
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tired - Just Tired

I think I owe you an explanation for my one-day absence this week. I'll summarize. You might remember I fell twice during the first quarter: once on black ice and once in the shower. The killer was the shower fall. I injured my shoulder, hip, back, and both knees. The problem is that one of the two injured knees is bionic, and bionic knees are not supposed to hurt.

I have seen quite a few doctors lately, and Monday, I got some really discouraging news. My bionic knee may be loose, and I may need to have a whole new knee replacement - just three years after the first. All over again. That followed a disastrous MRI on my right shoulder. Basically, it has five significant things wrong with it. Then there is my "unique" spine. I had another epidural Monday. The right knee? It was supposed to be next, but may need to wait until I can have the left knee redone and maybe a shoulder replacement. I've never heard of such a thing. I hurt, and lugging my body, however tiny, around each day isn't easy.

Then there is all the bureaucratic nonsense associated with my drug coverage, which recently changed. Now, I have to go to Costco to get one of my drugs (maybe 10 miles away) because CVS will charge me 12 times as much for a one-month supply. Like I have a lot of time to deal with this craziness.

So I missed a day of blogging this week. I tried to make up for it today, but I see additional silent days on the horizon. Some days, I come home from work and have to lie down. Getting back up hurts.

I learned recently that two of my favorite bloggers, Modesty Brown and London Makeup Girl, have stopped writing. I can understand why. Eventually, many of us burn out - or age out (in my case). I'd love to retire, and then I could write two features per day again. It's not in the cards anytime soon. I would have to win the lottery.

Thanks for visiting as faithfully as you do. I'm doing my best to keep up.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Oh Charleston Girl - please don't worry about what your readers think! You need to take care of yourself and we will most certainly be here when and if you are up for sending us a post. I am sore and exhausted just reading what you are dealing with on your end. I was actually surprised to see you write this as I have seen so many posts from you this week, I never really stopped to think 'Has she posted today?' You take the worry of the blog right off your shoulders now and get some rest - A big hug to you!

  2. CG, I'm so sorry to read of your continuing health issues. That, of course, has to be your top priority. I'm sure all of your readers will agree. Taking several days off each week to tend to these matters, or just to rest, won't make us please do what is best. We'll be here!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your ongoing pain and physical challenges. When you're ready to write again, we'll all be waiting. No hurry. Till then, I wish you the best of luck in dealing with everything you're facing health-wise and energy-wise.

  4. So sorry for your discomfort and frustration.

    Love your blog - so much fun, so interesting, and sometimes, as today, moving.

    Hope Charlie is treating you to lots of purrs, and furry head-butts - so restorative when one is low - and especially that you are better soon!

  5. Sending you all good, healthy vibes, CG! Come back soon & I hope you get some much-needed rest.

  6. I'm just happy you post whenever you feel up to it. The most important thing is to take care of yourself. If it means becoming the new Bionic Woman, so be it. :) I'll be wishing for better health for you and a nice big lottery win for us all!

  7. Dear CG, I am sorry about the health news and the medicine inconvenience. Sending you best thoughts and may that exhaustion be lifted off your shoulders.

  8. I'm so sorry that you are going thru so much. Sending healing angels your way. Sometimes you need to take time out to recharge and renew or as in your case to recuperate. Just know that we love and appreciate the great job you do keeping us up to date on all the best of beauty.

  9. Fran says:
    La Chanelphile stopped writing in October last year and Nopabeauty is sporadic in it's posts. I find myself turning more and more to Byrdie for an internet beauty fix.
    Even though I love makeup and had a stab at working as a makeup artist in the 80's, for the most part IMO it's poorly paid, high overhead and discouraging industry to be in.
    Your blogging voice is wonderful and Eileen's comments are icing on the cake. We would miss you if you decided to bail out, however,
    what you're going through is pretty painful and exhausting. You really need all your energy now to get yourself repaired.

  10. Please don't feel bad about taking time away from the blog, or that you owe your readers a daily post. I'm sorry to hear that this is all happening, and I hope that the knee re-replacement goes well, and that you feel much better soon. It's difficult to deal with bureaucratic stuff (like drug coverage) when you're not feeling well.

  11. Sending you warm thoughts for rest and recovery time. 'What a drag it is getting old" sang the Rolling Stones (then aged about 23!) and they were right. Love reading your posts when you are free to write but you owe us no explanations when you don't as far as I'm concerned. Susan, London

  12. Hope you feel better soon; maybe it won't come to needing to have surgery again. Take your time and heal. We will wait.

  13. Sounds tough. I thought this might be a good time to say, thanks for your posts, which talk to what I am interested in in my indulgent moments, as a 50+ busy professional sandwich generation woman. Only do what is easy, you don't owe anyone!

  14. It's always a pleasure when there is a new post from you. I personally don't mind the 1,5 second I waste when I open BTinB and there is nothing new. Just worried about you. Hope everything turns out fine.

  15. From a Southerner who means this with all the feeling in the world, BLESS YOUR HEART. Please put the health of you and yours above all else. Know that prayers are being said for your most speedy recovery and the easing of pain that only He can provide. Take good care, Judy

  16. Dear CG,
    I always look forward to reading your blog posts. Really learned much from you and I can honestly say my life is made even more beautiful because of the things you have written about, beauty-wise. That said, I am also saddened to hear you are not feeling well! Do be kind to yourself..your health is First. Beauty can wait. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.

  17. Don't worry about us. We'll be here whenever you have a chance, and feel like posting. Melt Method helped me with a lot of my aches and pains. It was recommended by my physical therapist. (I have no association with Melt Method.). Please try to relax and take one day at a time. Try not to put pressure on yourself. Things will eventually fall into place for you. I've been there. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers. You can do this.

  18. Dear Charlestongirl,

    For every one of us who is actually posting a comment, there are probably hundreds more who feel the same, but who are just too shy to write. But, whether we comment or not, please know that we all wish you the strength, stamina, and positive energy that full recovery requires. And, recover you will, Charlestongirl! So, rest up, pamper yourself, let other people help you for a change, and when you do have some free time, spend it doing something you love; something that gladdens your heart and lifts your spirit.

    Your blog is one of the most delightful diversions in the beauty blogosphere and I'm sure we'd all miss you if you needed to take an extended leave as you did with your previous knee surgery. We certainly understand, though, and you saw how quickly we all flocked back when you resumed posting so don't let "loss of readers" deter you from taking the time--however little or however much--you need to regain your health and restore your equilibrium.

    Wishing you night after night of uninterrupted sleep, productive work to occupy that busy brain of yours, time to enjoy the bounty and beauty around you, and a cadre of loving and supporting people to help you muddle through this difficult and painful time in your life. You're the greatest, Charlestongirl!

  19. Aww, Charleston Girl! You should never have to apologize or feel bad for needing to take care of yourself and stepping away from the blog. It is a hobby, not a must! I appreciate all your work and love reading what you have to write daily, but your well being always comes first! You've actually been posting almost daily, I think, which, given your hectic and busy life lately, is a huge feat!

    I'm very sorry to hear about all the medical issues you're dealing with right now. I wish you swift recovery and may things all work out in the end for you.

    Come back when you can and if you feel like it. We'll all be here! :)

  20. Hi Charleston Girl,

    I'm just echoing all the messages that are already here: look after yourself and take the time needed to recover your health.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Anna in Edinburgh;-)

  21. How awful! I hope you are able to get some relief soon. Rest up and take it easy--the blogging can wait!

  22. Rest and recover CG. I am a loyal reader. I appreciate your blogging voice, and learn a lot from your very detailed and authentic reviews. You have influenced my purchasing decisions more than just about any other factor- being in my 50 ' s has the advantage of becoming immune to advertising and sales associate spiels. If you were to offer even one post per month, highlighting a single exceptional item, I would probably run out and buy it. Some of the other blogs out there seem to chase each others' tails, reviewing the same stuff they got for free for "consideration." It is hard and expensive work to post a quality review of a luxury item every day. You do a great job, and if you need to dial back, your faithful followers will still be there.

  23. As someone with back, knee, and shoulder problems I can sympathize. Your health comes first, so don't worry about it. You post more than a lot of other bloggers anyway. I wish you health and wellness!

  24. Sorry to hear about your fall and your injuries. My dear, you have loyal readers who won't fleet in your absence, so do everything that is necessary to get yourself back in tip-top shape. Only well-wishes through this journey of yours....

  25. Please please take care of yourself. We will be here when you get back. On top of all your pains and frustrations you do not ned to worry about us at all. When you are tired, you are tired. Lay down, relax. We will be thinking of you and wishing you the best!

  26. Hi CG,
    I hope you feel better soon. Take the time you need. Your fans will always be here. Love your blog all the way up in Canada!!!!

    Big Hugs,
    Joanne ~ VancouverChic

  27. Just take care of yourself. We'll be here when and if you post. You've got a unique voice in the beauty blogging world that I always enjoy reading :-)

  28. CG - Please take care of yourself.

  29. Hey Charleston Girl! I'm sorry to hear about all that you're going through. Hang in there and take care of yourself. Your readers will for sure still be here! Sending you a giant hug!!

  30. As Eileen saidthere are many readers out here and all want the best for yoyu and for you to feel comfortable taking time you need, we will be here

  31. CharlestonGirl, please take care of yourself and do not feel guilty about time spent away from blogging. We will all be here for you whenever you are able to post. It would be great if you could keep us updated about your condition so we can offer support but please do not worry about not doing beauty reviews. If you miss a collection or two (or more if need be) it is not going to end the world ( and think of the money you will save!). Please take care of yourself. Take a warm bath, get a massage and by all means get one of the neighborhood kids to shovel next winter. Drop by the local high school to find someone if you have to. My nephew loves to shovel his neighbors out but unfortunately he lives in MA. I am so sorry about the pain you are feeling. I ache for you.

  32. Hello Charleston Girl!
    I am sorry to hear of your pain and suffering and do hope you will feel better very soon.
    The best you can do is take care of yourself and we will always be nearby, patiently and enthusiastically waiting to hear from you or read one of your informative posts!
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery during this troubling time.

    Take care-

  33. I'm new to your blog and I love it. I am around your age and have had spinal fusion, 1 hip replacement and BOTH shoulders replaced. I have both rheumatoid and inflammatory I share your pain. The road has been long and knees are prob. next. You are overwhelmed and for good reason. These chronic conditions are awful and never seem to get better.
    But you seem like a very strong woman and you will make it through this challenging time. Take care and I wish you the best.

  34. Let me guess...Inova Fairfax? Lol! :):)

  35. I'm so sorry to hear that you are having so much pain CG. Take time to take care of yourself and try not to worry about whether you can blog as much as you used to. We'll still all be here whenever you decide to post again. We Virgo's put too much pressure on ourselves sometimes.

  36. Please don't worry about us! Take care of yourself and get well!

  37. From all the wonderful comments, you know that you are loved dearly and we all love your blog, but your health has to come first. You are having a really rough time health wise (something I can relate to) and it is amazing that you do so much. I didn't know London Beauty Girl had stopped blogging (sad). Take time to process all these health matters. I know that your blog gives you great pleasure but you can always reduce the number of blogs per week. Take care of yourself.

  38. So sorry that things are difficult right now. I have faith you will be ok. Post less and take care of yourself. We'll come back when you're here....

  39. We all feel for you! Please do what ever you need to do to get yourself on track. As Nike says' just did it'! And we will all be here when you get back. Put your trust in The Lord as He will never let you down. As hard as it is , pleaser try to stay positive. Those of us who have been in similar shoes, know that it takes time and patience to recover, so take your time and we will be here whenever you get back. Take your time, but know that we will miss you!

    Jaymakeup <@>

  40. Just want to add my well wishes to so many others! You take care of yourself, CG!

  41. Hi Charleston Girl
    Thinking of you with much empathy - pain is such a drain on the soul! Hope you are feeling a bit better soon & always enjoy your posts here down in Australia - don't mind if they are infrequent - take care of yourself & sending hugs & warm wishes.

  42. I love your blog, but your health is way more important. Please take care of yourself.

  43. CG, please take care of yourself! Like everyone else said, your health comes first. I hope that you're able to find some relief soon.

  44. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues.

    I also want to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. It takes me away from any difficulties in my own life and I love the way you write and review.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  45. Oh no, you really took a serious fall then :-( I hope your pain goes away soon... And don't feel like you need to apologize to us. We will still be here even if you take some time off to heal. X

  46. So sorry to hear of your health woes! I love reading your posts but taking good care of yourself comes first. We'll be here waiting when you're up to more.

    Hoping for a healthy recovery,
    Liza J

  47. Wow, it sounds like you're really going through a lot. I am very concerned about your falling, both on the ice and in the shower. Very scary, especially because you live alone. You really mustn't try to shovel snow anymore. Just the thought of it makes my back hurt. It's not worth the risk. There's got to be some high school boy in the neighborhood who'd like to make some money when it snows. Do you know why you fell in the shower? If you don't already, have some grab bars installed and get a little Japanese cypress stool from Wawaza to sit on. It's relaxing and you can just sit and let the water run over yourself, wash your feet, shave legs etc. without running the risk of falling. Have a non-skid mat inside the shower also. You really must look to prevent these falls before something even worse happens. Have you ever been checked for Parkinsons? It can creep up on one slowly for years without realizing that is what's making your balance be "off" and muscle weakness. Just ask your Dr. to be sure something else isn't going on here besides just an accidental fall. Please think/plan ahead towards setting up your home and outdoor spaces with safety in mind. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. You are an intelligent woman so I know if you'll take the time, you can be pro-active about making as sure as possible that you have no more falls. I don't mean to sound like you're getting old, I am going to be 58 in Sept. and have noticed that my driving is not as sharp as it used to be, mainly slower reaction time. I stay in the slow lane of the freeway and never speed or tailgate. It's just not worth it. I plan ahead and leave home with plenty of time to get to where I'm going. Being smart about things can prevent a lot of trouble. Take care and no more falling down! P.S. I'm a worry wart Virgo too.

  48. Hi CG:
    Sorry to hear that your injuries are so serious. Hope you get better soon. Shoulder replacement surgeries ARE done, but not as often as knee replacement surgeries since the knees carry a good part of the body weight and is more subject to stress and what not.Meredith's idea of a small stool sounds great too. Think I'll look into it.

  49. Hi CG:
    Hope you feel better soon from all of your injuries! Sorry for the belated comment! Shoulder replacement surgeries are done,except not as much as knee replacement surgeries,maybe for the reason that the knees take more stress with carrying/supporting the body. Meredith's idea of a shower stool sounds great. Take care!

  50. Sending you a huge HUG and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  51. I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner, CG, but apparently my spam folder has been squirreling your posts away, along with a few of my other favorite bloggers. It's amazing that at age 53, I can lose track of something, and not realize it's gone until several weeks later!
    😉Trying to give you a little laugh!
    Health issues can be so discouraging, but don't give up. You've got a lot of life left to lead and you might as well lead it bionicaly if you must. Put yourself and your mom as top priorities, and we'll all be here when you're ready to come back. Get well and be pain-free, my dear!


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