
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Le Métier de Beauté 2014 VIP Program

You know I love Le Métier de Beauté, but, seriously, would you spend $348 on a bet - a bet that you will like the surprise monthly, "curated" full-sized product or assortment of products shipped to you if you pay to join the VIP program? "As an added bonus, Vault VIP Subscription shipping is free" (woo hoo). All you have to do is sign up, receive your complimentary gift, and anticipate 12 exciting months of Le Métier de Beauté surprises.

Savor the perks of insider access and start discovering beauty with us.  How? Receive the following...
  • One full-sized item or an assortment of items shipped to you at the beginning of every month
  • Curated mix of our favorite color, skin care, pre-release sneak peaks, lab previews, and vault exclusives
  • Receive a bonus gift just for signing up
I'm sorry, but $348 is a lot of money to me. If I sign up, it's predetermined that I will receive palettes created by Mikey for West Coast beauties who love wearing red or plum on their eyelids, or whatever is left over in the stock room. I'm gullible, but not that gullible.

I have a better idea for Le Métier de Beauté. Introduce some new products at your store counters. Stop this exclusive, online surprise of the month program. You want to run an online vault? Offer the products and let us choose whether we purchase them - or not.

As I said, I love the company, but I don't think this is the best way to win long-term customers. It reminds me of a carnival game. What do you think?

Photo courtesy of Le Métier de Beauté


  1. I have been thoroughly disenchanted with Le Métier de Beauté the past two years or so. They've gone from innovative and imaginative to ho-hum and predictable. When it comes to color products, they've been producing more misses than hits. No brand produces a stellar collection with every passing season, but LMdB has not even been coming close. It's such a shame. I jumped on the LMdB bandwagon back in the day when they were a Bergdorf exclusive. They were cutting edge and didn't try to appeal to the masses. They knew their client was a woman who liked to play, to innovate, to create. Now? Uninspiring and lacking in originality, they seem to have lost their way. RIP, indeed!

  2. 100% agree with you, CG! What's up with LMdB? Their stock in local NM is never updated, the stock at my local Nordie is practically non-existence, and each time they send about this subscription-style promo. I wonder actually if the company has gone down financially that they need to SECURE customers by buying their future purchases (i.e. subscription)? That is a v. common business model that I see here in smaller businesses.

    Anyhow, of course I doubt that LMdB would admit anything but please, please re-stock items or with the plethora of beauty companies out there, it'll be just soon forgotten. People WILL move on to other brands that are more "out there."

  3. I think this is ridiculous, as are all of their counter-exclusive kaleidoscopes. I stopped buying from them long ago because of these kinds of things.

  4. Well said. I thought the same thing. I'm not willing to gamble on something in spite of my love for this brand. We lost our LMdB counter at the Neiman Marcus in the Seattle area. Therefore, I'm now making guesses on my purchases regarding color. I miss the counter and the excellent makeup artists who represented the line.

  5. THANK YOU, CG! Well said. Their campaign is ridiculous and if it continues they have lost me forever. I now buy CHANEL almost exclusively and it used to be the other way around. Thank you! And LMDB should know that their talented artists, like Mikey, and your Michael, were the BIG DRAWS FOR THE EYE KITS THEY CREATED! Not this low rent trash.

  6. Nope - I've never been impressed with any of the few items I've purchased, so this is a no go for me!

  7. I did the first one and have not felt it was worth it. While yes I received more than what I paid I have not been overly impressed. The shipments have been slower to come the last few months and oh hum at best. I am not going to do it again.

  8. No way never! That is nuts. I am also disappointed in LMdB. My favorite eyeshadow ever, Corinthian was out of stock forever, and when it finally came back I was so excited, only to receive it and find that it is not quite the same, the formula is less buttery, more powdery, and most disappointingly, the finish is different :( less metallic, more frosty. Huge bummer. Has anyone else has the same experience? Hoping maybe I got a bad batch or something.

  9. I agree with you. 348 dollars is a lot to fork out at one sitting. I am sure we all have more makeup than we can handle. This is eye candy. I only own one kaleidoscope.
    Thanks for all your reviews.

  10. It's too much money for a guess, at best. Plus, I just haven't been all that impressed. For my money, the gorgeous palettes at Chantecaile are a best bet! Thx for the heads up.

  11. I'm not even sure the complimentary gift is for this time around- on their Facebook someone had posted the description was from last August's sign ups. They changed it and no mention of a gift.

    Like you and your commenters, I am disappointed in LMdB too. Why do we have to ask about delays in our monthly shipments? What's wrong with a little communication?

  12. Oh, I am so glad that I am not alone in thinking this was a bad idea. I was on the fence for a bit. Because when LMDB is good, they are very, very good. And when they are bad, they are meh! Thank you CG for once again for speaking with clarity.

  13. I'm pretty settled in my color choices for lips' eyes and cheeks. Not too adventurous like those 20 something women out there. But I do love some of their eye shadow colors like Chameleon. Can't find another brand with the same color. Does anyone know if they discontinued the eyeshadow color "Mulberry"? It was a matte color and i'm really into mattesvst this time.

  14. I've checked out LMdB at our Neiman's here in Bellevue, WA but have not liked the few items I've purchased. Now the counter is gone, like Louisa said. Sounds to me like they're going down financially. I certainly wouldn't shell out this kind of money for who-knows-what. I remain a Chanel and Guerlain junkie.

  15. After being able to buy their products at huge discounts at Off 5th (Saks outlet as they discontinued the line) I found that what I was receiving really didn't have the value expected nor were many of the 2013 program items of interest to me. I would also find many of their items from the VIP program on eBay. I'd rather skip the products I don't want and just focus on what I do want. Probably will go back to Sisley and Revive for skin care.

  16. Forgot to mention that I worry about their financial stability too as each of the past three months their monthly box shipped later and later. Still waiting for my June box. Delays, especially without communication, are never a good sign.

  17. I did the VIP program the first year and loved it. There was only one month that was a bust, and I discovered several of their skincare items that I'm not sure I would have spent full price on. So for me, it was definitely worth it. Perhaps the program is geared more towards those who have had less exposure to LMdB products, and the discovery aspect worked quite well for me. They are now firmly established on my radar and I've become a fan.

    I'm up in the air about the second year, more from the "overloaded with product" standpoint than anything. I will miss it if I don't sign up again, however, as I really enjoyed getting that box each month.

  18. Did I accidentally delete a comment? If so, my sincere apologies! Can you try again? Please!

  19. I agree with almost every comment. The Neiman's in Northbrook, I'll. almost never has a counter person at LMDB and the stock looks very depleted. And what is available is never new. Why bother if there are so many other quality brands to buy from knowledgeable staff?
    So not for me.

  20. The few products I purchased from their "vault" were great, their brushes are beautiful, too. But their "Couche de color" way of applying their Kaleidescopes was just a marketing ploy...the layers just made my eyes look bruised!! If every woman can't repeat the technique, then what good is it? No other make-up artist applies color to lids that way. If it was really so fabulous, everyone would be doing it. Any make-up artist that applies my make-up wants me to be able to repeat the look at home! After seeing the way they marketed that, I lost interest in them. I felt I couldn't "trust" them for lack of a better word. So, no way would I pay $384 up front for products I have no idea I like or need.

  21. The few products I purchased from LMDBs vault sales were great. Their brushes are beautiful also. But, when I purchased one of their Kaleidescopes and applied it with the "couche de color" technique, my eyes looked awful. They looked bruised. That "couche de color" is just a marketing technique, and if a woman can't reproduce the look on herself, what good is it? No other artist applies eye color that way. Any time a make-up artist has applied my make-up, they want me to be able to reproduce it at home. So, after that experience, I have been wary of LMDB. And I'd never give $384 in advance for products I don't know if I want or need.

  22. I participated in the first year and I really liked it. I found that I more than got my monies worth and their customer service amazed me when I was sent a complexion product that was too dark for me. They responded quickly and sent me product in a shade suited to my skin tone. While I am concerned by the lack of social media activity and diminishing retail presence, I will really miss that box every month if I don't subscribe again. I have to be concerned with the value and for me, this was great!

  23. The problem is that LMdB filed for bankruptcy a few months ago. I stumbled across that in public record while searching for a customer service phone number online (a number is nowhere to be found, btw). It is a chapter 11 bankruptcy though, which often means restructuring to try to keep the company intact. I am hopeful that it will work out and the bankruptcy court affords them some relief so that they can stay in business because I do love many of their products. But I suspect that is why the quality and communication have fallen off as of late.

  24. Anonymous, that is true. I found the filing online in Feb. however, they have emerged, reorganized, I'm told, so they need to get it together now.


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