
Monday, May 5, 2014

A Question for E-Mail Subscribers

Recently, one of my faithful readers, MamaVal, stopped getting her daily e-mails from Best Things in Beauty. She had to remedy the problem by resubscribing.

I read over the weekend on a site for bloggers that Feedburner, the mail service I use, has become increasingly unreliable. Some bloggers felt that up to 1/3 of their readers were not receiving the blog e-mails - and that for some reason, many had started to go to the spam box.

I have also read that Yahoo and AOL have implemented a DMARC change that is bouncing certain e-mails. All of those factoids put together makes me wonder if my e-mail subscribers are getting daily e-mails from Best Things in Beauty (on days when I write).

I know, after a week off, that it may be a bad time for me to ask you for feedback, but I have to make a decision on sticking with Feedburner, which I fear Google is no longer supporting at all, or moving to a different service.

Would you please leave a comment and let me know if you are receiving e-mails from the blog regularly? Or not? I receive them between 4:00 and 5:00 pm ET. Remember that I didn't write last week when Mom was in the hospital.

Thanks much! Your feedback will help me decide whether I have to make a change.

P.S. I'll be back later with a piece from Chanel Summer. I may not make the feed deadline.

Photo courtesy of


  1. I am in the UK and they are there first thing in the morning, so arrive overnight. I am Outlook.

  2. Hi! i am still getting your emails:)

    Hope all is well with you and your mother!

  3. Hi! I'm not subscribed to your blog by e-mail but I can say that in the last 2 weeks I'm not receiving any e-mail updates of the blogs that I'm subscribed...:( I know that there are more people with this problem so probably people that are subscribed to your blog by e-mail are not receiving updates.

  4. I have found my emails from you to be somewhat sporadic. I read the blog as a matter of practice anyway, but have noticed some inconsistence. So glad your mother is better.

  5. I get the emails.....but sometimes, not until the day after a post. Not always, but sometimes. But for every post, I've gotten an email.

    I'm a fairly new subscriber.....thanks for all your information. I've already tried brands I'd never even heard of, and enjoyed many new products based on your reviews.

    Also, I recently moved from Northern VA (the Reston/Herndon area) and it gives me a bit of "home" to read your blog, hearing of your favorite shopping haunts. Miss that place so much!

  6. Hi CG- Nope, no emails past 2-3 weeks & prior to that I'd find them in my spam on Yahoo. I added you to my address book which allowed one email to arrive, but then complete "radio silence".
    If I comment thru my gmail account and click for notifications- those will come thru (on gmail).
    Otherwise I've been visiting your website to check for postings when I can.

  7. I am one that does not receive your blog postings all the time or it appears in my spam box. After a few times I thought I somehow was not subscribed so I went to subscribe again only to get the message that I was already subscribed to this blogger.

    I did not receive your blog posting yesterday or today. When this happens I will go directly to your website and read from the homepage as you are my favorite blogger and I do not like to miss postings. I am so glad your mom is doing much better!

  8. Just received and received every day

  9. Hi
    I get them between 4 and 5 pm here eastern time zone
    And no problems so far.

    I hope your mom is doing better

  10. I have been receiving all your emails and use AOL. That said, I frequently check a link to your website and read the posts before the email arrives. Just can't wait to read the latest!

  11. I'm in Spain and I'am a subscriber. Sometimes I don't receive the email, but I read your blog everyday with or without email. So, it's not a big problem for me.

  12. I continue to receive your emails, however I have not received, at all, other emails that I have signed up for on Feedburner. I assumed that my computer was blocking emails from Bergdorf's, Neiman Marcus etc. but now I'm beginning to wonder if Feedburner is the problem. I'm very pleased that I receive yours!

  13. I've had no problems.

  14. No issues here...Hope your Mother is doing better :)

  15. I have not received them regularly since your Mom went to the hospital. By the way, I hope she is better.

  16. I have not been receiving them since your Mom was in the hospital.

  17. I'll assume that you have my feedback. And I'd add that the changes they've made or are making are NOT working, since blogs I've received for years are showing up in spam or vanishing altogether!

  18. I receive the emails at pretty much the same time each day. I use Gmail.

  19. Hello Charleston Girl, I am receiving your posts by email, with no apparent difficulty. I use Yahoo Email.
    Prayers and Blessings for both you and your Mother.
    Warmly, Chris in Florida

  20. I usually get your emails by 3:00 pm and I live in Kansas .
    Hope all is well with your Mom..

  21. I get emails regularly, no problem.

  22. I get the emails usually around 2:00 Pacific time.

  23. I receive them daily. I use gmail.

  24. All of the emails arrive without delay. best wishes for your Mother's health and yours.

  25. I use AOL and I usually receive your emails. HOw is your Mother?

  26. Thanks, all. It sounds like most of you are receiving the e-mails.

    Mom gets a little stronger every day. She is home and getting intravenous antibiotics every day. Walks better each day. Glad to be home! Probably not 100% out of danger yet, but she is on a low-residue diet to prevent further blockage. Thank you, my sweet friends, for asking!

  27. Yes, I'm still receiving your emails. I hope your mom gets better soon.

  28. Hi CG:
    I got your earlier email about the Chanel products. Hope your Mom is doing better.

  29. I am still receiving daily emails.

  30. I am receiving emails. Hope things are going well for you and your Mom--

  31. I receive all your emails and love your blog!

  32. Hi CG, I receive your daily emails but I follow you on Bloglovin so I'll never miss your posts. I was sure sorry about your mom. Mine experienced an intestinal obstruction too - painful, but thankfully treatable. My best thoughts to you and your mom.

  33. I use aol and I do get your emails pretty regularly when you post. Yay to mom getting stronger!

  34. I'm still getting your emails. :)

  35. I have had no trouble receiving your emails. Glad to hear your mom is improving!

  36. I get them - but strangely they have been in my Spam folder for a few weeks now.

  37. I keep getting them.
    Hope you and your mom are doing well.

  38. I am from Uruguay and I wake up with them always!
    dani ♥

  39. I do receive your emails, but some have slipped into the 'spam' files. I have Yahoo email and it has done this to several of the email feeds I receive.

  40. I do receive regularly here in South Africa via Gmail, thank you.

  41. I am getting your posts regularly and want to take this opportunity to let you know how much I enjoy your blog.

  42. Hi CG, I am getting the email notifications regularly. I appologize for not commenting sooner, but I read your post from my iphone and tried to comment immediately iphone is old and outdated. Lately it has been giving me grief. Thanks for being here with all you have going on. I read (or check) you daily but have less time to comment lately.

    Take care, Denise at aeiokid at gmail dot com

  43. I am receiving them just fine in Canada

  44. I have not received an email in a while. I thought you had taken some time off and I missed that notation. Today I set out to find some columns to read, and I found this. So yes, I will sign up again. Sorry you're having so many issues. But, I'll be glad to be back on board again. I've missed you.

  45. Yes, CG, I still get them.

  46. Have not received an email since 4/20, not even in spam folder. Even before that it was becoming irregular.

  47. Anonymous, this is bizarre. Most people are getting the e-mails. May I suggest you re-subscribe? Then let me know if that worked?

    I am looking into Mail Chimp as an alternative, but given the crazy to-do list I have with Mom's hospitalization follow-up, it may take me time to switch over.

    Resubscribing worked for MamaVal. This weekend, I'm going into that list to clear out more subscriptions that were never verified. I wonder if that will help.

    1. When attempting to resubscribe, it says I am already subscribed. The same situation occurs with three other blogs I follow that are (were??) supported by Feedburner.

      This information is just to provide feedback so you know what is going on with Feedburner. I am certainly not trying to create any more work for you with your busy life! I enjoy reading your blog and find your product recommendations and swatches to be helpful, so I will continue to read your blog, email update or no.

  48. Thank you for asking. No I don't receive all updates (emails) of your posts. Using yahoo..

  49. ARGH! Anonymous 8:55: try adding BTiB as a contact. That helped me.


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