
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish all of you the best a new year can bring.

Can you imagine a year without war? A year in which the poor and unemployed get jobs and prosper? A year in which no animals are harmed, mistreated, or abandoned by evil people? A year without crime and cruelty? A year when we stop harming the environment driven by greed? One in which people are happy? Diseases are cured? How about a year when partisan politicians put aside their petty differences and work for the common good?

Utopia? Probably, but we won't know until we do everything we can, as individuals and collectively, to make it happen. Let's try to make a difference.

I sincerely wish you and your loved ones a 2014 of utopia, including health and happiness. You have no idea how much you mean to me.

I leave you with one of my all-time favorite, happy videos. Want to see the longer documentary?

Photo source lost


  1. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Thank you for another year of intelligent reading and classy taste.

    Denise at aeiokid at gmail dot com

  2. Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the video - I've seen it before, but I'm standing in my kitchen sobbing again!

  3. Bisbee, even though it was a joyous reunion, I also can't watch it without sobbing.

  4. Happy New Year to you and all your readers! Hope we all have a wonderful 2014!

  5. Happy New Year to you and all your loved ones. Thank you for your utopia, I'd really wish so much I'd could come true. I also looked at the story of Christian,the lion and couldn't stop sobbing.
    Best wishes Gina

  6. The best of good fortune to you and Charlie and your other mew mew and your Mom in 2014. I loved that video, Cg. Oh, if only we humans could behave like the animals we too often chastise! They emulate God's love more than we do! And they do it without speaking! Blessings to all your readers. We are all your devoted following.

  7. Happy New Year to you too, and all the lovely commenters here. I hope 2014 brings us all love, joy, and peace.

  8. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2014, CG! Thanks for sharing the full documentary on Christian. It has to be one of the most touching stories I've ever heard.

  9. Is there a book about this? A DVD?

  10. Nemo, check out this site. http://www.alioncalledchristian.

    Charlie sends his thanks.

  11. To CG and all your readers- Happy New Year! May 2014 bring you prosperity, love, kindness and determination. Bless You All.
    And yes CG- what a wonderful world it would be if your wishes came are a kind and generous soul. Hugs!

  12. Gina and Walls, there are many touching stories about animals. Christian touched my heart to an extent that I tear up every time I think about the two men who raised him, then gave him his freedom. Anyone who doubts that animals think hasn't seen this story.

  13. Let us hope we can all do better this year. Wishing you, CG, and all your readers a healthy, happy and beauty filled 2014.


  14. Happy New Year to you! Thanks for the longer, documentary version. I've seen the reunion video, but I just watched the documentary for the first time. I loved it.

  15. Happy New Year to one and all! One of my most favorite things of 2013 is finding "Best Things in Beauty". It is truly one of my favorite reads. I look forward to what 2014 brings.

  16. Happy New Year and thank you for another 365 days filled with good reads and great info!!

  17. Dear CG, my best wishes for the New Year and thank you for a wonderful year of great blogging.

  18. Dear CG, Happy New Year to you, your family and readers of your blog! As you stated, I also hope there is no war, no greed...May we start the new year in peace and harmony!

  19. A final note on animals: Please read Momma Cat Adopts Pit Bull Puppy, Wins $25,000 on Yahoo Shine; and, check out Rescuing Philly online and Facebook. It's the story of three LA police women who rescued a severely injured pit bull. You'll love these stories. Finally and additionally, my alma mater, Michigan State University, just won the Rose Bowl!

  20. CG, I hope that you, Charlie and your family have a healthy and happy new year. I have never posted before but enjoy reading your blog everyday. Thank you for sharing all that you do and for writing such a classy blog. I enjoyed the video about Christian the lion even though I sobbed through it. If we could only have the utopia you mention but we can all give our best and maybe someday we will out number the ones that don't care. Thanks again! Marcia

  21. I always have hope that our world can be a better place! I think when we lose that, the story is over. Thank you for bringing us wonderful, imaginative, and creative posts on the best of the best in cosmetics. And encouraging us to believe in the best of humanity! Happy New Year! xox


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