giveaways. Reading your blog is the highlight of my day and I have learned so much about products of all kinds. I used to wander around and get sucked into a lot of cosmetic lines. Now I know a little more and sometimes hold out for something really worth it, rather than jump on the latest and not necessarily the greatest.

    Taking it easy on the makeup budget this week. I am looking forward to Beauty Week at NM. I just discovered that Pacifica has makeup now. My daughters will be so pleased as they prefer vegan and natural makeup.

    Great weekend to all!

  34. I read that excerpt, "12 Minutes of Freedom . . . " and hate to say it, but I have read so many similar tales of terror over the years that it makes me despair for humanity. The level of barbarism and suffering, the incomprehensible cruelty that man is able to inflict upon his fellow man, is heart wrenching and mind boggling.

    On to matters of beauty. This week I've been enjoying trying new looks with Chanel's Fascination. I'm really pleased with just how misty and delicate or deep and mysterious I can go with this selection of blues. It's actually a surprisingly versatile quad. I love it. When I originally saw the Fascination tutorial that Lisa Eldridge made for Chanel, I was disappointed because I think she made quite a heavy-handed hash of it. It was so unflattering. Nouveau cadaver is not exactly the look I'm after. But, when I actually saw the quad, I knew immediately that Fascination had tremendous potential.

    Holiday collections are just around the corner and so far I haven't seen anything that gets my makeup lust going. Perhaps when I can actually see products as opposed to promo pics, I'll feel a bit more inspired. Last year I was thrilled with the abundance of elegance and sophistication as the holiday season unfolded. This year . . . um, not so much :-(

    Hi Evelyn,

    I believe it was a character in a Robert Heinlein story who said, "Butterlies aren't insects. They're self-propelled flowers." From one butterfly fan to another, doesn't that thought just make you smile?

    Hi Moonchime,

    Prayers, positive thoughts, and good wishes will definitely be headed your way. Bless you and yours as you navigate these troubled waters.

    And to all of you, have a wonderful weekend.

  35. Hi CG and everyone,
    I read your posts daily, which has become part of my daily routine. I work 13-14 hour days (being a pediatric occupational therapist in private practice). While the work I do is very gratifying, I do relish finding some "me" time, reading your reviews about the beauty world and hence, purchasing products based on your reviews ;-), just doing my own very special retail therapy. In short, I go to your blog for the sheer pleasure of reading about anything and everything you write about. I never entered your contests and don't get me wrong--the prices you have offered are divine! But again, that is not why I come here. Oh, I also read everyone's comments and learn so much from them.
    I ordered some RBR eyeshadow refills during the Beautyhabit 20% special sale. I also received the latest Jason Wu makeup (eyeshadow palettes and navy eyeliner) from Nordstrom. I just received my Chantecaillle Wild Horses palette (too gorgeous to use ha ha ha). I purchase so many things, it is truly just a growing collection that I stash away in my huge makeup cabinet. But they make me happy ;-)

  36. Like many of your readers, CG, I follow you daily although I do not subscribe through any service. I start my day with a cup of coffee and your blog! Many of the products you feature are not readily available near me, but I am still interested in finding out about them. I LOVE beautiful things whether I can ever possess them or not.

    I also like the little "glimpse" into your life when you talk about your cat, your Mom, your gardening, etc. Simply put, you are interesting!

    As far as the giveaways go, it's really up to you how to proceed. I've won 2 of your contests and I couldn't be more happy with the products I've won. As a side note, I only enter the contests that have items I would seriously use.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

  37. I was absolutely thrilled to be introduced to Chantecaille's Just Skin tinted moisturizer. This product is one of the best kept secrets in cosmetics. It's pricey at $66 but worth every nickel. It has enough moisturizer to feel effective in our desert climate in Scottsdale, along with an illuminating finish that evens skin tone and perks up a "no makeup" look.
    Love your blog, by the way.

  38. Hi Claire,

    Your question about maintaining a relationship with an SA was interesting. It's easy to do when we're buying a lot, but what about those times when we aren't?

    I always make a point of visiting my favorite SA's to chat about upcoming collections. And, I never show anything other than enthusiasm for what's around the corner. That way the SA knows that even though there is nothing much to entice me in the current collection, there are things that interest me in the future ones.

    I always go take a look at the new collections even if I'm not all that interested. Sometimes, I'll be surprised as I was with Mystère; sometimes there is nothing that attracts me. The important thing is that I never poo-poo the collection or gripe about the brand. Instead, I'll say something like, "Oh, these lip shades are gorgeous! Such a shame I have 'prune' lips, but I bet these matte shades are beautiful on you younger ladies." That let's the SA know I'm still in love with her brand even though I don't think the particular product is going to suit me. It also lets the SA know exactly why I don't care for it but in a way that is not antagonistic or rude.

    I make a point of visiting the counter to let the SA know how I'm getting on with the products that I purchased and to thank her for keeping me in the loop. I also stop by whenever I've attended a special event to say how much I enjoyed it. You know the old saying, "It's always right to be polite!" :-)

    I'm very loyal to my favorite SA's and will make sure they get the sale. When I get an email or call, I always respond by asking the SA what her schedule is like because I want to be sure she's there when I come to play. The SA knows I want to make sure she gets the commission should I decide to buy something.

    If I'm in the store, I always stop by the counter to say hello. If the SA is applying makeup on another customer, I'll always compliment the customer on the beautiful look that is being created. It only takes a few minutes to do so, but it lets the SA know that I genuinely like her and that I appreciate her artistry, talent, and knowledge of the brand. And, I truly do!

    In short, graciousness, enthusiasm, appreciation, and a good dose of humor can go a long way towards cementing a great relationship with a valued SA.

  39. Hey CG,

    Just getting over last night's migraine and now feel that I'm getting a cold. Argh!

    The flowers are lovely. I wish I could have some in my house, but my two Siamese cats would get into them faster than you can say "tuna!"

    I'm still playing with my Fascination quad, and I put in another order with my new Chanel SA yesterday. I'm still "trying her out" to see if we'll be a good fit. So far, so good. I'm sure there's been an emergency email send around at wondering what happened to me. LOL.

    I'm almost at the end of my Le Lift sample--love it--but then guess what I'm going to try after that? Cle de Peau Beaute Anti-Wrinkle contour balm! I loved your feature on it and managed to get my hands on a sample. Will let you know how it goes.

    I also have a new Rouge Coco Shine. You started me on these, you know!!! This is my third and it's "Dialogue." Quite a lot of pigment, but the same nice, balm-like feeling. Love it.

    The holiday collections will be out before we know it and my budget is limited. I really want the Chantecaille Wild Horses palette, but have never spent that much on a brand other than the double Cs. Chanel's holiday palette is going to be $80 this year. *gulp* Not sure what I'll do.

    Re your blog: well, it's the first one in my dropdown box if that tells you anything. :) I check in more than I should, and I confess I missed seeing you as often as usual. I know it's because you're working, though, so I understand. About contests, I only enter the ones where I feel the product is something I'd like to try. I think that it's your blog and you should do just as you please.

    Have a great week!

  40. I really appreciate all your kind comments. I know that some of you who read the blog every day enter the contests. That's what I had hoped! I also know that many of you don't comment, and I sure understand that. I'm facing 39 comments and wondering how I'll answer all of them. :)

    I totally appreciate your readership. I'll figure out the contest "thing" - maybe by next week.

  41. Dawn, By Terry and Sisley both have fabulous matte peach eye shadows.

  42. NeenaJ,

    Alexandria's Old Town is the kind of place where you will enjoy walking the sidewalks and stopping in at all the little shops.

    Also, Pentagon City mall is closeby. It has a lot of stores.

  43. We are all pulling for those of you who are undergoing hardships. Hang in there and know that you have a little club here. We care.

  44. What a lovely quote Eileen! I did indeed smile at the idea of self-propelled flowers. They cheer me up! I will have to remember that quote. :)

  45. Hi CG,
    As many others, I read your blog every day, but never made a comment. And naver participate in contests. So I don't care if you continue them or not.
    Your blog is unique because of your wonderful taste ans style, not because of contests. But if you decide to make one, next time I will take a chance:)

  46. Hi CG
    I wanted to know if you have tried any of Tracie Martyn's products - her resculpting serum seems to have quite a following?

  47. Hi Moonchime,
    Never worry about "Friday the 13th." My son was born in Friday the 13th and he is the BEST thing that ever happen in my life, ever. My thoughts are with you.

    Hi Eileen,
    Thanks for your thoughtful reply about maintaining relationship with SA! Yes, I couldn't agree more with you, many times, it only takes a few minutes to stop by and say hi, I always do. My fave SA knows me & my son very well, and whenever I have something I'd like to see/purchase, I'd always make sure she is around. I think it isn't that hard to be enthusiastic about makeup (after all, we are all such BIG makeup fan!), but the problem comes when I limit myself on things to purchase, or just think maybe I have enough for this season. I'm also a bit on the introverted side of personality: small chit-chat does not come easy to me :-) Great that you gave me some ideas on how to chat about future collections. Thank you again for your thoughtful comments.

  48. I agree with a lot of other comments, I read your blog almost every day and really enjoy it, but do not leave comments (I never do at any of the very few blogs I follow and would only ever be anyonymous!) and only tried to join a contest once. So please keep writing the blog - and do contests in whatever way that works for you.

  49. I'm willing to bet that there are a lot of readers like me who read your blog every day, although I don't subscribe, and the contests are not what draws us to you. I have only entered once; I love the products you feature and have definitely spent too much money because I like your reviews! As someone else mentioned, some of us don't want a huge presence on the internet, but I hate that people are abusing your contests.

  50. Hi CG! I tried to comment earlier but my iPhone tends to "eat" my comments! My TF She Wolf and Orchid Haze came in today and they are so pretty. Also I ordered one of the Armani CC lipsticks in 509 and I love it. I am sorry I don't have any suggestions for giveaways- I read your blog daily and would even without any giveaways. For this week I have been thinking about the LMDB Carnaby Street and I can't wait to see your swatches and hear your thoughts. Have a great week! -Sara


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