
Friday, February 5, 2016

The Friday Forum - February 5

I know this looks like a Christmas post, but I wanted to talk about the value of planing holly trees. Not only do they provide shelter for birds, they provide food. This year, when our birds couldn't get through the snow to smaller plants, they cleaned out the holly berries. I planted a whole border of hollies when I moved in here, and I also planted a Foster Holly on the southern side of my house. Those berries are prized by robins and migrating cedar waxwings. If you need a tree that provides beauty for you and food and lodging for animals, please plant hollies.

This week, I wasn't able to write as often as I would have liked. I spent an entire day on Mom's doctor visits and lab work. Then the next day it rained. I got pretty wet picking up her prescriptions, and, of course, I couldn't take photos. I was able to post yesterday, the day I went over to Neiman Marcus to teach a friend how to use Instagram. Today, we have very cold sunshine. I hope to get some photos shortly.

I also had a couple of preliminary job interviews by phone and hope one comes through. I am ready to go back to work. Charlie will be lonesome, though. I wish I could work at home.

I was able to see and test some new items. I must tell you about Le Métier de Beauté's new skin care, introduced in time for Neiman Marcus' Beauty Event. The tote this year comes in gold and orange. Although I'm not an "orange person," I'd love to have the orange one. It looks like Hermès.

Chanel has a gorgeous new line of slim lipsticks. I must also feature them. There's one shade that's perfect for me. I'm told that the Dior items have blown out of the store. As usual, Dior sent only three of each SKU. How do they expect to sell makeup to women who want to try before they buy? I just don't get it.

Speaking of Le Métier de Beauté, they have a fabulous Kaleidoscope that will be a gift with a $350 purchase for women. I have an in-store photo, but I'd rather freeze and go outside to get proper photos.

FeedBlitz has been having trouble with its e-mail notifications. I don't think you saw my post yesterday on TATCHA's new lipstick unless you were browsing. They say they are back to normal now, so I hope you will see my "new post" notice today. You may be notified of two features. I have to photos from Chantecaille's Spring 2016 Collection, and I'll be writing it up shortly. Save your spring beauty money!

It's time for The Friday Forum. The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope you are ready to share.

I'll be back soon.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Hi...The Tatcha lipstick post came across beautifully for me...just FYI. I want to thank Eileen for steering me in the right direction on the Dior Illuminators. I called the nearest Dior boutique (in a city 50 miles away!) on 2/4/16, and believe it or not, they had one of the new pink ones left. I bought it over the telephone and will pick it up next Tuesday (my 60th birthday) when I go to that city. I'll need some extra oomph that day, because I'm a tad antsy about turning big 6-0. I know I'll go straight to the car, open it up, and put some on my cheekies! Thanks for the good advice, E.

  2. Hi JW,

    Congratulations! I'm so glad you were able to acquire the new Dior highlighter. It is simply stunning and can be worn soft and diffused or as a full on gleaming spotlight. I adore mine and have gotten so much use out of it. I typically sweep it on in a C shape so that it highlights my brow bones and cheekbones. For a soft and subtle glow, I use my Wayne Goss #14. It feathers it on and looks beautiful even in the mid-day sun. For an amped up evening look, I use one of my ancient Hakuhodos. The number on the handle is long gone and heaven knows what I'd do if I ever needed to replace this blue squirrel masterpiece. In any event, it is a denser, fuller brush than the Wayne Goss but it is every bit as soft and applies the highlighter without disturbing the rest of my makeup. By the way, I'm 71 and when I wear it as a diffused daytime glow, I don't have problems with it emphasizing the uneven texture that simply goes with aging. When I wear it heavier for evening, I have to be a bit more mindful about placement but it's nothing that using a good brush can't handle.

    No need to feel antsy about 60. Just smile and keep rockin' on :-) Although my "day in the sun" is long gone, I still consider myself a force to be reckoned with! LOL One of the things I love most about Charlestongirl's blog is that it attracts such a diverse group of intelligent and thoughtful readers. So, let's hear it for sisters-in-beauty of all ages! Happy birthday, JW!

  3. Happy birthday, JW! Sixty is a milestone. I'd say 65 is more sobering. I'm so glad you got the pink highlighter! Couldn't they ship it to you for free? I'm not sure I'd drive that far for makeup. :)

  4. Thanks, Eileen! I think I have the best readers on Earth.

    I'm lucky. My facial texture is even too. Of course, I use great products to keep it that way.

    I wish we could all sing a chorus of Happy Birthday to JW! She's a youngster. :)


  5. Hi Charlestongirl,

    I smiled when I read your comment about 60 and 65. My husband sailed through 60 without a single thought, but he's turning 65 this year (he calls me his cougar ;-) ) and ARRP and every Medicare supplemental program provider is coming out of the woodwork with advertisements about plans, insurance, and funeral packages!

    You are right about good skin care. A well hydrated, clean, clear, relatively smooth canvas makes the perfect base for the beautiful makeup we love so much. Good skincare and sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen :-)

  6. I haven't told you yet how happy I am that you are back!!!!!!
    I turned 50 last year and actually just started using highlighters. I love them but people might wonder who is that shiny person there. :) I don't care, got both the pink and the nude Dior highlighter. Here in Holland they still had them every where.
    Have a great weekend ladies. I am so happy with all of you because here its mostly early 20 beauty blogs!

  7. Thank you, Gerda!

    I usually use my highlighters with a light hand, fluffy brush, and never over smile lines. They work perfectly that way.

    You were so lucky to find easy access to those Dior products! Here, it has been a hunt.

    In the United States, most beauty blogs are written by youngsters, and I share little in common with most of them. Check out my right-side sidebar for blogs that are not written by teenagers.

    I was very sorry that I had to delete a few this week. Several wonderful bloggers took a long break (with notice) or quit entirely. When/if they come back, I will re-add them.


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