
Monday, March 24, 2014

A New Kate for Bobbi Brown: Kate Upton

The beautiful Kate Upton is the newest face of Bobbi Brown. She is a stunner - a lovely choice, I think - not to speak of sexy too.

Everything starts with confidence: it's the secret that makes a woman most beautiful. That's why we chose Kate Upton - the epitome of stunning confidence and beauty - to be the face of Bobbi Brown this season.

You can find Kate's complete look at this link. I love her natural look, from hair to makeup. She looks like the girl next door, only better.

Read the latest from Bobbi. "OK, you probably feel like you already know Kate. After taking the fashion world by storm in 2011 and gracing the covers of Vogue, GQ, and Sports Illustrated - to name just a few - Kate’s joined the ranks of iconic American beauties and become a household name.

I knew Kate’s public face, too, but when I met her in person, it was quickly clear that Kate is really something special. She exudes confidence, warmth, and authenticity - her skin glows, and you can immediately tell that she’s the sort of person who really loves her life. She’s also a maverick who has carved her own path to success. I was an instant fan.

In a recent Vogue profile, a friend said of Kate, “Two things are extremely attractive: health is beauty, and confidence is beauty.” I couldn’t agree more. I’ve always believed that everything starts with confidence - it’s the quality most central to a woman’s beauty. Kate radiates positive energy and is healthy and comfortable in her own skin. That’s pretty powerful.

I couldn’t be happier to announce our partnership with Kate Upton as the newest face of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. I think you’ll agree that Kate has a gorgeous face for makeup. Take a peek at how we put her look together and stay tuned for much more."


Watch here. Then go get your glow on too.


  1. I was so pleased when Bobbi announced Kate would be the new face of Bobbi Brown. Kate exudes positive energy, glowing good health, and a casual effortless beauty that is enviable. As long as BB doesn't try to photoshop Kate into something she isn't (as was the case with Katie Holmes), Kate should be a wonderful "face" for the company. I feel like BB as a brand lost its way for awhile and hope that this signals a return to the sporty, casual chic that Bobbi herself exemplifies. There's a serious disconnect when a QVC host keeps asking Bobbi how she uses various products and Bobbi keeps saying, "No, I don't use that." Kate as the "face" of the company gives me hope :-)

  2. Mmm - not so sure myself. Of course she's beautiful and looks confident - she's 21 and a model! Does her face and persona actually say anything about the brand to consumers? At least Katie Holmes was a little older and one could see where good make-up enhanced her looks - not to mention she was much better known outside the US.
    Leaving aside the ads, is it just me or is the quality of BB products not what it was? I used to use them a lot but nowadays the eyeshadows don't seem as pigmented/nicely textured as other brands for eg.
    Susan London

  3. Don't mean to be a downer but I can't think of a single Bobbi Brown product that I use. I liked her items a decade+ ago but nothing from her line interests me now. I agree with BTP that the quality of BB has gone downhill...And quickly!

  4. Sorry, but I cannot jump on BB's new Kate Upton band wagon. Nothing against Kate Upton, but she is famous for one thing--er, make that two things: her bosoms. And she is certainly not adverse to exposing them. I thought BB was above this kind of creepy-crawly exploitation. I thought she stood for something intelligent. I have a fine education, one of the finest. I have a brain and I use it to make a living. I thought BB reflected the more high-minded woman like me. Bobbi, you have sunk to Kate's level and that is not good.

  5. "Creepy-crawly exploitation"--really? I can appreciate that you don't like Kate, but if Chanel can use a curvaceous Giselle to launch a product line and if Guerlain can feature a topless Natalia without offending customers, I'm sure BB will be able to use Kate without resorting to "Bimbo on the Beach" collections. If intelligence is what sells cosmetics, then perhaps Bobbi should contract with Mensa to develop a collection! LOL

  6. I'm with you, Nemo. Kate is beautiful and sexy but she isn't the Bobbi Brown type. BB, in my mind, represents the intelligent, independent, strong woman who is leading her own life. I thought Katy Holmes did very well in this position. Kate, on the other hand, is about extreme youth, i.e. college girl, cheerleader, sweetheart of Sigma Chi type. Fine, if BB is trying to attract a younger crowd, but isn't going to help sell cosmetics to those who are say, over 30.

  7. I am loving these posts! BB changed the day it was sold out to the Estee Lauder empire. It is no longer the chic, well-edited boutique cosmetic company I once loved. I see no need to romanticize, nor deride their marketing techniques. They are sadly, much like everyone else.

  8. Nemo, How absolutely rude to say that BB Has sunk to Kate's level when you mean a low level. I doubt you know Kate Upton or Bobbi Brown and you are the one who has sunk to a low when judging and insulting women you do not know.

  9. This is getting heated. Let's cool it down, please.

  10. I simply dislike women judging other women. Kate Upton and Bobbi Brown obviously work and their work keeps many other people employed.If anything Bobbi Brown should be applauded for launching and maintaining a successsful business. Kate Upton should be cheered for being herself and not changing to fit a standard that does women more harm than good. To call either of them "low" reveals that the speaker consider themselves "high," as in high class ect...And that is a judgement that should be politely kept to one's self.

  11. Fran says:
    It's interesting that the Prescriptives brand went into decline when Sylvie Chantecaille left and Lauder bought MAC and BB plus the brand was no longer appealing to the younger customer. So can understand them trying to invigorate Bobbi Brown. I would love to be a fly on the wall at EL meetings where a decision made for one brand winds up canabilizing sales for another.

  12. This latest decision by Bobbi Brown has received a lot of criticism all around - even on her own blog. I was upset when Bobbi named Katie Holmes as the "face" to begin with as I thought one of the things that set BB apart was that there was no one single face of the brand. Just look at the old books - she had all ages and all races represented, and now…white, young and blonde…(I'm a green-eyed blonde myself.) Needless to say, I am very disappointed with the choice of Kate Upton. Despite her empowering of women and general philanthropy, I really feel Bobbi herself has sold out. I am thinking of selling my BB collection on ebay and not patronizing the brand again!

  13. I think I'm going to continue to generally ignore the "faces" of companies and just try whatever product catches my fancy. The photo of one of my favorite actresses for a line may catch my eye to give it a second look but that's about it. I don't expect to look like either Kate or Katie, just my best me! :)


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