
Friday, February 28, 2014

Chanel Joues Contraste Powder Blush in Sakura from the Jardin de Camélias Collection

I had to have this blush. Chanel's Joues Contraste Powder Blush in Sakura from the Jardin de Camélias Collection (#87, $43) looked like a must-have, and Chanel's online ordering system was broken. One could order everything except Sakura. The system would appear to put it in my cart, but when I tried to check out, it disappeared.

I tried online every way I knew. I called. I begged. I finally found one knowledgeable guy who fessed up: The system was broken, and IT would have to fix it. Even he couldn't get it into a cart. He estimated it would be fixed by the next morning. Early the next morning, it was not fixed. However, by the time I got to work around 7:30 am, it worked properly. I placed my order and felt relieved.

Now, on the Friday Forum, I am hearing that others experienced the same problem, but missed the window of availability. Sakura is now listed as sold out. It is very pretty, and I hope that Chanel restocks so that everyone who was inconvenienced by their system problems will be able to purchase Sakura. Because it is a limited edition, there are no guarantees.

My box arrived yesterday. When I got home from work, I rushed outside and took photos in late-afternoon sun. It was while taking my swatch photos that I decided I love Sakura. The warm pink color is magnificent.

I swatched with a sponge-tipped applicator at the top of my arm, applying the color heavily. Then I applied a larger swatch below using a brush. I'm sorry about my bruised arm. I think it was a result of my fall in the shower earlier this week. I'm trying to forget, so let's not talk about it.

The late-day sunshine may have added a bit of warmth to the blush swatches. I can tell because it added warmth to my arm's skin tone as well. I have tested the color since, and found that it is a warm pink. It is not as cool as it looks in the compact - at least on me.

The powder blush is extremely flattering on my cheeks. I am thrilled with Sakura. It's quite pigmented, so I apply it carefully, using a fluffy blush brush. What else can I say? It's a Chanel blush, one of the best. I'm so pleased to have it.

Right now, I don't know how you can find it. I'd recommend you call and beg them to restock. It is an online exclusive. I'm sure it will eventually make its way to a counter somehow somewhere, but who likes to wait? Good luck! I want everyone to have a chance to enjoy it.

Photo at top courtesy of Chanel; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Hi CG. Pretty blush, shame you had to go through so much hassle for it. Your story on this has reinforced my determination to stick to one of my resolutions for 2014. I decided that this year, I'm not going to purchase a single LE product from any line, no matter how much I may want it. It's my own personal little rebellion at how turned off I am by the hype created by LE products. I'm starting to feel like there is an undercurrent of malicious glee that the companies are getting out of this practice. It's like they're thinking "hmm, let's make this LE, hype it to death, and then make it impossible to buy". Chanel should be ashamed of themselves for not making more of this available when the online purchase problem you experienced was 100% their fault. I want to think they are better than that. So while I'm sorry you had such a hassle, I want to think you for sharing the story. It increased my motivation to stick to my resolution to the nth degree!

  2. I got some other Jardins items but missed out on this blush. It is beautiful. I am sooo excited you are featuring the LE quad, too.
    Have a great, restful weekend with Charlie.

  3. It's truly beautiful, but close enough to Rose Initiale that I'm not too sad that I missed out. I think I might layer a sheer warm highlighter over Rose Initiale and see if I can get close to the loveliness of Sakura. Chanel makes the best blushes as far as I'm concerned, but I wish they would stop putting out LE ones. While tooling around Nordstrom online a couple weeks ago I noticed they were still carrying Fleur de Lotus if anyone missed out on that LE blush.

  4. What a gorgeous color! I'm always on the hunt for a blush that gives my skin warmth, but not too much warmth since I have rosacea. This is a blush I could cozy up to!

  5. So incredibly gorgeous. I wish I hadn't looked at your swatches. Irresistible!

  6. Sakura's a very pretty blush for sure! I like the brush effect! Sorry to hear about your fall, CG.

  7. Oh this is so lovely! Of course I always seem to want what I can't have. I have written to and asked them if they are going to be restocking this beauty. Maybe if enough people write them, they will do it! *fingers crossed*

  8. Oooh I love the color, quite subtle but oh so pretty!


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