
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Be Careful on Ice

We didn't get that much snow today, but we had a layer of ice underneath from yesterday. That's what got me. As a result, I fell, hurt myself, and can't even think about beauty tonight.

After a long day on the phone (nine hours on a call with my team), I was really hungry. I never have much food in the house, so I went outside to try to clear four inches of snow off my car. I was planning to go find dinner. I fell on black ice. My right side (my worst on any day) took the brunt of my fall. My right palm is cut open, and I hurt from shoulder to knee. I feel like whining about it. I should have been even more careful than I was.

I'm "this far" from bed. I'll take a heating pad with me, although the proper treatment would be ice. I can't even consider that thought. Ice is not my friend tonight. I'm just hoping that I did no serious damage to already-compromised body parts.

Tomorrow is Day 2 of the long-distance meeting. At least I'll be sitting. For now, I'll offer my apologies for my failure to write a beauty feature. I just don't have it in me right now.

Photo courtesy of


  1. This is horrible, please be safe and get well soon. Wishing you and speedy recovery. Hugs from Texas.

  2. Yikes! I hope you will recover quickly, the ice really is a menace. I'm paranoid about my mom falling because she too has compromised parts. It's expected to be bad overnight with icing in NYC too. I will attempt not to do a dance on ice as a try to get to work.

    Keep warm feel better!

  3. No apologies needed CG, please take care of yourself. You're bound to be very sore in the morning so just take it easy. Don't worry about us we'll still be here when you're feeling better.

  4. Sweetpea, you need to keep Lean cuisines or some such in your freezer just like times like this. You don't need to fall. I know, I have MS and some of my falls have been pretty ugly.

    Get better soon. Sorry you fell.


  5. OMG, Charleston Girl! I'm so sorry...I didn't leave the house today...wish you hadn't either! Hope it's just soreness...take care of your hand, and seek further attention if warranted!

  6. OMG, Charleston Girl! I'm so sorry...I didn't leave the house today...wish you hadn't either! Hope it's just soreness...take care of your hand, and seek further attention if warranted!

  7. So sorry to read that! Hope you'll be able to get some sleep tonight and fell better tomorrow :)

  8. Take care, hope you're feeling better soon.

  9. Hope you get better soon! Black ice is so evil, especially when it's hidden under snow. I almost fell yesterday myself! Take it easy, and hope your recovery is quick!

  10. Oh, dear! What a terrible accident! Do take extra special good care of yourself and be very kind to those traumatized joints. You're going to be hurting for awhile. You know best, though, how to take care of yourself so just do it and don't give us another thought. We all wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

  11. Oh my...I hope you feel better tomorrow!

  12. I am so sorry that happened and hope you'll be healing quickly. Take care of yourself - how are you going to eat now?
    Best wishes,

  13. Sending healing thoughts. Sleep well.

  14. Ouch, CG, this sounds painful! Wishing you abquick and complete recovery. XOXO

  15. I hope you feel better quickly. I fell on ice a few years back and broke my arm - I know the feeling of complete and utter frustration that comes with it. You're in my thoughts!

  16. So sorry to hear that you fell, dearie. Sending prayers & warm thoughts that you feel better soon!

  17. Thank you, my friends. I made it through the night, sleeping well, and awakened VERY sore. I'm not sure which body part hurts the worst.

    Evelyn, I wouldn't even let my Mom step outside in these conditions. Fortunately, she has fallen with horrible consequences: subdural hematoma and emergency brain surgery. So she wouldn't even attempt it.

  18. (Odd, I commented on my phone, but Blogger seems to have eaten it.) CG, I hope you recover fully and quickly! I'm in the area and also encountered multiple patches of black ice last night that nearly led to my downfall (pun intended :), so I know exactly what you're talking about. Hopefully nothing actually broke and it was all "flesh" that just took a beating. It's the bone breaks that are the worst long after the injury.

  19. Oh, no, CG! I'm so sorry you've been injured. As everyone else has said, please take care of yourself and don't worry about updating. We'll be here when you come back.

    Also, I have to second what ChristineV said in regards to keeping some sort of food on hand. I always have a couple of cans of tomato soup (the cure for all ills)in the pantry. And even though I don't care for most frozen dinners, Amy's makes a fairly decent one--better than the full of fat and calories Stouffers.

    Feel better.


  20. OMG CG! This time of year can be SO dangerous. Just take care of yourself. In the meantime, you are in my prayers. Hopefully those you work with will keep your tea (or coffee) cup full today and fetch lunch a nice lunch for you!

    Take care, Denise at aeiokid at comcast dot net

  21. Hope you're feeling better today! Please be careful!

  22. Black ice, my worse enemy! get it even when it doesn't snow here on the smooth old pavements and I've been falling several times and keep frightened of falling again!
    Don't think about us, just about you (lots of arnica pills) and do take care of yourself: I hope you didn't injure yourself too severely (and next time in your supermarket, do take things to keep in your freezer: they are helpful sometimes!)Take time to recover, we'll wait sending you good wishes:-)

  23. Oh my goodness, CG. My heart goes out to you. I'll be praying that you recover and heal quickly. Take all of the time you need to rest and give your body time to heal. Soft hugs,~Marilyn

  24. CG, so sorry about the ice and the fall! :( glad you awakened still in one piece. hope you continue to feel better. might a food delivery person make it to your front door to save you a trip? xox

  25. I will keep it short and sweet: OUCH! and SORRY!! Feel better soon!

  26. I am so sorry. I feel your pain and wish you a speedy recovery.
    Blessings be with you!

  27. So sorry that happened to you and I hope you heal really quickly! I find myself slipping and falling in the worst (hardest) places for some reason, and now I try to be extra cautious because it makes me anxious just thinking about it!

  28. So sorry. It sounds awful. We all do stuff like that and hopefully learn from each other. Be weller.

  29. CG, I am so sorry that you hurt yourself. I'm glad it was not any worse than it was. However your body may choose to disagree with that previous statement. No worries about beauty publications, I'm sure that we all have enough cosmetics up to make up an entire village. Lol. I hope everyone takes precautions out there. Its treacherous on foot as well as on wheels.

  30. Oh, no! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  31. So sorry you were hurt! I hope you mend quickly and are pain-free soon <3

  32. Hope you're soon feeling much better!

  33. Often, the second day of soft tissue and muscle injuries is worse, so I hope you plan on taking it easy tomorrow too. Maybe a hot bath and some Advil?

  34. OH NO!!!!! This is terrible! I'm so sorry. That must have been awful! I hope someone was around to help you. You might want to send away to Hammacher Shlemmer for a very large size heating pad that will cover half your body. I got one for my mom. She has an achy body especially shoulder and hip. It is very comfortable with a soft cover and many heat levels. Lots lots better than a heating pad that you can purchase at the drugstore. I certainly hope you don't hurt too much and will heal up quickly. Falling at our age is getting a bit dicey now. You poor thing.

  35. Oh gosh, please take care and get well soon!

  36. All of you are so sweet. I want one of those full-body heating pads!

    I do hurt worse now than I did this morning. Going to bed super early. It was a long work day at 10 hours.

    Some of the new LMdB items have hit the counter at NM Mazza. Not sure how fast I can get over there. I want to get photos ASAP, but with my limited mobility, it could be Saturday.

    Forgive me, but turning in. Maybe I can write from work tomorrow morning.

  37. Hi CG! A little late but I hope you are continuing to feel better! Hopefully the sun was out for you today!

  38. Yikes! I highly recommend Yak Trax for urban/suburban wintry weather. They take a second to slip on over your regular shoes and keep you upright even when you run into unexpected ice.

    Feel better soon!

  39. Get well soonest ! Blessings, xxx

  40. I hope you a very speedy recovery! And lots of well wishes that you don't have to deal with something much more damaging in the long run due to this fall. Please do get plenty of rest and give yourself a break and some self-care!

  41. So glad you're ok! Such a scary thing. Take care of yourself. We'll still be here when you're better.

  42. Oh, so sorry that happened. I've told many people since moving back north that while it's okay to be amused by the DC area's issues with snow, the icing that happens regularly down there is no laughing matter. Rest your aches, and I hope you feel better soon!

  43. Seems to always happen when we least expect it doesn't it? I sure hope you heal soon and please pamper yourself while you have some down time! We're not going anywhere! Hope you feel better real soon xoxo

  44. Rest, but get up once in awhile to stay flexible, ibuprofen, and (I know you don't want to hear this: Ice!). Get well!

  45. Yes, ice is a terror. I live in northern New England and every single year several friends/family members end up with broken bones due to ice. It's brutal. Plus, that impact of falling is so tough on the body. I'm glad your bones are intact and hope your recovery is swift. All the best to you.

  46. Sorry that this happened to you. Get well soon.

  47. Oh CG that is so horrible! I will def keep you in my thoughts & am wishing you a speedy recovery! Don't ever worry about us and putting up posts. You need to get better first!


  48. I'm so sorry to hear that. You just take it easy now. I know how tricky the ice under the snow can be, I fell almost every winter, it's terrible. I hope you'll recover quickly and thank God that you didn't broke anything. Beauty features can wait until you are fully recovered. We all miss you here :)

  49. OH NO!!!! I think you really should go to a good doctor. I fell on the ice two years ago, broke my shoulder , had to have my neck fused, ripped a lumbar disc which had already had a special treatment to fix it, dislocated a couple ribs...and I can't even remember what else. The pain was incredible and my memory has taken quite a hit. surgery after surgery, but a fall on the ice and can be so serious. Please make sure that you'll be ok. Sending you much love and prayer.


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