
Monday, April 28, 2014

Mom Lands in Hospital

This lovely lady does not look like Mom - it is not my mother - but it shows her current situation.  She was hospitalized/admitted early this morning - around 3:00 am - after a long stay in the ER last night. She started throwing up around 6:00 and continued. The caregiver called my sister who took Mom to the ER. I got the call at 3:00 am when they had finally diagnosed and admitted her.

She has some kind of bowel obstruction, which may just be an infectious mass of things that should have drained. I don't know the next steps, but she is doing well. The i.v. antibiotics perked her right up.

If you pray, please say a prayer for my Mom. I spent as much time with her today as I could. I went after I saw my own doctor at the hospital. I got nice shots of cortisone in my shoulder and right knee. I'm not looking at an immediate re-do of my knee replacement. Yea! Then I worked until 3:30 and went back.

So I'm hoping they can help Mom get out of there quickly and back home.

Update 5/1: Trying from my phone, something I've never done. Mom is much better. They may send her "home" tomorrow. Home may mean rehab because she has lost her strength while here at the hospital. She needs to get back on her feet. Thank you a million times for your kind thoughts and prayers. They are working!

Update 5/4: Mom is home and gaining in strength every day. She left rehab in less than 24 hours (they were not too happy there when we said we were taking her out). Her caregivers at home are doing a better job caring for her than anyone in an institution would. All is good today.

Photo courtesy of news4jax


  1. Dear CG, sending you all the thoughts & good healthy vibes for your mom, and for you as well. I hope she'll recover soon.

  2. CG, your mom is gorgeous. It's easy to see where you got your beautiful face. You have so much stress in your life, my own pales in comparison. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Many blessings to you and your mother. I hope she recovers and returns home soon, so you enjoy
    a lovely Mother's Day together.

  4. My prayers are with you dear lady

  5. I wish a speedy recovery and peace of mind to you both.


  6. I hope your mother will recover. It must of been some form of infection developed from something else.

    Hang in there!

  7. Best wishes to you and your Mom and my prayers for her speedy recovery. It can be very stressful taking care of elderly parents and our worry for them can be very stressful. I hope she is back home again soon. Beth

  8. All of our prayers and positive thoughts are with you and your mom. We know that her discomfort is experienced equally by you, so take good care of yourself as it sounds like the hospital is taking good care of your mom. Blessings upon you both and may your shared love and devotion envelope you both in peace.

  9. Hi CG:
    I hope that your Mom gets better. I'm a little concerned about bowel obstruction in older people because it may necessitate surgery if conservative measures don't resolve it. Anyway, I hope she gets better soon.

  10. Hi CG:
    Sorry to hear that your Mom is so sick. I hope that she gets better soon.I am concerned about bowel obstruction in someone around her age as that many times, older people may require surgery if conservative measures don't resolve the problem.
    Take care.

  11. Best wishes to your mom for a speedy recovery.

  12. Such a precious, lovely lady. I hope your mom is quickly recovering. Warmest thoughts and best wishes,

  13. Fran says:
    I've been there and done that with my mother. Sounds like she needs to take a satchet that has Macrogol in it each day. They call it Movicol in Australia and the UK. I don't know if they have in the US but it's become the standard here in nursing homes and in hospitals for the very sick.

  14. I do pray daily and will remember your Mom in my prayers today. God bless her with many more years of good health.

  15. Praying for your Mom's recovery.

  16. Dear CG, I wish and pray that your mum will recover soon and for you too! Take care!

  17. Sending you and your Mom healing vibes and lots of love...

  18. Prayers for your lovely Mom's quick and pain-free recovery. I'm sure she can't wait to get out of there. Prayers for you too, dear.

  19. Sending you and yours all the very best. I hope your mom makes a quick recovery.

  20. Keeping you and your mother in my prayers. She is indeed a lovely lady, just like you!

  21. CG,
    sending prayers and thoughts for quick recovery for your mom. Also hope you are taking care of yourself as you take care of your mom.


  22. May God wrap his loving and healing arms around you and your mother to relieve your pain and bring you both peace.

  23. She's beautiful. The prayer was said before the post was completely read. Hope you've felt God's healing hand in your life also. Take care, Judy

  24. :-( I wish your mother a very speedy recovery! Sending out all my love.

  25. Praying for you both! Hope all is moving positively.

  26. I can see the similarity in your faces... beautiful. Sending warm and healthy wishes her way, and hugs to you.

  27. Prayin'. Hopefully she will get lucky it can be resolved non-surgically. NG tubes are no fun but honestly there is no alternative. Make sure you are getting your rest through this as well.

  28. Dear CG,

    Her beauty radiates even as she lies in the hospital bed. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you have been facing your own challenges as of late. Thinking of you with love and positive energy.

  29. Sending lots of good thoughts for you and your family! Hope your Mom feels like herself soon :)

  30. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your mom...and great news that you don't need to redo your knee replacement!

    Funny how you said first thing that THE LADY IN THE PICTURE IS NOT YOUR MOTHER, and people don't read what you wrote, remarking how you look like a picture of a stranger! I just had to laugh!

  31. CG, sending you prayers and good vibes.

  32. She is beautiful - so like you. Sending prayers.

  33. You and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers...sending warm hugs. I don't know how you have time for anything beauty related, but glad you do if only to enjoy SOMEthing! Please take care...Denise at aeiokid at gmail dot com

  34. Keeping your mom and you in my thoughts and prayers.


  35. Praying for you and your Mom and trusting good health will be forthcoming for both. Your Mom is a beautiful lady and you have her facial features! :-) God Bless you and your family.

  36. Hope she has a speedy recovery.
    Will keep both of you in my prayers.

  37. Prayers for healing and strength being said for both you and your dear Mother.

  38. I hope she remains comfortable and heals quickly.

  39. You are both in my prayers. Sleep well tonight.

  40. Warm thoughts towards your mother and you, CG! I hope she suffers as little as possible and her recovery is speedy!

  41. I am praying for your family too. I hope your mom recovers quickly and things get back to normal soon.

  42. Having been down this road with my own mom, I'm sending you all the best wishes for a full recovery and much joy!
    Take care and God bless!

  43. Sending my best wishes from Hong Kong.

  44. Praying for a quick return to full health for your mom.

  45. Thinking of you and your family, CG! Hope your mom is doing better soon!

  46. What a beautiful woman, just like her daughter. So much praying and positive thoughts coming your way with lots of love too!

  47. All my prayers go to your Mom and you in those difficult times, hoping she'll recover very soon and you'll be relieved too...Take care of you...I'll write soon to tell you about my hectic times, but for the moment only your Mom's and your's health are important

  48. Just read this post today (Wednesday), so sorry to hear that your Mother is not well. I hope by today she is starting to feel much better and is well on her way back to health. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  49. I'm so glad the antibiotics perked her right up. Sounds like they're taking good care of her and she'll be back in the saddle soon. Old people deserve better than life throws at them IMO. I also take care of my mom and have had numerous trips to the ER with her. She's still going strong and she'll be 86 in June.

  50. Sending prayers and loving healing thoughts to your mother and you and your family. May your mother heal and be in the comfort of her own home soon. Also that you and your family stays healthy through this stressful time.
    ~ Charli

  51. Praying for your Mom's recovery. She is stunning. You look a lot like her. It sounds like she is receiving good care. I will include both of you in my daily prayers. Take good care. Both of you are strong.

  52. Wishing you both renewed health. Sending good energy your way.

  53. Lots of hugs, love and prayers for you and Mom!

  54. Thinking of you! It's always difficult when a loved on gets sick. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your mom.

  55. Sorry, I'll be keeping your mom in my prayers, and you, too, CG.

  56. All the wishes of the world to you and your mom!!

  57. Hi CG- I came to your website version of your blog hoping to see an update on your Mother's health status and I'm so pleased to see that you posted some info on the 1st.
    Rehab/ extended nursing care will be wonderful to help your Mom rebuild strength and stamina. Also it will be less worry as you know she will be looked after 24/7. I hope she settles in with no complaints and isn't in a rush to return home! It will remain an extra obligation with the visits ect, but pace yourself please.
    I hope you are on the mend also-and please know I continue prayers for both of you for improved health and a return to days full of vim and vigor! Take care CG.

  58. Glad to hear you mom is home!


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