
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chantecaille Star Sapphire Shine Eye Shade Giveaway Contest

Chantecaille's Shine Eye Shades ($30) are supremely light-textured eye shadows with a wonderful pearlescent glow. New technology allows for the incorporation of a high density of tiny particles of real pearl into the color pigments, creating a crease-proof consistency. I have one in Star Sapphire to give away.

Worn on its own, it washes the skin with a film of liquid shine. Shine Eye Shade also mixes easily with matte shadows for a more muted effect. Chantecaille's products are cruelty-free, without any animal or mineral derivatives.

I'm running this giveaway contest differently from the way I used to run them, so please read carefully. In order to enter, you must already be a subscriber to Best Things in Beauty (though Google +, a subscription service, Twitter, or feed as of yesterday) or have commented in the last two months. If you meet either one of those two criteria, please leave a comment here to enter.

If you don't have a subscription that I can track and you win, I will ask you to show me proof of subscription, for example, an e-mail notifying you of a daily post. I can see if you list Best Things in Beauty on your Google favorites list, but there are many services I cannot track, such as Feedly.

Why am I doing it this way? Because, as I explained months ago, I want to reward my regular readers with giveaways, not professional contest "people."

You don't need to tweet this contest after you enter. In fact, I'd prefer that you not. That way, the word will go out only to those who see this feature.

After you comment here, feel free to send me an e-mail at (the contest address, not my "personal" e-mail) and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment). Please make sure I have your e-mail. If I can't notify you, you can't win - even if your number is drawn. I can't believe the number of winners I haven't been able to find in the past.

The deadline for entries will be Saturday, December 7, at midnight. I will use a random number generator ( to select the winner on Sunday and e-mail the winner on that day. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your e-mail - and look in your spam folder - when the contest ends.

This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms. If the product is lost or stolen in transit, I may not be able to replace it. The winner must be able to provide me with a "mailable address," meaning the U.S. Post Office recognizes it or its street, province, and other "elements" the way the winner provides them. I've had some trouble with both U.S. and international addresses lately.

For all the legalese related to this contest, please see the Contests/Sweepstakes page at the top of the blog. Good luck! Please remember that I am now moderating comments. It could be awhile before yours appears.

Photo courtesy of CosmeticsNow


  1. Is it weird that I've missed these even though I can count on one hand the number of contests I've entered in my 3 years of reading BTiB? I think it's because I'm always curious to see what special surprise CG has up her sleeve.

    Hmm, I subscribe using Feedly, which I see is untrackable, but I'd be more than happy to provide a screenshot if Lady Luck is with me. I think I've also commented in the last 2 months; I think my last comment was a plea for hand cream recommendations on a Friday Forum, haha.

  2. I've always been interested in sapphire, but not brave enough to try it. I would love to enter the contest! I follow you on bloglovin.

  3. CG, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. This shadow is SO aptly named -- it truly DOES look like crushed sapphires. GORGEOUS!! I'm so glad you were able to get "all plugged in" - I HATE when that happens!! I just had to do a hard wipe of my d̶i̶n̶o̶s̶a̶u̶r̶ Blackberry last week. It was PAINFUL!!

  4. I can't resist blue eye shadow. Thanks for the chance, CG!

  5. Hi :) I have commented and I regularly get your blog sent to me through my email charlischoice. I think I commented under the name Charli but it could have been Elysia as well.
    That is a beautiful color! Sounds really amazing too! I have one compact set of Chantecaille, the Horses one, it is beautiful and I receive lots of complements when I use it.
    Thank you for this fun contest and for your wonderful blog!!!
    Charli ;)

  6. I don't know if I left a message or not :( I tried. And also I receive and have been receiving your blogs to my email address that is not my G+ address. My email is charlischoice@ (I do not want to include the entire thing do to privacy issues, I am wondering if that is too much as it is). Also I have left comments but I sometimes use my one of my middle names or my first name when I comment so I could have used Elysia or Charli :) I know, I know, I am a pain in the hiney! I hope I am eligible :D !!!
    I really enjoy your blog!! Thank you for all your beautiful words and information :) <3

  7. DC=HollywoodforNerdsDecember 3, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    I think this is a good solution to your contest dilemma and lets you ensure that your regular followers and readers win. Though I know winning is not why we all ready you.

  8. DC=HollywoodforNerdsDecember 3, 2013 at 4:59 PM

    I love Chantecaille products and think they are horribly under-appreciated or you would be able to find more counters and coverage of they're extremely lovely products. Beautifully developed skin care products and make-up with fabulous finishes and textures that rival high-end Japanese brands (which I also love), Chantecaille is worth the investment and has been a favorite line of mine for years. Thanks to CG for reviewing and showing this great line.

  9. I'd love to enter the giveaway contest. I currently follow you through Google blogger/direct email subscription from your site.

    I'm still trying to make up my mind on whether to take the plunge on the Chantecaille 30% off code you provided yesterday. I loved my sample of the divine Jasmine and Lily healing mask I got a year ago, haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Have you tried any of their masks?

    grace 333 at gmail dot com

  10. I'd love to enter the contest!

  11. I'd love to enter the contest!

  12. This looks like a beautiful shadow, I would love to win.

  13. Hi GC; I follow you from my gmail account, would love to win. Thanks.

  14. I enjoy your blogs and this looks like a beautiful shadow. I follow you with my gmail.

  15. I follow you from my gmail . Would love to win.

  16. Thanks for the giveaway, Chantecaille is a prized possession to be sure.

  17. Hi CG, aww, it's lovely of you to do a contest during holiday time.

    I follow you via email. I wouldn't know how to do Google + rosemary stevens author AT yahoo DOT com.

    Good luck to everyone!


  18. Entering your contest for Chantecaille Star Sapphire Shine Eye Shade Giveaway Contest! So excited as Sapphire is my birthstone. Oh happy day. You may reach me at j libbyb b at comcast dot net

    Thank you for the opportunity, CG!

  19. I would like to enter the giveaway, the eye shadow is absolutely marvelous! Thanks for the chance!
    Following your blog via GFC and email.

  20. I've heard great things about Chantecaille eyeshadows. I hope I win!

  21. I LOVE Best Things in Beauty and have been receiving email updates for a couple years now. Whenever I browse through my emails I immediately go to your posts and I am never disappointed. I am amazed at your passion fir cosmetics (and flowers) and feel good to know there is someone just as crazy about cosmetics as I am! I can't tell you how many great products I have discovered from your blog. We have similar coloring and almost everything you have recommended has turned out fabulous for me! I love Chantecaille and hope my number gets pulled for this nice glossy eye shadow. Thanks for all the great posts! Heidi W.

  22. I've been a subscriber for a few months and commented once. I really enjoy your blog, you are introducing me to lots of new things. The thoughtful comments are really great to read as well you have such a nice readership. I'd love to win the shadow and thank you for the giveaway.

  23. I would like to enter. I'm a regular subscriber. I love reading your blog, though I've never commented. I barely have time with a career and two young children : )

    wellssp AT hotmail DOT com

  24. I am not much of a commenter but I am a daily reader of your blog. I get an email subscription daily. I would love to be entered into this contest!

  25. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway - Chantecaille Star Sapphire looks gorgeous! I believe I follow you on Twitter and google! My gmail is cuteandmundane :)

  26. I'd love to try this. It must have a beautiful finish. I've always wanted to try this brand.

    vac 924 at gmail dot com

  27. I love the color of sapphire yet I must admit I am a bit shy with regards to eye shadow. I always feel I do it wrong and that it doesnt suit me. I have read your blog for years and discovered you thanks to your taste in perfumes and to thenonblonde (because of you I bought frangipani e cocco). I participated once or twice in a giveaway of yours. I usually dont do it, though, since I never win anything.

  28. I love the color of sapphire yet I must admit I am a bit shy with regards to eye shadow. I always feel I do it wrong and that it doesnt suit me. I have read your blog for years and discovered you thanks to your taste in perfumes and to thenonblonde (because of you I bought frangipani e cocco). I participated once or twice in a giveaway of yours. I usually dont do it, though, since I never win anything.

  29. Wow, Chantecaille really captured the sparkle of the gemstone in this shadow!
    I follow your blog through direct e-mail subscription. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the contest!

    falses1gns at gmail dot com

  30. I don't normally wear that color, but it looks so beautiful! I follow via email subscription at melisand61 at gmail dot com.

  31. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I love your blog :). I have never tried any Chantecaille products so I would really love to win.

    rnorthy at gmail dot com

    Following you on bloglovin and also by e-mail subscription!

  32. thanks for giveaway ..
    Contact email:

  33. Yay! Cntests are back. Thanks CG

  34. Hi CG, I am so sad I missed their 30% deal, I went to the Er last night, and my whole day yesterday was not good overall, so I ws not in the mood, and kind of forgot afterwards, anyways...So when I saw this I jumped right un. Specially that I am kind of new to this brand, which I should not be, because I am french, ahahahahah...Anyway, I haven't participated in a long time in one of yours giveaways, but I have been commenting here and there, always reading your blogposts through bloglovin, so I am not sure if this counts?? But thank so much!!!

  35. Oh and my email is existencevs at yahoo dot fr.
    I think I have it all now ;-)) Good luck to everyone.

  36. Please, count me in. I've commented in the last two months.
    This is awesome, thank's, CG!

  37. I have always wanted to try Chantecaille's products!
    I follow you via email
    jonipowell at bellsouth dot net

  38. I have been an email subscriber for several years

  39. I follow you by G+, Twitter, and email, and read at least the email every day. I don't really comment much though, so 2 months might be a stretch. :-(

  40. I very much enjoy your blog. As another baby boomer. Also with pale skin, I enjoy finding makeup products that work for me at this stage of my life. I did not wear much makeup when younger so this is a learning experience for me. I have not yet tried Chantecaille products. But would love to have the opportunity to try it.

  41. What a great way to make a giveaway more about your readers, and how funny that my last comment was about the Chantecaille sale. This is such a lovely shade -- I've always loved how Chantecaille goes a little more adventurous in their single eyeshadows. Count me in! And I'll contact you with my email.

  42. I would like to enTer. My mail is vikkykive at yahoo dot com. Thank u for the opportunity


I love comments, but please do not insert hyperlinks or direct references to your or any other Web site. Those will be deleted. The comment feature is not intended to provide an advertising venue for another blog or your commercial site. Additionally, off-topic comments will be deleted at my discretion. I will NOT publish comments critical of me or other readers. I don't write this blog to argue, but rather to come together to enjoy our shared love of beauty products.

I am moderating comments. If there is a delay in publishing, please forgive the delay and know that I will get to comments and publish those germane to the feature where they are left.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.