
Friday, May 30, 2014

You Can Now Subscribe to Best Things in Beauty using FeedBlitz

I selected "FeedBlitz" to manage my subscription and other feeds. I decided it was the most reliable option available to us. I have implemented the subscription e-mail feed. You may have received an e-mail this evening giving you the opportunity to continue to subscribe to Best Things in Beauty e-mails or opt out.

I am getting a few opt-out notices, and I'll miss you. Some of those opting out have been subscribers for many months - even years. That's OK. There are other ways to read. I have already gained one new subscriber. Bless your heart, I love you!

I was only able to recover subscriptions that were in place at the end of 2013. If you subscribed in 2014, you will need to resubscribe, using the option in the upper right corner of my sidebar. I'm sorry to those who recently unsubscribed then resubscribed to try to make Feedburner work. You will have to do it one more time. I had no idea that the e-mails were not going out because Feedburner had lost all my subscribers, even myself - just poof and they were gone. I hope you will re-subscribe. I seem to have lost hundreds of subscribers in one feel swoop. I'm sure some of them were 2014 subscribers, but I have no idea where the others went. Feedburner may have been losing them incrementally over time.

Please also note that if you subscribed in 2013, but did not verify your subscription with Google, it was included in the 2013 file. I had no way to sort them out.

The industry has known that Feedburner was on its last legs. Although a Google product, there is "no one home" anymore. I'm disappointed in Google for not announcing it was killing what was left of its service. Many bloggers depended on it. I will have to figure out how to cut all ties to Feedburner over the weekend.

In the meantime, subscribers can expect to receive your e-mails between 4:00 and 7:00 pm Eastern Time every day. Thank you for your loyalty.

Photo courtesy of FeedBlitz


  1. I'm glad you're making the change, because I've still had problems with not receiving your posts. You are one of THE ONLY beauty bloggers I follow because you know your stuff! Thanks for the hard work to bring us the best.

  2. Hi CG, It it likely that I am included in that lost subscriber statistic because I no longer have the email address I had subscribed with. Just a coincidence, but it was cancelled about the same time you lost Feedburner. So I am resubscribing with another email address. Just wanted you to know I still check your posts daily and always did with or without the emails. I'm so glad you're still here. Many bloggers and YouTubers that I have followed over the years are slowly disappearing.

    Denise at aeiokid at gmail dot com

  3. Cg, Bowe Bergdahl, the young soldier I commented about in your Memorial Day feature, has been freed after 5 years in custody!!!! Now for that military dog!

  4. Hi CG - I received an email notification on your MAC blush post this afternoon. I have been on your email list for a long time. Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know. Thanks for working do diligently for your readers!

  5. Hi CG:
    Thanks for updating folks about your problems with Google. I just noticed an email from you about the "Giorgio Armani Beauty Rouge d'Armani Sheer Lipstick from the Bright Ribbon Collection for Summer 2014" in my "suspect email" box (this is earthlink)as coming from your gmail address. Do you want me to disregard any gmail coming for you and go with "Feedburner".Please clarify.
    I always look forward to seeing your posts as that they are spot on and really quite interesting and informative.


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