
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish all of my readers a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2016.

Photo courtesy of unknown


  1. Happy New Year to you too, CG! Just ordered the new Guerlain you featured. I have been having serious issues with CHANEL, so your recent Guerlain post was timely. Many of you may have noticed that some of the products CHANEL says are part of a new collection never appear. This happened most recently with the new LA Sunrise spring collection. The star of the show was the Tisse Beverly Hills eye quad, but it did not appear with the launch of that collection. Instead, CHANEL substituted an old quad from its initial Tisse release of some years back. There was a similar issue with the recent holiday collection. A Rouge Noir nail polish did not appear and CHANEL subbed in Vamp. With the earlier Blue Rhythm collection, both new quads arrived defective. What's going on with CHANEL I do not know, but I can tell you that they have no respect for their American customer. When I contacted CHANEL Wednesday to ask when the Tisse Beverly Hills would be released, the response evaded my query. I persisted. Another rep told me the Tisse BH was on backorder. All I had to do, she said, was hit the backorder button and put it in my bag. No go. The backorder bar simply said there was no such product for that code.
    Another rep said the BH quad was now available and sent me a link to it. No go. Nothing they recommended worked. They told me they had called me but my iPhone had never rung. Turns out the number they'd used was not the one I'd put in my contact message to them. Are you exhausted yet? There's more. I gave them the correct # and they called, telling me they'd "walk me through" the order procedure. By that time I put my patience-of-Job husband on the line with them. Every thing they told him to do failed with them in the same way it had failed with us. Maybe I should sign on to receive their emails, they said; I told them I'd done that long ago, but never had I received an email about Tisse BH. They said I should go to my favorite CHANEL counter and get a beauty analyst to assist me. I responded that my nearest CHANEL counter was 200 miles away and I do a better job with makeup than any counter analyst could ever do. In short, it was so painfully obvious to me that CHANEL does not know what it sells, has reps who know nothing, and that the whole shebang is so out of touch with its American customers that it can no longer service them. So now it's Guerlain and, I HOPE, LMDB!

  2. Nemo, I put your comment on the Guerlain feature! Sorry!

    My Chanel folks told me that the quad did not ship with the rest of the collection. They have left its space in the display empty. They weren't pleased either, but sometimes around the holidays, contractors don't come through as promised. The quad is scheduled to arrive in January.

    I hate it when sales associates put some random substitute in a display. I'm sorry to hear you had that experience.

    Vamp was actually re-released by popular demand.

    January 1, 2016 at 5:54 PM Delete

  3. Nemo, one more thing...why don't you use my Chanel people. They know what they are doing. Send me an e-mail if you want contact info.

  4. Nemo, a Chanel regional manager wants to contact you. I hope that will be OK with you.

  5. Happy New Year to you, too, Dear CG! I wish you a happy and healthy new year ahead and all the best!

  6. Happy New Year to you and my fellow readers! Hopefully 2016 will be a magical year for us, a nice change of pace from last year which was rough on many counts. I hadn't planned it but I made my first makeup purchase for 2016 - the spring Dior illuminating powder in Glowing Nude. It sparkled in front of me and well, sparkly goes with New Year's. lol Yup, I can justify it all.

    Best wishes to you all!

  7. Gosh, Evelyn! I have to get to a store to see that. The Dior sells out fast here.

    Sparkly is so pretty at night!

  8. Happy New Year to you also, Charleston Girl! It's so wonderful to see that you are posting again!

  9. Happy New Year! I am so glad that you are posting again.

    Thank you for the info on the Chanel Tissé Beverly Hills quad. I have been wondering why there are no reviews of it that I can find. And it's created a funny dilemma for me: it's now available to order in Canada, but, without seeing and reading about it virtually, I am reluctant to buy it. We don't have it locally yet. I feel as though my hands are tied! Isn't that odd?

    I wish all the best to you and your mother, CG, in this new year.

  10. I am so late to these comments, but have read your new postings just today. I am SO VERY glad you are back. I have counted on your reviews of many makeup products before buying, and never have been "mis-swayed." (What a word! I made it up!) Mostly, though, I am writing to encourage you to continue blogging. Your voice is always so lovely and truthful. Also, I want to sympathize with you concerning aches & surgeries, and your aging mother. As a lifelong Southerner, I can say with all sincerity, BLESS YOUR HEART. Welcome back...hopefully for a long, long time.

  11. Heads up, ladies! Start saving for Tom Ford's spring collection. Sneak peaks appeared on Chic Profile today. There are 8 "patent finish" lipsticks that come in a pen-type format, 8 cream eyeshadows, 6 eyeliners--I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it! LOL

    Happy New Year everyone!

  12. Eileen,
    I have my eyes on one of them. Sabrina swatched them all, I think.

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