
Monday, September 16, 2013

Thoughts with the Navy Yard

We have heavy hearts in the DC area today. So far, 13 people, just going about their daily work, have been declared dead. I'm not sure whether that includes the gunman who gained entrance to a Navy Yard building and started shooting.

My former business partner has a contract there. Her employees were inside the building where the shootings occurred. Thank God she was outside the gates when it happened. She was on her way inside the building. Her employees? One who used to work for me dove under her desk and was saved. Her nearby colleague is one of the two women in the hospital - expected to be fine. A bullet grazed her skull, but didn't penetrate it. Unfortunately, no one can find or has heard from a third colleague, and he is feared dead. It is known that the guy who sat next to him is dead.

One DC police officer is in surgery now. He has pretty extensive leg wounds. It is not known whether he will walk again.


Update 9/17: The missing colleague? He died. Hug your family, friends, and pets.


  1. Hi. I'm so glad you are safely home. My thoughts and prayers have been with you all day. I'm sorry about your friends and hope they will be alright. It's such a horrible thing. Prayers for all involved. Laine

  2. Thanks, Laine. Such an awful day - and for what? Some guy's spiteful revenge against those who never knew him?

  3. Oh wow! I didn't hear about this until now from reading your blog.
    So sad and what a big shame that this has happened.
    I really feel for all the victims and I pray for them all.

  4. This is terribly sad and I am sorry it hits so close to home for you. I will need to watch my evening news to find out more.
    Thinking of you,

  5. Hi CG, I found out about this while driving up to DC to visit my parents. Several of my sister's coworkers were there on Friday. I am sorry about your friends and my thoughts are with them and you. -Sara

  6. I don't know if this person was crazy or evil, but "senseless" is what comes to mind when I think about this whole tragedy. My prayers are with the family and friends of those who died and for the survivors who will never be the same after this experience...

  7. I just heard about this while driving today at local NPR. What a senseless violence, such the world we live in. Awful does not even begin to describe. Everytime I hear news like this, I always think about the family. My thoughts & prayers go out to them.

  8. Oh Charleston Girl, what a horrible, horrible event! I was stuck on the beltway this morning watching helicopters fly by listening to the events unfold on the radio. My heart broke for all those killed or hurt and their families.

    Working in a government building you think that once you navigate the treacherous traffic and make it to your office behind the fences, detectors, and guards that you are safe and sound until you leave. Then something like this happens and you realize how that feeling of safety is an illusion and anything can happen whenever and wherever.

    I came home and hugged the hubby and my furry kids. It puts things in perspective!

    I pray that your friends recover quickly and the missing person was just hiding or escaped in the midst of it. It is such a senseless shame.

  9. Absolutely horrific. I hope things can eventually change, but my hope is continually beaten down. Very sorry about your friend's colleague and all of the victims.

  10. I thought of you when I heard the news of the shootings in DC, and hoped that you and yours were not directly involved.


    Take care, please.

    Anna in Edinburgh

  11. Hi Charlestongirl!
    When I heard "Washington DC" on the radio yesterday evening I thought of you and I've been reading on the internet what they said about that horrible massacre! I knew that hopefully you were not in the Navy yard but one never knows, you or friends of yours could walk by or have gone there...and bim! you knew someone who had colleagues there...My prayers go those innocent people and their families who grieve now..all that because a madman had a gun and wanted to play pathetic...
    Big hugs to you and Charlie:-)

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that these were some of your colleagues. It's devastating enough as a nation, but to actually know someone, I can't even imagine. There was a shooting not too far from where I work, and 2 police officers were killed (certainly not as big as DC but still such a tragedy). It broke my heart, and I didn't even know these people. I hope you are able to connect with some of your colleagues to get some peace and comfort.

  13. Is there anyone who can explain to us why this is happening more and more frequently? We have always had mentally ill people in our midst, but the violence level is fairly new. What is going on in our society to cause this? This can happen anywhere, to anyone. Don't think "It can't happen here/or to me or my loved ones." Each of us is at risk, just for going to work, school, the grocery store, post office etc. Is this what we have to accept from now on? Why? My compassion lies with the innocent people, not the killer. People who are hearing voices need to be locked up and treated until they stabilize for all our sakes. Why are we so afraid to take action until the damage is done? It's wrong and we are supporting the rights of the ill to roam loose amongst us instead of our rights not to be killed at any moment for any reason.

  14. Sending you condolences on this tragedy from Australia. I get so upset about these massacres that occur far too frequently in the US. There really is no answer to your question 'Why?'. Just hope that those who are injured recover quickly and with as little pain as possible. Take care.


  15. I live in Backsburg VA and was present for the Virginia Tech shootings.Given that our shootings were in 2007, many our graduates are now working in NOVA. There are 2 that I specifically know of that work in the Navy Yard. Connecting through facebook, one told me she was ok and on was on lock down- just as I know she was here during the VT shootings. How many times must this happen? The PTSD triggers just pop up- for me,it's sirens that keep coming. One former student posted on facebook abut sirens before the news had even hit. I don't live in fear. I don't want to purchase a gun for myself. But I no longer have doubts that events such as this can happen any place, any time and for no reason. My heart goes out to all in DC. CG, I'm very sorry for the loss of your colleagues. From my own experience, you will always remember them and this event with heaviness in your heart. My own thoughts circle with how many more, how many more?? On a lighter note, I poled the VT students I was with on Monday night. None of them were at VT in 2007 so they had none of the extra heaviness about this current shooting event. I was so, so glad for them.

  16. My heart is heavy with all of these senseless and selfish violent acts. There is nothing to understand. No rhyme or reason can outwit or outmaneuver insanity. I send prayers to our nation and to all the families affected by the horrendous and cowardly act.

  17. What a senseless horror! What is wrong that so many people are carrying out such acts of violence on people they don't even know? I thought of you, CG, when I heard the news. I'm so sorry about your former colleague. I can remember the Navy Yard area. Before my family moved away from DC, we lived in what is now known as the Anacostia Historic District. I attended the second grade at Ketchum Elementary. This has been a very heavy hearted week.


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