
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Coming Soon: Le Métier de Beauté The Countess Kaleidoscope Eye Kit

Within the next week or two, four new products will arrive at Le Métier de Beauté counters! Three Kaleidoscopes and a Peau Vierge powder. A Christmas feast?

One of them, The Countess Kaleidoscope Eye Kit (assumed to be $95), will be exclusive to Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie. I pried the photo above out of the designer, Michael Reinhardt. Michael told me that the position of the bottom two shades is flipped in the photo. The deep blue will be in the bottom drawer.

I don't have the shade names and descriptions yet. You can bet they will look more beautiful than they do in the press photo. They always do. Michael always designs palettes that work for everyone. His Kaleidoscopes are among my favorites.

This Kaleidoscope looks drool-worthy to me. If you would like to pre-order it, call Michael Reinhardt at (202) 966-9700, extension 2258 or 2236. I'd wait until Monday to call. I'm not sure who is covering the counter today, but I'm sure Michael will be there tomorrow. If you cannot get through on the store phone, call (202) 506-0885.

Photo courtesy of Le Métier de Beauté


  1. This eye palette looks very pretty indeed!

  2. How exciting! My LMdB spy just told me yesterday that there will be new eye, blush and lip kaledioscopes and a three shade peau vierge powder. I can't wait! Thanks for the photo it looks gorgeous!

  3. That is seriously beautiful. If it looks even better in person, I will be seriously tempted.

  4. I've been counting down the days since hearing about the impending release of the Peau Vierge powder from Mikey Castillo months ago...absolutely cannot wait! Thanks for sharing the gorgeousness of this new kaleidoscope!


    --The Beauty Professor

  5. Beautiful! Just wanted to update you on my NM/Le Metier problem: Neiman Marcus decided to take care of the return for me and I am VERY happy about it! (I think I told you about memory these days...)

  6. Hey CG,
    I've been trying to order the kaleidoscope all day and no one can help me. Can you see if you can get thru? Everytime I called they said he was busy do you think they'll give him the message? I know how quick they go and just want to get on the list.
    Thank you

  7. This palette is pretty. Thanks for the update. Their eye shadows are great quality, but am I the only person who is annoyed with the fact that LMdB kaleidoscopes are all very limited edition and hard to track down? I have two eye shadow kaleidoscopes - one I love and one I don't like very much. No retailers in my state carry them in store, so I rely on swatches online, but by the time online swatches show up, the product is sold out. I loved the pictures I saw of Gravite but didn't want to drop $200+ to get it as a gift with purchase. The "exclusivity" turns me off from the brand. - Nicole

  8. Yes, Melissa, I will call there right now.

    1. Thank You, You are so nice to help your readers out i know you have better things to do just don't want to miss the boat.

  9. Here is his cell phone...(202) 506-0885.

  10. So this is Exclusive to only that particular Neiman Marcus store??

  11. I've been waiting on the peau vierge powder since it was announced (on other sites such as non-blonde also): Still waiting!! Any new info on the release?

  12. Pamela,

    I am now being told that the powders are in the warehouse and were shipped out at the latest on Monday.

    They should be in store the last week of March or before, depending on how long it takes for NM to turn them around at their distribution center.

    We have been told the same before. We'll see this time.


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