
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday This and That at Neiman Marcus

I had a lovely time at Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie yesterday, but last night I learned that I had totally blown the chance of a lifetime. I wanted to kill myself (figuratively speaking). Charlie tried to give me a heart attack too, but more about that later.

Project Beauty was a runway presentation of the latest from many brands available at Neiman Marcus. Kathy Shoreman, shown above, was there to represent RéVive. She gave a lovely, informative, and enthusiastic presentation. I know she will kill me, if I don't do it myself - for publishing this photo. She's beautiful in person. The photo? Not so good, but the best of the three I snapped. Someday, I'll get a better one.

Look there in the audience before the show started! The beauties from Chantecaille. I got them to pose, and with the slight turn toward me, Celeste looked amazingly sexy. Celeste Aman is shown on the left, and Jeannine Barnes on the right, both in black. I love those two.

Mary Lynn, Guerlain's perfect fragrance ambassador, and she seemed to be accompanied by a tall, slender, nice-looking man. I had no idea who he was. Then last night, Jonathan called me from the Guerlain Boutique in Las Vegas. I told him about her energetic appearance, and I asked him who the man might have been. I described him, and Jonathan instantly said, "Marcus Monson." I nearly died. How long have I wanted to meet him after hearing your glowing descriptions of his makeup artistry? No one introduced him, and I'm still not sure it was he. I almost don't want to know because I might descend into despair. I never waded into the Guerlain crowd to check out the doings - mostly because I was in pain. My body was telling me, "Enough." So, Eileen and others, I blew it.

While I was talking to Jonathan, Charlie decided to jump onto my bureau and knock over hundreds of dollars, if not thousands, of bottles of perfume. I had to ask Jonathan to hold on while I scooped up the bottles, hoping Charlie had done no permanent damage. He was in the doghouse after that. If you are in the market for Guerlain fragrance, give Jonathan a call at (702) 732-7008. He will wait while you have a cat emergency. Nice guy.

I did come home from the event with an embarrassment of riches from Chanel and Le Métier de Beauté, and I'll be featuring them all week. It's ironic that one set comes from a Holiday 2013 collection, while the other is Spring 2014.

The event was lots of fun. I hope Mazza decides to do it again.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful day, but it is a shame you missed the opportunity to meet Marcus. He's such a charming and delightful person. When you first meet him he is gracious and a bit reserved. As you become better acquainted, though, his warmth and good humor blossom. He's a funny, intelligent, and endearing man and is so well loved at our local Nordstrom. It's always a treat when he comes and, even if I'm not getting my makeup done, I like to drop by to get a hug from a handsome man and exchange a few bons mots :-)

    As for that naughty Charlie, even though he was in the proverbially dog house, I'm sure it didn't take long for all to be forgiven. I hope you didn't lose too many, if any, of your fragrances.

  2. Hi CG!

    The crew here has left me little time to comment. I just wanted to say that I hope that you are beginning to feel a bit better since the fall. Ice can be so very dangerous -- and ruthless on bones!

    Those events sound like such fun!

    I am eager to hear more about Chanel! My dear, sweet mother managed to track down the Nuit Magique polishes for me. They were only released at Holt Renfrew here and either one or the other sold out completely at most stores. Interesting glimpse into the tastes of those cities!

    I hope, too, that the fragrances are OK.

  3. Oh well, it sounds like you had a wonderful time, regardless, CG! I hope Charlie was ok (apart from his stay at the cathouse :-D). Looking forward to your reviews and I'm so sorry about your perfumes :-\

  4. Eileen, where can I find Marcus in Southern California? Is he the artist for Guerlain? I'd love to have his opinion on some purchases. Nordtrom Westwood or The Grove?

  5. Just a note, I was able to order the chocolate bar palette from Too Faced available today at Sephora, cant wait as I think it will be perfect for any season and I need a good palette these days, thanks for the feature.

  6. Hi Sandra,

    Marcus Monzon is a National Artist and travels to various stores and special events. You'd need to ask your Guerlain SA when he is scheduled to visit your store and then make an appointment. He has an esthetician with him who gives a mini-facial and preps the skin; then Marcus steps in to work his makeup magic. The makeup application is free, but I can never resist buying the look he creates for me and we joke that it's because of him that I'm a level 4 customer :-) He actually gets to So Cal frequently so ask your Guerlain gal.

  7. It's sound slime despite your ailments you had a good time and managed to come away with a couple lovely treasures! I can't wait to hear about them! :)
    I do understand having to listen to to your body and being in pain, it is so very disappointing to have to walk away from the fun and wonder " what have I had to miss out on?" I am in that position frequently sadly.
    Oh Charlie! I hope the perfume damage was minimal!!
    Best wishes!
    ~ Elysia/Charli


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